About The Author
Get out of Iraq. Healthcare & a Living Wage for everyone. Two sentences: A Democratic Platform.
Recent Posts
- Day 15: You Thought Blowing Up the Debt Ceiling Was Bad?
- Day 14: Louisiana Senator Approvingly Compares Trump to Stalin
- Day 13: Elon Musk Flexes His Muscles
- Day 12: While Elon Musk Takes Over, We Podcast With Driftglass and Blue Gal
- Day 11: Harm of Fascist Regime’s Foreign Aid Freeze Comes Into View
Good Morning!
I’ve got the coffee started, but I’m running off to the hospital. I’m hoping that it won’t turn into another all day thing — but you never know.
I’ll just pour myself a cup (still waiting for my BMT mug to arrive!) and see who else shows up in the next hour or so. Hope things go well at the hospital today!
Good morning! Does this place have AC? Because my place doesn’t, and it’s going to be in the nineties here today…
Hope your mother is doing well, katiebird.
If you haven’t already, please go unrecommend yesterday’s Cafe!
I’m a week and half from vacation so I’m definitely in a vacation frame of mind. In honor of that feeling, I thought I’d shamelessly steal katiebird’s idea of putting up a view from an airplane.
BTW, there is a really fun book called “Window Seat” by Gregory Dicum that describes how to understand what you’re looking at through the window.
My airplane shot shows Mauna Kea (foreground) and Mauna Loa (background). Anybody else have airplane photos to share?
Living a downsized life, we haven’t flown much since we got our digital camera, but we do ride the Puget Sound ferries quite a bit.
This shot was taken from the deck of a San Juan Islands ferry, a summer morning view looking west from the Anacortes terminal as I recall.
I love all the pictures you post…makes me tempted to move (the Puget Sound being one of my favorite areas in the country)!
Here’s looking back at you from near the Anacortes ferry

station on Vancouver Island. (Sidney, BC)
We’ve got law enforcement background checks assembled, self-employment career references en route, and the rest of our immigration papers just about ready to send up.
Fingers crossed, we’ll be able to bring a moving van across that terminal in a few years.
Native canoe could do it all for you.
Natives singing if the water got rough.
Best of luck comin’ across.
I’ve been racking my brain to remember the name of a book I failed to put on my want-to-read list some time ago. It’s a biography of a woman in colonial-era Boston who was prosecuted for heresy because she challenged the doctrine of the religious leaders and held meetings in her own home, at which she herself preached. If I recall correctly she ended up being banished from Massachusetts.
Anyone know her name?
It’s Ann Hutchison. And assuming it was the most recent book, then the title is “American Jezebel : the uncommon life of Anne Hutchinson, the woman who defied the Puritans” by Eve LaPlante.
Yes, that’s the one! Thank you — the name has been on the tip of my brain since late last night and it’s been making me crazy.
Have you read the book? If so, any thoughts?
That sounds interesting…my son and I were just trying to remember her name (we only got as far as Ann something); she was in the part of his social stdies book that talked about sedition!
Sounds like an interesting book.
Glad I could help your mental health 🙂
It’s on my TBR list but for some reason I haven’t been stirred to read it. I think it’s because I generally don’t read books on religious issues, regardless of the frame.
Only tangentially related but I really enjoyed “Revolutionary mothers : women in the struggle for America’s independence” by Carol Berkin.
Side note: do you think it is actually illegal to publish a non-fiction book without a lengthy subtitle?
that is the knot that ties our minds,
whether tis better to mow now,
in the cool, languid air of morning
and thus disturb the noble slumber
of our neighbors
or to mow on the wilted cusp of evening
when e’en the rabbits stagger from
the heat ‘o’ day.
I say: wake up, neighbors!
I also say that I hope your mom is up and smiling and doing the crossword already this morning, Katieb. We can’t promise to behave ourselves in your absence, but at least we’ll keep the coffee fresh.
I vote for wake ’em up, too! Get it out of the way and on to better things!
I think it is a sign of age that we are all up. I lost the ability to sleep in at some point in my forties and it’s clearly never coming back. In fact, it just keeps getting worse; I’m now grateful if I sleep till 6:30.
Since I have aged, I find myself less disciplined, more apt to stay up late and have a hard time getting up. It is said that the older we get the more ourselves we become. You definitely are doing better at becoming better than I.
You definitely are doing better at becoming better than I.
I’m not sure that an inability to sleep late is a sign of “betterness”. Actually, given that it is me we are talking about, I’m absolutely sure that it isn’t.
I’m 50 and slept until 9:00 this morning. No reason not to; my granddaughter is on hiatus from dance class so I don’t have to get her up, and my wife is going to the dentist so I can’t ditch the family to go to the Linux User Group meeting this morning. (Life is sometimes unfair.)
Of course we won’t talk about all the days I get up at 2 in the morning with some hare-brained idea that I just have to go down to the computer to implement . . .
