This is most likely my last shout out for awhile. He’s just about to come inland in between Destin and Pensacola. In my area Ivan hit around 75 to 80 mph for about 5 hours. I’m worried as heck about infidel pig. Wish I had made direct contact so that we could know the other ones plans and where abouts. Who knew though that Dennis was really going to go for the Panhandle at that time. This house is very sturdy but if you were in a mobile home right now you would need something tacked down better. The winds are about 30 mph now. Electricity is still with us. We are lined up for our last hot shower for awhile. If this really stinks we have decided to get a generator. I can’t help feeling that this hurricane season and the next ten years of them aren’t going to be affecting the coastal regions in a huge way. I am expecting the global warming questions to really heat up after this because there is so much sitting on the coastlines these days. I have the A/C turned way down so that hopefully we have a cool home overnight. Radio with batteries. Oil lamps. Frozen all sorts of things that are wet that can be drank later or used as a cold pack in the heat. I never asked infidel exactly where on the panhandle he was and I’m really kicking myself for not asking now! Things look good so far. Lovin ya all and trying not worry about those around me who may not be so fortunate. I suppose that when Dennis has gone over and we are all fed and sure of our soundness we will head out and see if anybody near us needs anything. The dogs are nervous, I’m sure they feel the approaching storm but this is their first hurricane. They are Rocky Mountain dogs.
Good luck to you Tracy, I am watching on CNN…
Infidel pig has said he was inland far enough and felt fairly safe where he was…I am hoping that you all, each and every one will be safe.
Yes Tracy, I think the coastal areas in that region are going to be hit hard year after year now, in the current cycle we are in.
I think everyone who can afford it should get a generator, no matter where they live, one thing or another comes along regularily, even without the weather….
Tracy I will thinking of you all day…..Check in whenever you can…
You can’t kill a pig quick,,,specially an “InfidelPig” ; )
I’m here, do’n fine, back online. My son had never been through a hurricane and was nervous, so I loaded up the important papers, the puter, some cameras, and went up to Eufala Alabama, had some lunch, drove around the lake, and came back, everything is jim dandy.
Fortunately Dennis was not the Menace they thought he was going to be. I sat through Ivan last year, on the west side of Fort Walton Beach, and Dennis was no match.
Tracy, I’m close to Marianna, about 1:45mins East of you, so we were on the Eastern edge of the storm, the worst fears we had here were the tornados, last year during Ivan about 8-9 people were killed around this area. But hey, good news, I don’t think the power was out for more than a hour about anywhere.
Hopefully you did’nt suffer much damage, and if you lost power, their pretty quick at getting it restored in your area. Hope all turned out well for your family.
Thanks for the concern folks, all is good here in the swamp, and hopefully all this rain will move some “Fresh Gator” into my ponds ; ) LMSAO
to all in the path of the hurricane, please let us know how you are, if you can….Any details you can provide.
mY prayers and thoughts are with you and all the people in those areas, BE SAFE…
Peeked over at the other place and noticed that it looks like PastorDan is still off on vacation, so I’ve been busy cobbling together a prayer for this evening just in case. Found some great “prayer for peace” resources, including a page of prayers from all sorts of traditions; with what’s going on in the Wide World as well as the Blogosphere, I think prayers for peace are desperately needed!
Other than that, I’m having a not-so-great day; spent about 15 minutes crying over some not-so-important shit. Well, that’s par for the course around here anyway…
Hope everyone has a great day; I’m going to bury myself in housework and hope that will distract me…
I’m having a not-so-great day too. Maybe something in the air? I’m heading out to the local Goodwill stores to browse around for cool junk and books. Never know what you’ll find!
Like this guy. His name is Reginald and I love him because he’s relatively low-maintenance and he doesn’t leave giant piles of nastiness around the house.
See you all later. Hope everyone in the path of Dennis makes it through.
Oh Cali, I am a little tearful this morning also, and sure not up to par…
I was just thinking about Love….
Love, the word that has some power to change, when someone says I love you, does it not change you…both.Not romantic love but love in general. Thinking from a perspective of love gives you a different view.
Love, the thing we need the most in the world….
I would really like to make this a love diary today, and I will say that I love you all dear people and I love my family and friends, neighbors and the whole world.
Love, love, love!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Who and what do you all love.
So maybe Cali, you can make your diary peace and love, and I think I used the word love now 16 times in this comment.
If I had a dollar for every time I’ve cleaned the house to keep from crying…I think we all have days like that sometimes. I hope yours improves as the day goes on!
My cinematic mood cures include Let it Ride and Overboard.
For books I rely on Georgette Heyer, Christina Jones, Katie Fforde and dare I start listing all the Mystery Writers who’ve pulled me out of various funks? Hmmm?
I noticed yesterday that you got a Catherine Aird book. I always liked those, especially the running jokes about Cosby’s driving and whatever adult ed course the superintendent was taking.
Yes, that one I’m hanging onto a while before cracking into it. I like having it (I haven’t seen a new book from her since sometime in the ninties), but I won’t be able to put it down once I start. And then what?
It’s always sad when you finish a series but fortunately there are so many good mystery writers out there.
Do you like geology? Sarah Andrew’s Em Hansen series is one of my favorites. They aren’t humorous but there is always humor in them.
Another non-humorous series with lots of humor I like is Sujata Massey’s Rei Shimura books. And I’m always fascinated by the insights into Japanese culture.
My pleasure. I love reading (I describe myslf as an obsessive-compulsive reader) and read just about everything and love telling people about books I like and hearing about the ones they do.
BTW, both these authors have continuing storylines so reading the books in order is best.
As I announced earlier, the current lack of interest in the FBC sauna has forced me to consider measures to increase its popularity. I’m adding a screen for showing movies, with surround löyly. It will be the only one of its type in the world. Mind you don’t sit on spílt popcorn.
