What’s on your mind?
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
Recent Posts
- Day 28: Democracy Dies In Darkness
- Day 26: People Discover That American Fascists Like German Fascists
- Day 25: The Fascist Regime Comes for the Federal Prosecutors
- Day 23: The Fascist Regime and House Budget Committee Are Coming for Medicaid
- Day 22: The Fascist Regime Destabilizes the Jordanian Monarchy
Really, you wanna know? Really, no holds barred?
I suppose it’s mid-summer doldrums, or maybe Bush Administration scandal fatigue, but I just can’t seem to work up ire anymore. I’m tired, worn out, haggard from trying to follow the latest Plame news of the day — DID Rove know she was covert? When EXACTLY was Novak’s column written, vs. when was it published? As for the O’Connor announcement and the anticipated resignation of Rehnquist, I hate to admit it, but I’m starting not to care. I’m sick of reading the Times and the Post and then having to read the blogs to fill in the gaps, inj conjunction with having a full-time job. I just can’t do it anymore. I want to become, magically, a simple, well-intentioned citizen who can believe what she reads and will reliably vote Democratic when the time comes, without much reflection. What’s wrong with me?
Maybe I just need a vacation…
How did that happen, again! Every year I say I am going to just enjoy summer, and then it is half over and I wake up and ask the same old question, “Where did it go?”
Of course part of it is the weird weather here in New England this summer, again. Cold and rainy, then a couple of very hot humid days, then cold and rainy again. Hard to remember it is summer. And no spring at all. Maybe fall this year?
OK, back to one day at a time.
Yeah, everytime the summer solstice comes around I’m caught by surprise — huh? now the days are gonna start getting shorter again when it was dark at 5:30 just a few weeks ago?
Don’t have your problem knowing it’s summer here in Chicago tho. After a short break we’re back into the 90s for as far as the forecasts stretch. Hasn’t rained more than a few drops in over a month, we’re in official “extreme drought”, and all our fabulous parks are brown.
Oh well, at least it ain’t Florida.
Passing Shot – thought you might enjoy a line I’ve thought about using as a tag line:
“I worry no matter how cynical you become, it’s never enough to keep up.” Jane Wagner
I get to the place you are describing regularly. Taking a break from it all helps. It will all just be here when you get back.
OK I know that this subject was banned on Kos, but it made an appearance on the front page of today’s LA Times.
After Flagging Support, a Second Wind for Bush
By Doyle McManus, Times Staff Writer
Renewed fear of terrorist sleeper cells will probably spur increased support for tough law enforcement measures such as the Patriot Act, which is up for renewal.
Another windfall for Bush! Wow! For those of you who were wondering, this is how INTELLIGENT DESIGN rewards its proponents.
Social Security reform?
For a President who “doesn’t care about polls”, he sure seems to have dropped this campaign like a hot rock.
I have these in mind because I’m going to plant a border between us and our Nascar neighbors. A southwestern theme.
We thought briefly about a WWI era theme, with trenches and concertina wire, but decided for the natural look at the end.
Perhaps this will keep them from passing out in our driveway.
Do they pass out in your driveway often?
Only twice since the third of July. But we sense a trend.
with a nice patch of nettles might have a more educational effect.
Body of SEAL Recovered
on dKos today. I thought your purpose was clear and to the point, although not all were in agreement. Thank you. We need diversity in approaches in the progressive community, and you are helping provide that.
Same here, Booman. You nailed my position on conspiracy theories; I’m an agnostic. IMO, BushCo is capable of anything, and I wouldn’t put anything past them.
As far as the whole DKos thing goes, most of us came to here from there. The way I see it, the site is evolving, and spinning off other great sites like this one. Though some may not agree with the methods, the result is part of the necessary and desirable expansion of the left side of the blogosphere.
DKos is changing because Markos is changing, and the blogosphere is changing, being taken more seriously and subjected to more scrutiny by other media. The guy who started out blogging in his pajamas is now flying around giving testimony to the FEC and making book deals. For better or worse, DKos is the go-to site for anyone who wants to know what Democrats are thinking. As the owner of the site, Markos is ultimately responsible for the content, and again, for better or worse, the world is gonna judge him by that content.
The site redesign speaks volumes on it’s own about the evolution of Kos’ career. I totally respect him for what he has started. Not only his site, but the inspiration for this site, and all the other Kos alumni who now have their own blogs. I wish him all the best, and I hope he is able to help wrest control of our government from the madmen who have overtaken it.
That said…many of my favorite posters are turning up here. The size of the community seems more like a neighborhood than the city that DKos has become. A warmer, homier suburb perhaps? Diaries scroll at a lazier pace here in Boomanland…:)
NEW YORK (AFP) – Michael Jackson flew to the tiny Gulf kingdom of Bahrain to recover from his sensational pedophilia trial, less than one month after he was acquitted on all charges.
People magazine said Jackson, along with his three children and their nanny, were flown to Bahrain on June 29 as a guest of Bahrain’s Sheikh Abdullah bin Hamad Al Khalifa. …
MJ’s been in Bahrain for a while now.. do you know why? Because the Sheikh’s son is a long-time friend of Jermaine Jackson…
Weird eh?
I posted a diary with a roundup of outrages on Guantanamo. The commanding officer was relieved from duty this weekend and they also announced that four detainees will be released since they can’t find evidence to charge them.