I am stealing this Daily Kos diary from redstatewoes and posting it here. It’s called Some surprises at the OH-02 debate tonight.
This diary is regarding the debate between Republican Jean Schmidt and the Democrat challenger Paul Hackett. You can read more about the debate here.
Thank you Newsie8200 for your GREAT comment that led me to all of the links.
Here is how you can help!
If you look at the debate, Paul Hackett won big time on the issues. He is young, attractive, Iraq Veteran, pro-gun, pro-choice and great for Ohio.
Jean Schmidt looks vulnerable. She made some comments in last nights debate that left the audience upset. From redstatewoes diary.
She informed the audience that she wants to create incentives to bring in Mega-Farms (there were gasps at this) because those bring in jobs. This was her biggest mistake, IMHO. This is a farming district and if you want to piss off a farmer, tell them you want to bring in a mega-farm.
She is also against stem-cell research, backed off of privatization of social security and used the London bombings as the reason to vote for her.
Here is where you can help. The election is August 2nd. That is only 3 weeks away. Spread the word about this candidate. The major disadvantage is that Paul Hackett has been outraised. You can make a contribution here. If you live in the area, please contact Paul Hackett to see if you can canvass, make phone calls, etc.
If you have any ideas how people can contribute from outside the area, please post some suggestions.
How incredibly callous.
It is sick how many of the republicans use this tactic when they have no other reason for people to vote for them. Although I must admit, if you see this woman, she is scary enough to frighten any terrorist.
The time when any Republican running for office could invoke the possibility of terrorism as a reason to vote for them is quickly running out, if it hasn’t already.
People are beginning to realize that the world is no safer now than it was on September 11, 2001.
I was thinking of adding Help me turn my Red State Blue on my signature and then link it to Paul Hackett’s website.
Should I add – Special election on August 2nd?
I want something clear, short and simple that reflects Ohio -Election August 2nd- with Paul’s name.
Oh – btw – Paul Hackett has a volunteer page on his website that you can sign up on.
Help turn Ohio Blue – support Paul Hackett for the Aug 2 elections!
I like the ‘turn my Red State Blue’ phrase, but people get riled up about Ohio in particular due to the election controversy, and coingate, etc, so I think it’s important to include the name of the state in there. I originally put ‘Support Paul Hackett on Aug 2!’ but then thought, that he is going to need support in addition to just voting, so I changed it to ‘for the Aug 2 elections’.
I like it. Here it goes!
Awesome! Glad I could help 🙂