Some of you may know already that I have secured some rare cinematic treats, among them: ‘Aalto cowboys go modernist’ (Finland 1957, D: Aki Kaurismäki. Sven Triloqvist, Turk Thrust) “Existentialist Finns contemplate wooden structures while saying or doing very little. Slower than Father Panchali. It’s was one of the first in a Nouvella Vague of ‘Still’ movies”
I’ve also ordered the DVD of ‘Fatty McButterpants’ (USA 2005, widescreen, D: X.S. Kilos. Wanda Lard, Fred Bacon) “Groundhog Day revisited. Fatty is forced to eat the same cake over and over again, while casting a larger and larger shadow over the entire town. The groundhog never sees daylight. )
I’ve managed to track down that copy of ‘Zander & Shirl’ (USA 1991, D: Ridley Scott. Geena Davis, Susan Sarandon. “Nothing has dated about its tale of two bloggers who decide that being outlaws and eventual death on their own terms is better than putting up with any more nonsense from husbands, boyfriends, rapists and offensive strangers”
After a busy weekend of googling, the following cinematic gems will also be playing shortly:
‘The State of Washington’ (USA 1971, D; Mike Wadleigh. Various bands) “Rockumentary, if you will, by Woodstock director features bands exemplifying the `Puget Sound’ – a laidback organic rock genre. Headlined by The Goosenecks. In fact only this band is seen on stage, the others are in a large tent partaking of exotic cheroots and mumbling “wow” for large portions of the film. Tighter editing could have made this a classic
‘Austin Powers – the Spy who göögled me’ (USA 1971, D: Mike Myers. Mike Myers, Sharon Stone, Don Knotts) “Toothy Powers is back again in a hilarious battle with an all-seeing grandma (Stone plays Diane the Gran) who runs a vast empire of mind control from a shack in Southern California. An avatar with attitude, Diane feeds everything that is ever said into the giant Nature Boy supercomputer for spiritual processing. The scene where Austin confronts her about chain-smoking and TV dinners is alone worth the price of admission”
‘I, Ribbit (USA 2004, D: Alex Proyass. Will Smith, Bridget Moynahan) “In the year 2035 a techno-phobic cop investigates a crime that may have been perpetrated by a ribbit, which leads to a larger threat to humanity. Based on I,saac Azimuth’s book, the movie details the three Laws of Ribbitics:
a ribbit may not injure a fellow blogger or, through inaction, allow a blogger to come to harm.
A ribbit must obey orders given it by bloggers except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.
A ribbit must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law.
Sven, I cannot say how you have lifted my spirits this morning with your:
Austin Powers – the Spy who göögled me’ (USA 1971, D: Mike Myers. Mike Myers, Sharon Stone, Don Knotts) “Toothy Powers is back again in a hilarious battle with an all-seeing grandma (Stone plays Diane the Gran) who runs a vast empire of mind control from a shack in Southern California. An avatar with attitude, Diane feeds everything that is ever said into the giant Nature Boy supercomputer for spiritual processing. The scene where Austin confronts her about chain-smoking and TV dinners is alone worth the price of admission”
Well I am still laughing, but just have to ask, is that really how you see me?????????????????????????????????????????
I especially like the ‘giant Nature Boy, supercomputer’ and the ‘every word that is ever said’.
Sven your whole comment was simply priceless and certainly well worth the cost of the FBC….And I love you……….
Diane, I love you too. You know me – anything for a laugh. Of course that is not how I see you, or anyone else involved. But there is a soupcon of truth, otherwise it wouldn’t be funny.
I’m most happy to have cheered you up. I first posted it in the Friday edition, long unrecommended, so thought it could bear a second showing. Anyway I try to recycle as nuch as I can – trash, glass, girlfriends, jokes etc – It’s good for the planet 😉
Have I finally found it? An audience that truly appreciates my humour?
If I might be serious for a moment (oh sod off sven!) My humour (which is also partly professional) depends on the imagination of the reader. And a multitude of references. I can’t do this with a younger audience – they just don’t get it. They want pointers and big arrows saying ‘This is a joke’. Is there no subtlety any more?
Whadda ya mean subtlety, Sven? If you’d just stop writing with a sledgehammer….(Oh dear, I’m in a gargantuan struggle with my alter ego again)
I’ve managed to track down that copy of ‘Zander & Shirl’ (USA 1991, D: Ridley Scott. Geena Davis, Susan Sarandon. “Nothing has dated about its tale of two bloggers who decide that being outlaws and eventual death on their own terms is better than putting up with any more nonsense from husbands, boyfriends, rapists and offensive strangers”
OMG Sven, hardly anyone has been able to find that great flic. I should have known you would have one of the few quality copies and be willing to show it here at FBC.
You know, I was a little put off when Zander won the Frogster award from the Academy for that, and although nominated, I didn’t even have a chance. . .I mean the vote was something like 1780-2 (and I voted twice). Fortunately I am a Big enough frog (in more ways than one) to allow that her stunning performance deserved the recognition it got. I think it had a lot to do with her PR elusiveness and incredible ability to avoid the press and the WW bios at all costs. She created so much mystery about her personal self (unlike blabby mouth me) that everyone just bought into that whole Greta Garbo, leave me alone thing of hers. That’s okay, I have my TV gig now on PBS. . .Point of Frogs. . .and I hear she is doing what? Tending bar and waiting tables in some Cafe?
Thanks for shining a light on my former fabulous film career. . .brief though it was.
Oh. . .and you thought Serandon and Davis starred in that film? Great makup, wasn’t it. We did audition Serandon, but she just never quite got the essence of me, maybe she was just too short and too thin. . .It takes real acting to create “Tall and Sturdy.” Yes, I will have to admit that she is a very fine actress usually, but you know how hard it is to attempt the role of a living frog person. . .even beyond her great abilities, so it seemed.