Okay, it’s settled then! I’m off to raise a racket. I mean, sheesh, it’s almost 9:30, right?
I think anytime after 8:30 is acceptable…but then, my neighbors house is a little distance away.
but for vacuuming, I usually go with a 9am benchmark.
Some towns actually have ordinances regarding hours noisy work can be done; Atherton (nearby richie-town) has really strict ones, and it’s funny to read the local police blotter in the paper and see how many people actually call in to complain about work starting too early (though I admit, 7:30am even on a weekday is pretty early…).
A happy Sat. to everyone, what’s new and what’s happening.
I am just finding my way around Bootown this morning, and thought I would drop in the FB cafe before visiting some of the other storefronts in the virtual town we/I spend much of our days in.
Anyone is storm path, how are you doing, give us reports, especially Infidelpig..
is DOG FOOD in your cup!
is that your baby? Ohhh … so cute. Glad his tummy is full! Hope he has a fun day too.
He’s our 2nd, bought a year after our first, 12 years ago. #1 died last year leaving the little guy sort of lost, so we were lucky to find an old same-age rescue dog of the same breed whose family was splitting up.
Just got back from a romp over the local middle school athletic fields, muching sweet new grass, chasing bunnies and getting jerked away by mommy from tempting cat poo.
I figure, when we all get to heaven, we’ll sit around the pub, all of us former people and former dogs finally able to swap stories, everyone drinking beer and eating cat poo.
Waiting for the spouse to get in/out of the shower so we can get out of here for the day for once! Doing some assorted shopping (shoes mostly), then possibly some light rail riding; the spouse would like to finally ride the last light rail extension before the next one opens!
Side benefits to my now very clean living room: (1) I can crank up the music on iTunes and dance for exercise (blinds shut, naturally!), and (2) I can stretch the laptop cord over to the couch and sit comfortably while I’m on the computer. The second will be handy when we get the desktop, since our one office-type chair will be in use at the desk we’ll be getting. I’m also trying to train him to put things in their proper places, like the remotes for the cable and DVD players. What’s the good of a clean place if you still can’t find shit?
Once we’re home from breakfast and shopping, it’ll be a chance to tackle the junk I’ve got piled in the second laundry basket (and the floor next to it; I was digging something out last night) and get stuff put away and/or thrown away (hopefully, more the latter than the former).
Dinner tonight: same as last night; the spouse took me out for Mexican food last night, with fresh watermelon margaritas…yummy! He wanted to celebrate the weekend, and I didn’t feel like saying “no”!
Have a great day everyone!
That doesn’t stop me. These are photos I took while walking downtown.

This is the rose that makes us cross the street. It’s sweet sharp fragrance is worth it.
It comes from this old, rambling and neglected rose bush.

On close inspection, it looks like the owner prunes it with lopers or hedge cutters.
There’s a divine lesson here, but I can’t think what it is, not till I have my coffee anyway.
What beautiful pics of roses Sybil…what a great closeup.
No one volunteered to do gardening diary today, you could still do one if you like. I am not quite up to posting a diary right now..
Thanks Diane. I don’t have enough material and it’s getting to that time to close down my computer.
Note to self:
“Stop blogging and get some work done in the real world.”
Cross the street to smell the roses
or into each life some thorns must fall
or a stitch in time
means you won’t be late for the ball?
Maybe I should drink some coffee first. . . .
Beautiful rose! Took me soaring right off the planet!
I have had my coffee.
I like your metaphors.
Mine would go something along the lines of
“Where there is benign neglect, nature takes over.”
It happens with kids too.
When they have what they need, let them play by
themselves, stop hovering over them.
(keeping a watchful eye from a distance.)
That may be the most gorgeous rose photo I’ve ever seen. Thanks for that.
Hi everyone – I don’t even have time to read all the comments, let alone add some personal responses, but I hope you’re all well and coping with all the recent news horrors. I’m starting my big cross-country trek tomorrow am, but I wanted to thank Andi and everyone who gave me computer advice: I know I didn’t reply to anyone, but I read all the comments and appreciate them very much.
Take care, guys – I will check back in when I can!
Have a safe and wonderful journey! Enjoy your stop(s) in Utah…and I’m wondering what computer you wound up with!
Have a great trip! I’m looking forward to your tales from the trail.
Have a safe and enjoyable trip. Just in case you stop back by, here’s a picture of Bryce Canyon NP for inspiration.
I have just completed stage one of my Vertical Reality sauna this lovely warm, some might even say sweaty, evening. Now is the time when I can wander around the garden in a towel, drinking a cup of tea. It’s still light at 22.30 here.
When I have cooled down I shall return for stage two. A little hotter in there, a splash more löyly. I might even be moved to take a rare beer. Liquid must be replaced.
Wonderful dinner last night al fresco talking about the meaning of art until we had to light some candles.
We finished the evening watching ‘The Office’ (UK) christmas specials.
