I’m going to get some yummy lunch. What’s on your menu?
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
I’m still eating breakfast! My usual breakfast:
I mix seven-grain cereal with raisins, raw walnuts, and raw pecans — with a dash of salt and too much butter — and water, then microwave it for 7 minutes. Yummy. Then I toss out what I don’t eat outside for the birds.
Butterball finches for Thanksgiving?
Yup, that’s exactly what I have for Thanksgiving… with crow and sparrow casserole.
Actually, I love getting an organically raised turkey breast … and TOFURKY is pretty darn good too!
We’re having grlled chicken, marinated in Garlic Expressions dressing first, and a sald from our local farm goodies. Pizza and junk food tonight with the boys and their friends!
You probably wouldn’t think it would be possible to ruin a grilled cheese and tomato sandwich but I just did. 🙁 On the other hand, I ruined it for a good reason. My son just dropped by. . .yay!. . .riding a friend’s moped which he taught me how to drive just now. Fun! Well worth a bad sandwich.
From Salon’s Daou Report:
The last snarky sentence ticks me off. I love the film “JFK.” Even if none of it were true, I’d still love it as a film. It was sickening how every D.C. pundit erupted in condemnation of “JFK” when it came out … I still recall Pat Buchanan and Robert Novak foaming at the mouth. What are they so afraid of, I wondered at the time.
Spielberg is making a movie about
Black September.
Oh dear.
I recently watched JFK again and it was such an intriguing movie. Who gives a flip what the pundits think?
I’m looking forward to Stone’s film about 9/11. He is a master filmmaker.
It is such fun. The characters are so wildly colorful and well-portrayed. And all the intrigue and drama are exciting. JFK is a movie that, if it’s on and there’s nothing else that’s a must-see, I’ll watch again and again. (I do wish Stone’s Nixon had been as riveting.)
Local Puget Sound raw oysters, local smoked wild salmon, local tomatoes and onions, and Ohio-style potato salad.
At times like this, the concept of nature’s bounty is close to the heart. Alas, the potatoes and the soy in the mayonnaise are almost certainly genetically engineered.
Read this diary by hfiend! This is the beginning of the end of a free press in the US.
(Who has time to eat with all of these great diaries to read at BT? must.get.food.)
al pastor burrito from Taqueria Juanito’s here in Tucson. It’s pork rubbed with a red chili paste–mmmmmmm. I usually add aguacate (avocado) to it and feast with a smile 😀
that pineapple was an essential ingredient in “al pastor” style pig meat.
That said, tacos al pastor from Taqueria Veracruzana here in Philly are a major crave item for this Tribber.
haven’t seen it served that way, but it wouldn’t surprise me. Each place is so different (and good!). The place I frequent usually serves with lime and radishes. mmm
and in an hour or so we’re off to see Batman Begins.
Hope you enjoy it. I liked it a LOT.
Just got back from it. It was most excellent. Michael Caine makes a great Alfred.
pizza. mmm.
with snow peas, water chestnuts, broccoli, tempeh
I’m on my way to Sybil’s house … sounds so good.
But, I’m curious! What exactly did the BooMan get for his lunch?
Susan, where is Bear!! I like your kos sig better.
Ohhhhh …
Here is Bear!
Right now he’s outside on the lawn in a big cage. I can’t let him out to wander for a lot of reasons, including that he’s not terribly street or tree smart. He’ll think nothing of dashing up a tree only to find himself unable to get down.
But, he likes the cage okay, and he watches all the birds. I put out bird seed so he will see lots of birds. I think he fantasizes about catching them.
He had a bad day yesterday. It rained all day so he didn’t get to go out.
Here is an email I received (God knows why they sent it to me).
CHRISTINA ALMEIDA, Associated Press Writer
Fri Jul 8, 4:14 PM ET
Young Republicans have one thing to say to Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton about a possible 2008 presidential bid: Bring it on.