The DVD trailer for this movie (in a deep smoky voice) goes: “She was tall, she was sturdy …and she came from another planet. Planet Earth. It was a gazillion years ago, and the Lemurians knew nothing of love. Then, as their world began to crack apart, a strange being from the future brought 10 gallons of liquid endorphins. 10 gallons that would change the world. And give birth to a hat.
It’s tectonic, it’s paradoxical. It’s ‘Tall and Sturdy’. One of the weirdest movies you’ll ever see”.
It’s Sunday morning again, and that means it’s time for Sunday Griot. Today’s story is a cautionary tale about what happens when someone is neither fish nor fowl, or more in line with today’s story, neither bird nor beast.
Sunday Griot is Omir the Storyteller’s weekly diary of stories for progressives.
My boys just (OF THEIR OWN ACCORD!) saw the next load of laundry needing to be done, and, get this…they put the wet stuff into the dryer, and put the next load in and started it for me!
If you’ve confirmed the absence of pods, are all the pets and siblings accounted for? If yes, is the shed or garage on fire? If no, is there a police car pulling into the drive?
My heart absolutely melts when my grandaughter looks in my eyes and says I love you Grammy. MUCH better really than romantic love. Or she’ll say something like You look pretty Gram out of the clear blue sky. She also has a quick wit. One day we were all coming back from the beach in an area we usually don’t go to. My son said he new a shortcut and about five minutes later she announces, “This is the longest shortcut I’ve ever taken.” I thought we all would bust a gut laughing as she was only six at the time.
But I don’t know if the birds use it. There were, however, actual frogs hopping all over the place around it. I have pics of them too, but no time right now to get them ready to post. It was at a plant nursery. Had a concrete frog that I took a pic of too.
Another entry for shirl’s “You know you’ve been spending too long on the blogs when . . .” file. When you go to buy plants and end up thinking “OOOH! I bet the FBC folks would like a pic of this!”
(Goes and gets camera and spends too much time trying to get hoppy frogs to sit still for a portrait.)
Another hot one in the mountains and I dying to try this photo-link stuff…here goes…
In an attempt to drive back the dreaded heat demons, #3 in the continuing Sunday Series <tada>
TERRART: Todays episode featuring the rather obscure British artist, Andy Goldsworthy,
Goldsworthy regards all his creations as temporary. He photographs each piece once right afeter he makes it. His goal is to understand nature by directly participating in nature as intimately as he can. He generally works whatever he notices: twigs, leaves,stones, snow and ice, reeds and thorns.
He falls into the artistic category of “fabricated to be photographed.” His sculptures, which he creates on the spot using only naturally available materials, are ephemeral and exist as a work of art only in the more durable photograph.
Unfortunately, in the US few outside side the “art world” are aware of his work, at least by my experience. I personally love his work as well, as much for it’s temporal nature as its beauty. I like to think that because he leaves them where they are constructed that others come upon them unexpectedly and are brought to a higher awareness. Glad you know of him and enjoy his work.
I can never take your polls because you never give me the correct option. . .I’m not sure. I’m sure it is just an oversight because I no you don’t intend to be exclusionary. . . .or do you? Hmmmmm, this is a side of you I’ve not seen yet. . . .
oh wonderful…you know I love sunrises of all sorts. I also love sunsets too. but sunrises always start me out on the right foot of the day. I sit on my deck sometimes and watch the surise and so enjoy it even to I am in the country in podunk TN
One of the songs on my current list is by a band called ‘The Starting Line’. The song is called ‘Left Coast Envy’, and has a chorus including the line: Can I sell this sunrise, in return for a sunset, yeah. I love the song, but disagree with the line; I think it should go the other way. A sunrise is such a symbol of hope and renewal, while a sunset (to me) symbolizes ending. Though each sunset bears the promise of a new sunrise of course…
… out in the country than they would be if you were in a city. (Full disclosure: I live in the country in Indiana. We can commiserate over our red state podunk-ness.)
And Tennessee has so many beautiful places. When I was a kid I went to camp near Sparta and I just loved the whole area, especially the Caney Forks River and Fall Creek Falls State Park.
oh yes that area of this state is so beautiful. I love the mountains. I happen to live in the delta side of the state….it is ok but not as lovely as the mountains, of course.
I suppose I live in the buckle of the bible belt. This county is definatly a red sight to behold! I am a country girl at heart. Have lived in major big cities and still can’t get the country out of my soul.
I’ve been posting pictures from around Puget Sound, but my home–emotionally, even more than the houses I grew up in–is Lake Erie. This photo from the Canadian side was linked from Kos last night. The original is here.
Puget Sound is drop-dead gorgeous and seems to have a much more complete healthy ecology, but I’ll never forget that wide open horizon and the big winds of Lake Erie (let alone the larger Great Lakes).
I’ll be Diane for a minute (?!), and mention that (and I should have put this in the code sample I posted) we’re supposed to limit images to width=”400″ like this:
< img src=”some.jpg” width=”400″ >
One of our resident image people (not me) told us that by just specifying one dimension the width/height (or since I’m in Kansas) width/heighth ratio stays intact.
I’ll try to remember to add that to any samples I send out in the future!
oh geez, folks I am so sorry..wished I had known that…sorry…will do better hopefully in the future. I was experiementing and wanted to see if it worked….sorry
Don’t feel bad, it’s happened to almost all of us. The reason for it is that depending on the video settings the margins for some people get shoved out of wack.
I can’t remember if this fits but, another thing to keep in mind is that posting images as original (or at most) second generation comments is best. That keeps the image as close as possible to the left edge.
