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Excellent article from London
Michael Cox of the London School of Economics.
By way of TalkingPointsMemo, word picture, if you will.
Narcissists all.
9/11 vs. 7/7 Local Time
8:46 Flight 11 hits North Tower
8:51 Norwood explosion
9:03 Flight 175 hits South Tower
8:56 Aldgate explosion
9:37 Flight 77 hits Pentagon
9:17 Edgware explosion
10:06 Flight 93 crashes
9:47 Explosion on bus at Tavistock Square
Whatever made you think of connecting those, Boo?
Flight 77. 7/7.
struck me that the attacks were spaced out at the same time of day.
to the murderers, “You have not killed the powerful, you killed ordinary working people.”
That’s seems to be the target of their mad means to a mad end.