Members attending the group’s biennial convention said it’s not too early to talk about how to keep a Republican in the White House, and they believe Clinton could help them win again if she were on the Democratic ticket.
“I think it’s very likely the senator from New York will run,” said Rick Veenstra, 27, chairman of the Illinois Young Republicans. “She’ll bring a lot of people to the polls. The name Clinton before a number of Republicans is akin to waving a red flag.”
Convention guests attended several panels and training seminars on Thursday, including one on how to mobilize young voters by “keeping it positive not partisan.” They were told the only demographic President Bush lost to Sen. John Kerry in 2004 was those ages 18 to 29.
“This party cannot afford to allow that segment of the population to be Democrat,” said Frank Fahrenkopf, former Republican National Committee chairman and Thursday’s keynote speaker. “This is where the Young Republicans can be of particular value.”
Clinton won’t even talk about the presidential race, saying she is focused on her 2006 re-election campaign in New York. But many here said they would welcome Clinton’s entrance in the race because she is a polarizing figure.
“It would be absolutely great for us,” said Michele Mester, a 26-year-old member of the Greater Cleveland Young Republicans. “She’s like a PR nightmare.”
Several of the 600 Young Republicans gathered for the five-day convention mentioned New York Mayor Rudolph Giuliani and Arizona Sen. John McCain (news, bio, voting record) as potential presidential contenders.
Others suggested Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, Colin Powell, Florida Gov. Jeb Bush and Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist of Tennessee.
Ashanti Gholar, president of Young Democrats of Nevada, said it was too early for all this speculation though.
“2008 is very far away,” Gholar said, “especially in politics.”
peanutbutter and honey on wheat breat with a big glass of milk. Yup, I never out grew it. To me it’s a classic. Enjoy your lunch everyone.
bread not breat. Someday I’ll not have typos.
I always am forgetting to use spellcheck to help me spot typos. But, when I do use it, all those red words are kind of dispiriting.
I forget all of the time. Enjoy your lunch.
Police evacuate Birmingham centre
A West Midlands Police spokesman said people were being asked to leave the centre, particularly Broad Street, as a “precautionary measure”
He said it was in response to intelligence the force had received.
“It’s quite tense,” said BBC journalist Toby Brown.
No vehicles are being allowed to be moved, he added.
Birmingham resident Kenneth Kelsall told the BBC: “There is a lot of confusion, there appears to be no chance of anyone moving back into the city – but people are remaining quiet.”
Oh no … what are you hearing?
Then I saw Oui’s post below and thought Oui was talking about today.
From The Guardian:
Officers urging members of the public to leave the area around Broad Street told passersby that they had carried out a series of controlled explosions nearby.
Allan Sartori, a Birmingham club owner, told ITV News police appeared to have the situation under control.
Birmingham BBC studio evacuated, broadcast switched over to London studio.
Suspect package found, has been demolished by means of a precautionary small explosion by bomb squad.
Seems everyone is being vigilant, fear has spread amongst Londoners and Brits in large cities. Return to normalcy is superficial, no one can escape emotions.
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Latest News Update —
Three bombs exploded almost simultaneously around 8.50am on three packed Underground trains in north, east and west London. A fourth bomb ripped through a bus less than an hour later.
Each device weighed less than 4.5kg and was packed with high explosives.
The bombs on the Underground were likely left on the floor of a carriage by a double door, which would have typically been filled with rush hour commuters. The fourth bomb on the bus was likely left on the floor or on a seat.
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A statement appeared July 7 on the jihadist website Al-Qal’ah (Fortress), purportedly posted by the group claiming responsibility for the bomb attacks in London today.
The following is a translated text of the statement:
The Secret Organization Group of al-Qaida of Jihad Organization in Europe (Jama’at al-Tanzim al-Sirri, Tanzim Qa’idat al-Jihad fi Urupa)
In the name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate, …
© 2005 WorldNetDaily.com
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BradBlog radio is on now:
I find the site very confusing … have a hard time finding the link to get to listen.