Really, don’t worry — we’re all learning this stuff as we go along.
Just kidding — next time, put “width=400” between the “img” part and the “src” part in your tag. Actually, 400 is the comfortable max; if you can get it smaller than that & still have it be visible, it’d be great. Better still would be to crop or resample the pic so it has a smaller size from the get-go, but that’s probably left for “Advanced Topics.”
In the “img src=” part, you need to link directly to an image, not to the webpage it’s on. An image will usually have a “.gif” or “.jpg” extension. Finding the address to a picture on a webpage can be tricky, and will usually mean wading through the sourcecode for the webpage looking for the picture’s address. A quicker way to find pictures, and easily get their address, is to use
You got the code in your comment correct, however!
One of the reasons that I love reading BMT is that everyone is so knowledgable, so polite, and so kind. I am frequently in awe of the quality and attitude of the posts here (including the comments).
I think I may feel this way because I’m one of the younger ones here. Am I the smallest tadpole in thissy here FBC pond? I’m 26. I think people tend to think things out more fully before they say it as they grow into adulthood, so maybe that has something to do with my impressions.
I act like a 15 year old most of the time. Does that count? Actually I’m 43 which is like…860 in dog years, so…
Age might be a part of why the posts and comments seem more well thought out to you, but I think the real reason is the feel of the site itself. Kindness tends to generate more kindness.
I think the real reason is the feel of the site itself
I think you’re 100% right, but I also think that the feel of the site attracts a certain type of person. In this case, people who are a little more mature.
I’m sure the causal relationship goes both ways.
I often act like a 15 year old too, but I dig being able to drive and buy booze legally 🙂
As to legal booze. When I turned 18, the legal age then, I went from bar to bar practically begging every bouncer I saw to card me, with no luck. I really felt cheated. After awhile the novelty of it wears off. trust me :O)
Neither of you should worry about publishing your age. Us old farts have rapidly dying brain cells and the ones that stored your age will be gone by morning.
haha, no, I’m not worried. Sometimes when I write I can come across as preachy I’ve been told, not that that is my intention. So now, I’m just a little cautious.
so I can really call you “kids” and get by with it…:o) you can call me nana if you want…bs That is how old I am…of which I am of course, a nana…two grandaughters who want to be your kids age but just ain’t there quite yet…bs
I feel pretty predictable to myself as well. I’ve been out of school for two years so it’s been nice to continue learning outside of a classroom. This place is hazardous to my focus at work, I’m easily distracted.
I don’t consider myself a ‘pie wars refugee’, as I never really got into those discussions, but I did follow my favorite diarists (all women) over here.
Boy, I should have thought of that! <smacks self on forehead>
well, folks, I have to retire now. I have the news on and we are expecting big storms around here tonight, around midnight..the bewitching hour…part of Dennis coming our way…It is to rain and have storms around here all week long till next Sun. Just hope no tornadoes occur…see ya later…”PEACE AND LOVE”
make sure to send some of that rain in this direction to Az. Between you and Janet Strange, we may get more than lightning this week. <fingers crossed>
Cafe is open, good morning, or good day everyone.
Please un rec. all previous Froggy Bottom diaries, thanks.
Have you seen sjct around lately? I’m wondering how things are going for her…
Hi Cabin,,,,I think I have seen her around recently, but cannot recall what she said…
Hey there — if you’re able, just give a quick, ‘we’re ok here’ kind of message — things are looking kinda ugly on my TV. Thinking of you!
This is most likely my last shout out for awhile. He’s just about to come inland in between Destin and Pensacola. In my area Ivan hit around 75 to 80 mph for about 5 hours. I’m worried as heck about infidel pig. Wish I had made direct contact so that we could know the other ones plans and where abouts. Who knew though that Dennis was really going to go for the Panhandle at that time. This house is very sturdy but if you were in a mobile home right now you would need something tacked down better. The winds are about 30 mph now. Electricity is still with us. We are lined up for our last hot shower for awhile. If this really stinks we have decided to get a generator. I can’t help feeling that this hurricane season and the next ten years of them aren’t going to be affecting the coastal regions in a huge way. I am expecting the global warming questions to really heat up after this because there is so much sitting on the coastlines these days. I have the A/C turned way down so that hopefully we have a cool home overnight. Radio with batteries. Oil lamps. Frozen all sorts of things that are wet that can be drank later or used as a cold pack in the heat. I never asked infidel exactly where on the panhandle he was and I’m really kicking myself for not asking now! Things look good so far. Lovin ya all and trying not worry about those around me who may not be so fortunate. I suppose that when Dennis has gone over and we are all fed and sure of our soundness we will head out and see if anybody near us needs anything. The dogs are nervous, I’m sure they feel the approaching storm but this is their first hurricane. They are Rocky Mountain dogs.
Good luck to you Tracy, I am watching on CNN…
Infidel pig has said he was inland far enough and felt fairly safe where he was…I am hoping that you all, each and every one will be safe.
Yes Tracy, I think the coastal areas in that region are going to be hit hard year after year now, in the current cycle we are in.
I think everyone who can afford it should get a generator, no matter where they live, one thing or another comes along regularily, even without the weather….
Tracy I will thinking of you all day…..Check in whenever you can…
was confident about his surroundings
You can’t kill a pig quick,,,specially an “InfidelPig” ; )
I’m here, do’n fine, back online. My son had never been through a hurricane and was nervous, so I loaded up the important papers, the puter, some cameras, and went up to Eufala Alabama, had some lunch, drove around the lake, and came back, everything is jim dandy.
Fortunately Dennis was not the Menace they thought he was going to be. I sat through Ivan last year, on the west side of Fort Walton Beach, and Dennis was no match.
