It seems the the mainstream media is taking notice. We all know from our encounters with politicians on other sites that the politicians realize the blogs can be very beneficial.
You may find the linked article interesting. I know I did. It was found on Yahoo! News via Reuters
We have a powerful tool here and I for one would love to see us continue to expand our forum and make our voices even stronger. Any thoughts on this? Please share.
Interesting article. It’s nice to be recognized by those in politics, even though much of the media still looks down their noses at us. When future historians write about this dark time, and they will, I wonder how we will be remembered?
I would buy that book. All kidding aside, I feel proud to be part of this movement and we are making a difference. The 4th Estate in this country is in pitiful shape, just watch their coverage of the London bombings for 30 minutes. Already they’re throwing around al Zarqawi’s name like they know something we don’t. Bullshit. Sorry, where was I?
When I first discovered political blogging it was such a relief to be able to do something, even if it was just talk. Then I began to write and email and call and become an activist and now I’m ready to throw myself into volunteer work for upcoming elections. I’m on a few government lists, I’m sure… and proud of it. I think a lot of folks got involved in much the same way.
Yes, I too became involved during the election of 04 thanks to my son. He directed me to dkos and I too became more the activist. He evens kids, “My Mom, the activist”. If we all continue to pay attention and keep the fire to the feet of those in power this fabulous form of communicating can be an historic tool.
we look down OUR noses at the MSM! Blogs got me through the dark days after the election. I will be ever appreciative for that alone, as well as all the other gifts.
That is how I feel about the blogs I have become accustom to attending. I primarily post only here at Booman’s but I read a lot of other blogs also, including rightwinger sites. I like to know what they are saying about us, I don’t view them as an enemy, more like a contentious in law that somehow has gained the upper hand in my life and now wants to control every aspect of it.
I have become a much more vocal activist since the last election “fraud” err cycle and will continue to be a thorn in the side of the republican majority in my county as long as I can breath the free air of America the free.
I am sure I am on one or two government lists and you know they can have their lists and dossiers, for they can never silence the truth, as demonstrated by the falling of so many fascist and communistic regimes.
Blogs will ring the bells of freedom.
Thanks for your insightful input. I feel strongly about having my voice heard. If the time comes that this fascist regime in power rught now tries to take charge of the internet I will be screaming in fron of the WH gates.
Good catch, alohaleezy. Blogs are still in their infancy, so it will be interesting to see where they are in a year or two, as the technology evolves in ways that allow us to work smarter and more effectively.
Thanks Nanette. I was reading and caught this and felt everyone here would be interested. This diary is rapidly scrolling off the recents list. Oh well.
I recommended! I think it’s important to discuss what sort of tools they can be… me, I think they can be way more than just information centers, and have set up more of a think tank type thing, where ideas and policy can be introduced, discussed and hopefully make it to the stage of either being local legislation or something else.
At least, I have done this in theory ;). It’s yet to be tested out, but still.
I think there are sooooo many different applications that blogs and blog type things can have, with more stuff added all the time as people start tinkering (especially with open source/free culture software).
So, it’ll be a fun ride.
Exactly Nanette(and thanks for the recommend). If we could do a thin tank workshop on line or something similar and define and refine our issues and ideas to get those issues noticed or the reps to take on the cause or an amendment. I mean, jeez, the repubs have huge think tanks which are ongoing all the time. I want to do more, be more involved and I feel blogs will give us that opportunity.
Part of the reason I feel so strongly about protecting the integrity of a blog like this is so people of importance or influence will take us more seriously.
Well, what I’ve done is separated it out… I have software that allows me to do that, and can of course add on as needed. But I have set up now a section for Wonks/policy types, a section for Creative/idea generation types and a general community area for just general chat. The other areas being for specific chat.
I don’t know if it will work, or if even anyone will be interested in targeted, policy/goal oriented (to a point) discussions, as opposed to general news posting and such, but we’ll see. Will have one for women’s issues, labor, environment and all that as well. I’ll be putting those together this weekend. Oh, and Liberal Palooza’s research/fact sheet center which will be opening in a couple of weeks.
I’m hopeful that things like this (if it works), working in concert with sites like Booman, and MoveOn and so on, as well as local organizations/programs, can be very effective as local, national and international think tanks and action centers. Me, I don’t see why there shouldn’t be a (virtual, at least) think tank in every city ;).
And a chicken in every pot! (Tofu chicken, in some tho)
I would love to see something similar here. As one writes a diary there would be a specific place to post it in. We really need to have think tanks in every city, I agree. Even if it is virtual only.
Booman was at one time looking into categorization of the diaries. I think that it still in the planning and will add lots to how people can interact and all that. Or there was some other thing he was thinking of, can’t remember what, which also was a good way of doing things.
This would also help, probably, with the local area stuff and such, as well as things that are set for discussion and analysis that you can follow for days, if you want…, and other categories for news and events and all that.
It’ll all shake out eventually… I don’t know what all goes into doing that with Scoop, but as things grow and more funding comes in (programmers have to do it, apparently, whatever it is) hopefully we’ll see something like that.
Oh, and thanks! 🙂
Please let us know when the site is up and running.
It’s up! Second link on my sig line, The Progressive Focus Center. Well, the wonks, creatives and community blogs are up, one has to register to post a blog, not to post a comment. The others will be up Monday, for specifics like women, environment and so on.
Join in whenever you’d like… we need people to test out everything anyway… will be putting in a thing to make posting more simple as well, this weekend.
unfortunately weakens the ability to access the internet through other than corporate ISP centers. Who knows where life shall take us next, I do know that like Aloholeezy, if they try restricting my access to the internet and blogs, I too shall be heard in front to the white house and in front of every governement office that I can access to shout to the rooftops that government is taking away my first amendment rights of free speech.