Is there anyone talking about the evacuation of the inner city due to some threat…..
from BBC: Police in Birmingham are evacuating large parts of the city centre.
A West Midlands Police spokesman said people were being asked to leave the centre, particularly Broad Street, as a “precautionary measure”
just found this at MSNBC
British police has evacuated thousands from the entertainment district around Broad St. in Birmingham, 110 miles northwest of London. Birmingham was targeted by the IRA in the 70’s, and the BBC has reported that police had done a couple of ‘controlled explosions’… suspicious packages, I guess. Sounds like post attack jitters to me… but, what do I know.
Does it seem like it might be time for a couple of new welcome wagons? ‘Don the tin-foil party hats, and come on in’ kind of a thing? There seem to be quite a few new faces post kos purge….
I was wondering about that, are we getting many new members? I guess I will pull out the wagon and get it loaded up with goodies, Zander and all will you guys help me, I know you will, just kidding…
I’ll put one up in a minute, k.
Oh wait! I’ve found some great pics… can I, can I? (who would have thought you’d hear that???)
Zander the diary is already up, before I saw your reply, but you sure can go and contribute and if we need more diaries you are first on the list for hostess.
‘Sides, I have to do the first in a series, don’t I!!!!
I want to put your comment down in the “who would have thought” catagory!
Now I’ve done it… Sorry Diane… frantic enthusiasm sometimes interupts my long periods of total sloth…
Zander, how funny, I posted mine, saw your comments, wrote mine, and then saw your diary. So then I deleted my diary just as Shirl was posting a comment to it, and then her comment went into limbo land….
Turn on you instant messaging, please……
Is this something new, or just another name for PieWars?
Saw a mention on Mrs. Pastor’s WYFP diary (actually more Carnacki/WYFP cross — they’re telling wedding stories), but not sure WTF is going on now…
It’s new — can we talk about it in the new thread? I’ll dig up some links.
to prepare for Dennis. Made one last trip to the store about an hour ago for TP, almost out and somehow TP didn’t seem important yesterday. Whole family looked like I had attempted to end their life or something around noon when the teenager announced that TP was what was on the spindles.
I was out. I couldn’t wait to get back home, it was kind of bringing me down and I had been very upbeat about all of it. I wonder if the barometric pressure is low here right now….I know that that can bring the mood down. Stores are wall to wall in the parking lots. Water all sold out, batteries for the most part gone, oil lamps and oil and candles for the most part gone also.
Oh, I’m so sorry… stay safe, everyone here will be thinking about you and your family.
We’ll be thinking of you…I hope Dennis dies down some before he hits.
Please help my poor orchid! I bought it about 6 weeks ago and it was beautiful…for exactly a month. Then the blossoms fell off and I have no clue what you’re supposed to do now. Do you whack off the whole thing and hope it sends up another stem? Do you just wait? I have been keeping it very moist as directed, but haven’t exactly followed directions as far as different day/nighttime temperatures.
Actually I got back a couple of hours ago, but I fell into a stupor on the couch and I’m just waking up.
Thanks to everyone for their kind thoughts about my mom. She’s doing pretty well. I’m glad I was there for the day, because doctors dropped in at irregular intervals and one of them was especially helpful (after talking for a few minutes, he ordered another blood test).
And my dad got to take things slower today. He didn’t get there til 2:30 or so.
I’m going to take a look at the Welcome Wagon, but I won’t be gone long.
We currently have both a Froggy Bottom Cafe and an Introduce Yourself diary on the recommended list. We need a permanent link for these. Place it right above the reco list so it gets the attention it deserves, but where it isn’t taking up the scarce and valuable slots in the reco list. Please please please please pretty please.
Are the diaries that are recommended by enough of us here at the Booman Tribune. One of the features of this blog is the social interactions and affection between us. Many people here like to hang out together — and this is the place to do it.
The Welcome Wagon makes periodical appearances as a place for newcomers to introduce themselves and meet some of the rest of us who might happen by.
The Froggy Bottom Cafe/Lounge, is a more open establishment. Some think of it as an Open Thread, but it’s more informal and less structured than that. Political discussions and rants are certainly welcome. But we love travel photos and general conversation about how are day is going as well.
On days when diaries of “more substance” are popular, the Cafe diaries and Welcome Wagons have been pushed off the list. But it is a sign of the popularity of those diaries that generally the most recent one (except for the period earlier in the week when we experimented with the hotlist option) is on the Recommended list.
I’m thinking that if the general population of this site recommends any diary, then it is appropriate for that diary to be on the list. And I’m happy to see it there. I will henceforth defend my belief in Recommendation Freedom whenever it seems appropriate.
And I enjoy the community building diaries as much as the next person, but when I am short on time, I just take a quick browse of the recommended list before going on to other sites. It is a little frustrating to see what are essentially open threads taking up those slots. Just my 2¢.
Hi everyone — The Froggy Bottom Lounge is open for business, it’s the 3rd Open Mike Night!