Tracy, I’m close to Marianna, about 1:45mins East of you, so we were on the Eastern edge of the storm, the worst fears we had here were the tornados, last year during Ivan about 8-9 people were killed around this area. But hey, good news, I don’t think the power was out for more than a hour about anywhere.
Hopefully you did’nt suffer much damage, and if you lost power, their pretty quick at getting it restored in your area. Hope all turned out well for your family.
Thanks for the concern folks, all is good here in the swamp, and hopefully all this rain will move some “Fresh Gator” into my ponds ; ) LMSAO
Good morning and thanks for the coffee to go, Diane. See y’all later.
to all in the path of the hurricane, please let us know how you are, if you can….Any details you can provide.
mY prayers and thoughts are with you and all the people in those areas, BE SAFE…
Hi Diane and all…
Peeked over at the other place and noticed that it looks like PastorDan is still off on vacation, so I’ve been busy cobbling together a prayer for this evening just in case. Found some great “prayer for peace” resources, including a page of prayers from all sorts of traditions; with what’s going on in the Wide World as well as the Blogosphere, I think prayers for peace are desperately needed!
Other than that, I’m having a not-so-great day; spent about 15 minutes crying over some not-so-important shit. Well, that’s par for the course around here anyway…
Hope everyone has a great day; I’m going to bury myself in housework and hope that will distract me…
Hugs to you, Cali Scribe! And we’ll all look forward to your wonderful words.
I’m having a not-so-great day too. Maybe something in the air? I’m heading out to the local Goodwill stores to browse around for cool junk and books. Never know what you’ll find!
Like this guy. His name is Reginald and I love him because he’s relatively low-maintenance and he doesn’t leave giant piles of nastiness around the house.
See you all later. Hope everyone in the path of Dennis makes it through.
Oh Cali, I am a little tearful this morning also, and sure not up to par…
I was just thinking about Love….
Love, the word that has some power to change, when someone says I love you, does it not change you…both.Not romantic love but love in general. Thinking from a perspective of love gives you a different view.
Love, the thing we need the most in the world….
I would really like to make this a love diary today, and I will say that I love you all dear people and I love my family and friends, neighbors and the whole world.
Love, love, love!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Who and what do you all love.
So maybe Cali, you can make your diary peace and love, and I think I used the word love now 16 times in this comment.
If I had a dollar for every time I’ve cleaned the house to keep from crying…I think we all have days like that sometimes. I hope yours improves as the day goes on!
Um, must be something wrong with me — my crying only starts if I’m having to clean.
I think I like my cures for the blues much better: walks in the woods, reading, funny movies, sex.
For emergency sadness antidotes, I think everyone should keep around copies of at least one of the following movies:
Enchanted April
A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum
Cousin, Cousine
Gregory’s Girl
Miracle of Morgan’s Creek
When my fridge is sparkling, it’s a sure sign something’s wrong!
My cinematic blues cures include Singin in the Rain and What About Bob?
My cinematic mood cures include Let it Ride and Overboard.
For books I rely on Georgette Heyer, Christina Jones, Katie Fforde and dare I start listing all the Mystery Writers who’ve pulled me out of various funks? Hmmm?
I noticed yesterday that you got a Catherine Aird book. I always liked those, especially the running jokes about Cosby’s driving and whatever adult ed course the superintendent was taking.
Yes, that one I’m hanging onto a while before cracking into it. I like having it (I haven’t seen a new book from her since sometime in the ninties), but I won’t be able to put it down once I start. And then what?
It’s always sad when you finish a series but fortunately there are so many good mystery writers out there.
Do you like geology? Sarah Andrew’s Em Hansen series is one of my favorites. They aren’t humorous but there is always humor in them.
Another non-humorous series with lots of humor I like is Sujata Massey’s Rei Shimura books. And I’m always fascinated by the insights into Japanese culture.
I used my Library Bookmarklet and placed holds on books by these authors — Thanks!
My pleasure. I love reading (I describe myslf as an obsessive-compulsive reader) and read just about everything and love telling people about books I like and hearing about the ones they do.
BTW, both these authors have continuing storylines so reading the books in order is best.
It’s still good that I have the requests placed. I’ll go to Novelist tomorrow and figure out the order.
As I announced earlier, the current lack of interest in the FBC sauna has forced me to consider measures to increase its popularity. I’m adding a screen for showing movies, with surround löyly. It will be the only one of its type in the world. Mind you don’t sit on spílt popcorn.
Some of you may know already that I have secured some rare cinematic treats, among them: ‘Aalto cowboys go modernist’ (Finland 1957, D: Aki Kaurismäki. Sven Triloqvist, Turk Thrust) “Existentialist Finns contemplate wooden structures while saying or doing very little. Slower than Father Panchali. It’s was one of the first in a Nouvella Vague of ‘Still’ movies”
I’ve also ordered the DVD of ‘Fatty McButterpants’ (USA 2005, widescreen, D: X.S. Kilos. Wanda Lard, Fred Bacon) “Groundhog Day revisited. Fatty is forced to eat the same cake over and over again, while casting a larger and larger shadow over the entire town. The groundhog never sees daylight. )
I’ve managed to track down that copy of ‘Zander & Shirl’ (USA 1991, D: Ridley Scott. Geena Davis, Susan Sarandon. “Nothing has dated about its tale of two bloggers who decide that being outlaws and eventual death on their own terms is better than putting up with any more nonsense from husbands, boyfriends, rapists and offensive strangers”
After a busy weekend of googling, the following cinematic gems will also be playing shortly:
‘The State of Washington’ (USA 1971, D; Mike Wadleigh. Various bands) “Rockumentary, if you will, by Woodstock director features bands exemplifying the `Puget Sound’ – a laidback organic rock genre. Headlined by The Goosenecks. In fact only this band is seen on stage, the others are in a large tent partaking of exotic cheroots and mumbling “wow” for large portions of the film. Tighter editing could have made this a classic
‘Austin Powers – the Spy who göögled me’ (USA 1971, D: Mike Myers. Mike Myers, Sharon Stone, Don Knotts) “Toothy Powers is back again in a hilarious battle with an all-seeing grandma (Stone plays Diane the Gran) who runs a vast empire of mind control from a shack in Southern California. An avatar with attitude, Diane feeds everything that is ever said into the giant Nature Boy supercomputer for spiritual processing. The scene where Austin confronts her about chain-smoking and TV dinners is alone worth the price of admission”
‘I, Ribbit (USA 2004, D: Alex Proyass. Will Smith, Bridget Moynahan) “In the year 2035 a techno-phobic cop investigates a crime that may have been perpetrated by a ribbit, which leads to a larger threat to humanity. Based on I,saac Azimuth’s book, the movie details the three Laws of Ribbitics:
a ribbit may not injure a fellow blogger or, through inaction, allow a blogger to come to harm.
