Hi everyone! Cross posting this from MyDD and Dailykos to try develop as comprehensive a list as possible. If you know of a regional, state-wide, or local progressive blog network, please post a link to it in the comments. It’s one thing for me to complain that we are not doing enough blogging on the local level, but it’s another thing to at least start with a good review of already strong local progressive blog networks.
Let’s bring them to everyone’s attention.
There was one… the blogger used to post the link incessantly, and I thought I would never forget the name of it. But I did. I think it was some sort of pacific northwest bloggers coalition or something. I will look it up. There are a few others I may have bookmarked or something somewhere.
This is a good idea to gather this information… I think going as local as possible is the way going forward.
I’ve been reading a really great scoop blog for Michigan, but it doesn’t get the level of participation it deserves – yet. Check it out at http://www.michiganliberal.com/.
Facing South. They cover national stuff, but also local, Southern issues… not especially specific to one state or anything tho. But still… as a region… anyway, their goal is a Progressive South š
Blog for Arizona – there is an extensive blogroll with Arizona-focused blogs.
Arizona Democratic Party Blog
Hope that helps!
Here’s one that has a link to other blogs in Maine
There are also emailed ‘newsletters’. We have one at http://www.hancockdems.org
and there’s my blog thathas some local stuff
Good idea…if it gets compiled into a state by state image map, that would be awesome.
He does a thorough job here. There are links to other Florida blogs on the right.
Interstate 4 Jamming
Northwest Progressive Blog Portal
Blue Oregon
New Frames