Today has been a tough day. Many of us have reacted in a political fashion, and rightly so. But, I think we need to take a moment to get away from the politics and focus on the lives lost and the hundreds who have been wounded in London. Each person affected, along with their network of family and friends, needs support and caring. Unless we are personally able to do so or until a book of condolences is set up, perhaps we can use this as a platform to share our concern and compassion for now.
We must also acknowledge all who have suffered through such tragedies around the world, as this day has brought forward feelings that may be very difficult to cope with. I’ve had PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder) for 10 years now and I understand how triggers can set off memories that make a person feel as if they’re re-experiencing their trauma all over again. My trauma was not terrorist-related and I’m okay, other than experiencing profound sadness. Others may not be though.

If you need to talk about how this has affected you, please be assured that you will be respected by your fellow Tribbers here if you choose to do so. If you’ve been affected and choose not to post, please talk to someone you trust so you can deal with your feelings. You are not alone.

Again – just one rule. No politics. I know this may be difficult for some, but there are other diaries you can participate in that deal with the politics. This is about the deeply personal.

Thank you.