A ribbit must obey orders given it by bloggers except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.
A ribbit must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law.
Bookings now being taken
Sven, I cannot say how you have lifted my spirits this morning with your:
Well I am still laughing, but just have to ask, is that really how you see me?????????????????????????????????????????
I especially like the ‘giant Nature Boy, supercomputer’ and the ‘every word that is ever said’.
Sven your whole comment was simply priceless and certainly well worth the cost of the FBC….And I love you……….
Diane, I love you too. You know me – anything for a laugh. Of course that is not how I see you, or anyone else involved. But there is a soupcon of truth, otherwise it wouldn’t be funny.
I’m most happy to have cheered you up. I first posted it in the Friday edition, long unrecommended, so thought it could bear a second showing. Anyway I try to recycle as nuch as I can – trash, glass, girlfriends, jokes etc – It’s good for the planet 😉
(brushing the popcorn aside)
Sven, you never cease to meake me laugh!
Have I finally found it? An audience that truly appreciates my humour?
If I might be serious for a moment (oh sod off sven!) My humour (which is also partly professional) depends on the imagination of the reader. And a multitude of references. I can’t do this with a younger audience – they just don’t get it. They want pointers and big arrows saying ‘This is a joke’. Is there no subtlety any more?
Whadda ya mean subtlety, Sven? If you’d just stop writing with a sledgehammer….(Oh dear, I’m in a gargantuan struggle with my alter ego again)
I’m sorry to tell you, but most people think I have a pretty warped sense of humour…
Tine-warped, I hope…
This is such a comic gem!
I guess it’s official: I no longer have a crush on Carnacki.
It is impossible to stay in a PMS loop any longer than five minutes. My husband wants to invite you to Christmas.
I’d be most happy. I can bring Santa. I think we’d have LOTS to talk about 😉
would be be an especially appropriate name for a band of mine. A gooseneck is the universal joint that connects a sailboat’s boom to the mast.
But “laid back” would not describe Gooserock’s Goosenecks. Think “all their wars are merry….”
I still think a great name for a pickup band on St. Patrick’s Day would be “They Might Be Leprechauns.”
OMG Sven, hardly anyone has been able to find that great flic. I should have known you would have one of the few quality copies and be willing to show it here at FBC.
You know, I was a little put off when Zander won the Frogster award from the Academy for that, and although nominated, I didn’t even have a chance. . .I mean the vote was something like 1780-2 (and I voted twice). Fortunately I am a Big enough frog (in more ways than one) to allow that her stunning performance deserved the recognition it got. I think it had a lot to do with her PR elusiveness and incredible ability to avoid the press and the WW bios at all costs. She created so much mystery about her personal self (unlike blabby mouth me) that everyone just bought into that whole Greta Garbo, leave me alone thing of hers. That’s okay, I have my TV gig now on PBS. . .Point of Frogs. . .and I hear she is doing what? Tending bar and waiting tables in some Cafe?
Thanks for shining a light on my former fabulous film career. . .brief though it was.
Oh. . .and you thought Serandon and Davis starred in that film? Great makup, wasn’t it. We did audition Serandon, but she just never quite got the essence of me, maybe she was just too short and too thin. . .It takes real acting to create “Tall and Sturdy.” Yes, I will have to admit that she is a very fine actress usually, but you know how hard it is to attempt the role of a living frog person. . .even beyond her great abilities, so it seemed.
Hmmm that sounds like a movie title 😉
It also sounds like a Lifetime chanel movie of the week, “Tall and Sturdy”, the shirlstars story. . .LOL
The DVD trailer for this movie (in a deep smoky voice) goes: “She was tall, she was sturdy …and she came from another planet. Planet Earth. It was a gazillion years ago, and the Lemurians knew nothing of love. Then, as their world began to crack apart, a strange being from the future brought 10 gallons of liquid endorphins. 10 gallons that would change the world. And give birth to a hat.
It’s tectonic, it’s paradoxical. It’s ‘Tall and Sturdy’. One of the weirdest movies you’ll ever see”.
Sven. . you are a jewel! Thanks for that. Made me say “awww” and laugh at the same time! Quite a talent there big guy.
It’s Sunday morning again, and that means it’s time for Sunday Griot. Today’s story is a cautionary tale about what happens when someone is neither fish nor fowl, or more in line with today’s story, neither bird nor beast.
Sunday Griot is Omir the Storyteller’s weekly diary of stories for progressives.
My boys just (OF THEIR OWN ACCORD!) saw the next load of laundry needing to be done, and, get this…they put the wet stuff into the dryer, and put the next load in and started it for me!
I am so HAPPY!!!
Have you checked around for strange-looking pods?
