
            ~ Cross-posted from ◊ European Tribune ~

Update [2005-7-9 1:59:36 by Oui]:
US War Propaganda ¶ LONDON – It’s Al Zarqawi!

US War Propaganda, and the changing reasons for going to war in Iraq and to fuel the War against Terror.
1. Al Zarqawi linked to the London bombings: use of IEDs
2. Col. Sam Gardiner Nov 2003 ● America’s Ministry of Propaganda Exposed
3. Latest US twist voiced by Condoleezza Rice, it is a Clash of Civilization

US War Propaganda is becoming more important than fighting terror, explain our foreign policy or build a true coalition with partners for freedom. Not with partners in dictatorships or suppression like: Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Pakistan, Uzbekistan and other central Asia nations.

The ghost of Al Zarqawi has spread over London attacks – a witness claims Abu Musab was seen walking on his missing leg early Thursday morning. Explanation … a bit too much US propaganda in MSM.

US Probing Bomb Claim of al-Qaida Group
By Katherine Shrader, AP

WASHINGTON July 8, 2005 — Counterterrorism officials are taking seriously a claim by a little-known group calling itself “The Secret Organization of al-Qaida in Europe” that it staged the deadly attacks on the London transit system. Among theories investigators are pursuing is whether the group may be linked to Iraq’s terror chief, Abu Musab al-Zarqawi. Current and former government officials agree Thursday morning’s attacks were trademark al-Qaida: near-simultaneous explosions, using improvised [exploding] devices IED, aimed at Westerners.

A senior U.S. counterterrorism official acknowledged that the Internet posting by al-Qaida in Europe was considered a “potentially very credible” claim, in part because the message appeared soon after the attacks and didn’t appeared rushed.

Abu Musab Al-Zarqawi

More below the fold »»

Officials couldn’t say whether the organization behind Thursday’s posting — or the attacks — was considered part of the al-Qaida core answering to Osama bin Laden, an affiliate group receiving support from the main organization, or just an ideological cousin.

Clues also suggested that the rail and bus bombings might be linked to al-Zarqawi, who pledged allegiance to bin Laden last year after he successfully coordinated or executed dozens of grisly terror attacks in Iraq. Jordanian-born al-Zarqawi has indicated a desire to reach beyond Iraq and attack Western targets, and intelligence reports indicate bin Laden has encouraged him.

Vince Cannistraro, a former CIA counterterrorism chief, said links to al-Zarqawi were certainly possible. Britain’s domestic intelligence agency has known about operatives related to him inside the country for some time, including a cell that was disrupted in early 2003 making ricin in a London apartment.

But, Cannistraro said, sorting out the relationships is increasingly difficult because al-Qaida no longer has a topdown structure. “They are depending on affiliates and groups around the world. They encourage them, they send them money, but it is not like they can plan from Kandahar” in Afghanistan.

That base, he and others often remind, is gone.

After the fall of the Taliban in 2001, senior intelligence officials including CIA Director Porter Goss have warned that groups ideologically driven by al-Qaida have formed a broader movement able to carry out attacks independently.

Organizations with names similar to al-Qaida in Europe emerge only to sometimes disband a short time later. Al-Zarqawi is thought to have operated under a number of different names in Iraq, most recently using al-Qaida Between Two Rivers or al-Qaida in Iraq. One senior counterterrorism official said the name’s formula was akin to al-Qaida in Europe, a potential hint they may be linked.

America’s Ministry of Propaganda Exposed

A Strategy of Lies: How the White House Fed the Public a Steady Diet of Falsehoods

WASHINGTON November 7, 2003 — Colonel Sam Gardiner (USAF, Ret.) has identified 50 false news stories created and leaked by a secretive White House propaganda apparatus. Bush administration officials are probably having second thoughts about their decision to play hardball with former US Ambassador Joseph Wilson. Joe Wilson is a contender. When you play hardball with Joe, you better be prepared to deal with some serious rebound.

Gardiner’s dogged research identified a long list of stories that passed through Rumsfeld’s propaganda mill. According to Gardiner, “there were over 50 stories manufactured or at least engineered that distorted the picture of Gulf II for the American and British people.” Those stories include:
The link between terrorism, Iraq and 9/11
● Iraq’s possession of chemical and biological weapons.
● Iraq’s purchase of nuclear materials from Niger.
● Saddam Hussein’s development of nuclear weapons.
● Aluminum tubes for nuclear weapons
● The existence of Iraqi drones, WMD cluster bombs and Scud missiles.
● Iraq’s threat to target the US with cyber warfare attacks.
● The rescue of Pvt. Jessica Lynch.
● The surrender of a 5,000-man Iraqi brigade.
● Iraq executing Coalition POWs.
● Iraqi soldiers dressing in US and UK uniforms to commit atrocities.
● The exact location of WMD facilities
● WMDs moved to Syria.

[Authored November 2003 – till today many more lies have been added]

Condoleezza Rice Newest Lies Out of Desperation?

WASHINGTON (AFP) – US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice ruled out any peace deals with terrorists, calling those behind the deadly bomb blasts in London “cold-blooded killers.”

The US-led war on terrorism “was a worldwide war against ideals” and that “we just have to remember there’s no separate peace to be made with terrorists.” The terrorists are “after our way of life and we have to defeat them” and “there is no other way to deal with them than through strength,” Rice told the BBC Service network in an interview in Washington.

Asked to comment on concerns among the British over London’s involvement in the US-led war in Iraq, Rice reminded that the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks on the United States occurred before the war in Afghanistan and Iraq. Iraq had become “a central front” in the war on terrorism and the terrorists knew that if they lost in Iraq, it would deal a “tremendous blow to their ideology of hatred and their sense of inevitability of their victory. “So we certainly have to defeat them. We have to stay strong.”

Rice, among architects of the US-led war on Iraq, said the world had “to deal with the circumstances that are producing this ideology of hatred” especially in the Middle East. “This ideology of hatred has to be defeated. It has to be defeated by replacing it with an ideology of hope. And a free and democratic Iraq is going to be an important pillar of this new and different kind of Middle East.”

Rice signed a condolence book at the British embassy in Washington to mark the bloody killings in the British capital and told reporters later that the attacks would strengthen the global resolve “to root out this scourge against humanity and against civilization.”

I have heard the BBC interview and was astonished to hear her arguments, nothing less than a convinced CLASH OF CIVILIZATIONS. I sensed words and a voice of desperation, not of leadership of the Free World.

Rebuttal by terror experts from Great Britain criticised her arguments, I fully agree. Al Qaeda and Osama Bin Laden want the US to stop meddling in the Middle-East and leave with their troops from all Arab countries. The policy statement by Condoleezza Rice is a new big fat LIE.

Doctor Rice is treating symptoms, not the disease!

Am I reading the commentary right …

“They will not have died in vain.”

WTF! She has only emotions and knowledge of NFL.

NFL photo of Condy

APPENDIX — Related reading on topic

  • Does Zarqawi Exist? ◊ by Steven D

    USA WELCOME: Make Yourself Known @BooMan Tribune and add some cheers!