It’s getting a little scary…they folded their own stuff from the dryer…what has happened to my little hooligans?
If you’ve confirmed the absence of pods, are all the pets and siblings accounted for? If yes, is the shed or garage on fire? If no, is there a police car pulling into the drive?
I think they may be bucking for an allowance upgrade-fortunately for all of us, they’ve had a skills upgrade at the same time!
My heart absolutely melts when my grandaughter looks in my eyes and says I love you Grammy. MUCH better really than romantic love. Or she’ll say something like You look pretty Gram out of the clear blue sky. She also has a quick wit. One day we were all coming back from the beach in an area we usually don’t go to. My son said he new a shortcut and about five minutes later she announces, “This is the longest shortcut I’ve ever taken.” I thought we all would bust a gut laughing as she was only six at the time.
Barkeep! er, waiter, ummm, proprietor? I took this yesterday and was wondering if the FBC could use it.
Oh Janet I love that pic….I am going to copy and put in the diary right now…..Thanks…
But I don’t know if the birds use it. There were, however, actual frogs hopping all over the place around it. I have pics of them too, but no time right now to get them ready to post. It was at a plant nursery. Had a concrete frog that I took a pic of too.
Another entry for shirl’s “You know you’ve been spending too long on the blogs when . . .” file. When you go to buy plants and end up thinking “OOOH! I bet the FBC folks would like a pic of this!”
(Goes and gets camera and spends too much time trying to get hoppy frogs to sit still for a portrait.)
Please feel free to place this calm serene little fountain and the surrounding weather and atmosphere in the mail and next day it to me.
Another hot one in the mountains and I dying to try this photo-link stuff…here goes…
In an attempt to drive back the dreaded heat demons, #3 in the continuing Sunday Series <tada>
TERRART: Todays episode featuring the rather obscure British artist, Andy Goldsworthy,
For more go to Andy Goldsworthy
Worked in preview…crosses fingers…posts
I love his work.
He falls into the artistic category of “fabricated to be photographed.” His sculptures, which he creates on the spot using only naturally available materials, are ephemeral and exist as a work of art only in the more durable photograph.
Unfortunately, in the US few outside side the “art world” are aware of his work, at least by my experience. I personally love his work as well, as much for it’s temporal nature as its beauty. I like to think that because he leaves them where they are constructed that others come upon them unexpectedly and are brought to a higher awareness. Glad you know of him and enjoy his work.
how many of us taking the poll got the right answer.
I would say that maybe half of you got the answer right…lol…
I can never take your polls because you never give me the correct option. . .I’m not sure. I’m sure it is just an oversight because I no you don’t intend to be exclusionary. . . .or do you? Hmmmmm, this is a side of you I’ve not seen yet. . . .
ribbit back at ya deano…watsup
Not much, gotta go to bed soon now! Have to run to an art store before work.
prayer/meditiation diary is posted here .
The theme this evening is peace…[insert deity here] knows we need it…
< img src=”“ >
I want to try tihs for my own experiment bare with me folks.
well, pooh…what did I do wrong?
< img src=”“ >
Take out the spaces and try this???
this is sunrise at Key largo
Very cute — did you take it?
no was searching and found it and liked it. I really would like to go there sometime…So much history is there.
I wish I was at the beach.
I’ll contribute a picture I took of a sunset in Acapulco this January:
oh wonderful…you know I love sunrises of all sorts. I also love sunsets too. but sunrises always start me out on the right foot of the day. I sit on my deck sometimes and watch the surise and so enjoy it even to I am in the country in podunk TN
One of the songs on my current list is by a band called ‘The Starting Line’. The song is called ‘Left Coast Envy’, and has a chorus including the line: Can I sell this sunrise, in return for a sunset, yeah. I love the song, but disagree with the line; I think it should go the other way. A sunrise is such a symbol of hope and renewal, while a sunset (to me) symbolizes ending. Though each sunset bears the promise of a new sunrise of course…
you got that one right. I love life altogether, but love the beginning of the day so much
… out in the country than they would be if you were in a city. (Full disclosure: I live in the country in Indiana. We can commiserate over our red state podunk-ness.)
And Tennessee has so many beautiful places. When I was a kid I went to camp near Sparta and I just loved the whole area, especially the Caney Forks River and Fall Creek Falls State Park.
And then there are Smokies.
oh yes that area of this state is so beautiful. I love the mountains. I happen to live in the delta side of the state….it is ok but not as lovely as the mountains, of course.
I suppose I live in the buckle of the bible belt. This county is definatly a red sight to behold! I am a country girl at heart. Have lived in major big cities and still can’t get the country out of my soul.
I’ve been posting pictures from around Puget Sound, but my home–emotionally, even more than the houses I grew up in–is Lake Erie. This photo from the Canadian side was linked from Kos last night. The original is here.
Puget Sound is drop-dead gorgeous and seems to have a much more complete healthy ecology, but I’ll never forget that wide open horizon and the big winds of Lake Erie (let alone the larger Great Lakes).
I’ll be Diane for a minute (?!), and mention that (and I should have put this in the code sample I posted) we’re supposed to limit images to width=”400″ like this:
< img src=”some.jpg” width=”400″ >
One of our resident image people (not me) told us that by just specifying one dimension the width/height (or since I’m in Kansas) width/heighth ratio stays intact.
I’ll try to remember to add that to any samples I send out in the future!
oh geez, folks I am so sorry..wished I had known that…sorry…will do better hopefully in the future. I was experiementing and wanted to see if it worked….sorry
Don’t feel bad, it’s happened to almost all of us. The reason for it is that depending on the video settings the margins for some people get shoved out of wack.
I can’t remember if this fits but, another thing to keep in mind is that posting images as original (or at most) second generation comments is best. That keeps the image as close as possible to the left edge.
Really, don’t worry — we’re all learning this stuff as we go along.
The margins, they burn, they burn!!!
Just kidding — next time, put “width=400” between the “img” part and the “src” part in your tag. Actually, 400 is the comfortable max; if you can get it smaller than that & still have it be visible, it’d be great. Better still would be to crop or resample the pic so it has a smaller size from the get-go, but that’s probably left for “Advanced Topics.”
Pull out the spaces between the < > and the text. See if that works.
In the “img src=” part, you need to link directly to an image, not to the webpage it’s on. An image will usually have a “.gif” or “.jpg” extension. Finding the address to a picture on a webpage can be tricky, and will usually mean wading through the sourcecode for the webpage looking for the picture’s address. A quicker way to find pictures, and easily get their address, is to use
You got the code in your comment correct, however!
Your comment is much clearer than mine! I wish I could delete comments.
My problem is that I always try to explain too much, and three other people have answered the question by the time I actually post.
But yours was worth the wait!
Well, you got it right in one comment & it took me 3. And even then I goofed it up.
I am just wanting to learn how to do this thing so badly. I also want to try it with some music too, to see if it works
< img src=”“ >
You are trying to link to an HTML page as an image. I got the image name by right clicking on it (see my other comment)
oh wow it worked!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
evening all,
hope everyone is having a good old froggy time. just read bayprairie’s new post on the texas minutemen.
its a good read!
One of the reasons that I love reading BMT is that everyone is so knowledgable, so polite, and so kind. I am frequently in awe of the quality and attitude of the posts here (including the comments).
I think I may feel this way because I’m one of the younger ones here. Am I the smallest tadpole in thissy here FBC pond? I’m 26. I think people tend to think things out more fully before they say it as they grow into adulthood, so maybe that has something to do with my impressions.
Anyone younger out there?
yeps me ; ) “in spirit anyway” LMAO…and I’m over twice your age…now tell me, ain’t that the way to go?? I refuse to grow up, (completely ; )
So it looks like you’ve weathered (weathering?) the hurricane well. Good news! 🙂
The coolest people I’ve ever met are the ones who don’t act their age (one way or another). Grow up, not old, right?
correcto-mundo ; )
Yeppers, no lil’ ol’ storm is gonna git this ol’ down, no siree ; ) (I think it makes the best party there is) LOL
Infidelpig, I am so glad you are ok…..thanks for checking in,…
thank you, for your concern ; )
well, suppose you could add me to that catagory too….I only wished I was 26 again!!!!! God and know what I know now!!!!
is that I can know what you know now 🙂
I act like a 15 year old most of the time. Does that count? Actually I’m 43 which is like…860 in dog years, so…
Age might be a part of why the posts and comments seem more well thought out to you, but I think the real reason is the feel of the site itself. Kindness tends to generate more kindness.
I think the real reason is the feel of the site itself
I think you’re 100% right, but I also think that the feel of the site attracts a certain type of person. In this case, people who are a little more mature.
I’m sure the causal relationship goes both ways.
I often act like a 15 year old too, but I dig being able to drive and buy booze legally 🙂
I think you’re right.
As to legal booze. When I turned 18, the legal age then, I went from bar to bar practically begging every bouncer I saw to card me, with no luck. I really felt cheated. After awhile the novelty of it wears off. trust me :O)
Heh, I’m 24 here, I kind of liked it before I published my age, but thats fine.
I don’t think publishing your age is any big deal…we don’t discredit the source based on irrelevant stuff (e.g. age) like BushCo does 🙂
Neither of you should worry about publishing your age. Us old farts have rapidly dying brain cells and the ones that stored your age will be gone by morning.
haha, no, I’m not worried. Sometimes when I write I can come across as preachy I’ve been told, not that that is my intention. So now, I’m just a little cautious.
Very Funny! — I was thinking something similar, but it sounded snarky, not funny when I typed it out. (me? 51)
so I can really call you “kids” and get by with it…:o) you can call me nana if you want…bs That is how old I am…of which I am of course, a nana…two grandaughters who want to be your kids age but just ain’t there quite yet…bs
I’ll join you and deano at the tadpole table, I’m just shy of 2 months until my 25th birthday. Cheers!
See now, here is living proof that the depth of knowledge and kindness of spirit shown here at the pond, has little, if anything to do with age.
I’m glad to not have to sit alone at the tadpole table. Conversation with myself is usually interesting, but I’m pretty predictable (to myself).
Hmmm, maybe one of us will have to come up with a good picture of a ‘tadpole table’ for use in future FBC posts…
there you go!!!!!!!! I just knew you all would fit right in here….you little tadpoles…..
I feel pretty predictable to myself as well. I’ve been out of school for two years so it’s been nice to continue learning outside of a classroom. This place is hazardous to my focus at work, I’m easily distracted.
This place is hazardous to my focus at work
Boy, do I hear you there. I usually check out the headlines here before I check my company e-mail in the morning.
make you a nametag?
the women.
Thoughts expressed here somehow seem to have more room.
I don’t consider myself a ‘pie wars refugee’, as I never really got into those discussions, but I did follow my favorite diarists (all women) over here.
Boy, I should have thought of that! <smacks self on forehead>
well, folks, I have to retire now. I have the news on and we are expecting big storms around here tonight, around midnight..the bewitching hour…part of Dennis coming our way…It is to rain and have storms around here all week long till next Sun. Just hope no tornadoes occur…see ya later…”PEACE AND LOVE”
Peace and Love to you Brenda
make sure to send some of that rain in this direction to Az. Between you and Janet Strange, we may get more than lightning this week. <fingers crossed>
Time for me to head out of here too. It’s been a pleasure, as usual.
Be careful out there