Hi, to all newbies, lurker, shybies, welcome to the site.
We have a tradition here to bring out the Wagon and welcome in the new people. We love to hear about you, about your life, about who you are, what you do or whatever you care to share.
Please do tell us if you are male or female though if you will, and also the state or country you live in.
We love to know the world weather, so tell us that too.
And don’t be shy, we have done something like 20 of these diaries now and they are just great fun for all of us to get to know each other.
Oldster, you know the assignment, help to welcome and do post a little about yourselves also for the newbies so they can get to know you as well.
So, come on in, join us here by the welcome wagon, we have gifts and mojo for you, fresh water and coffee, pastries over on the side and a great bunch of folks here standing around.
After you have made yourself known here, stroll on over to the Froggy Bottom Cafe, a 24/7 operation we have going on here, where we just get together to chat and have fun.. See you there!
A great big giant welcome and hello to all!!!!!!!
Oh and please take the poll below.
Just a quick “hello” It seems I’m falling asleep in the Lounge….
Hey Katie. . .sleep well. I hope your mom is doing better in the morning. G’nite. And another fabulous cafe by you girl! You rock!
Let’s see, female, 62, live in NH, in a small town. Married, second, for 21 years, two daughters who are grown, 2 grandsons by daughter #1, they are in MD. I work 35 hours a week in financial services, serve my town as a member of the Board of Selectmen (for you non-New Englanders, that’s the usually 3 member board that serves as the executive of a town, we have town meeting form of government, very old tradition), work on the Master Plan Committee, the Community Resources Committee and the Cable Advisory Committee. I got into politics in earnest on the Dean campaign, remain a member of Democracy for America, and Democracy for New Hampshire, co-chair of my miniscule Democratic Town Committee. I search for volunteers to do the work of the town and get active in politics.
Pet peeve: people saying they don’t want to get involved because all politicians are crooks or dirty! I am a politician, and I am a good person doing good work.
I have my own blog: http://northwoodprogressives.typepad.com/
Hi, and wlecome, I almost missed your comment as this diary was so far down the list this morning.
I am a 62yo female also, but you sure to seem to have more energy than I do with all the great things you are doing that I know take so much time and energy.
How ever do you do it. I am cranky about even leaving my house once a week…hermit that I am, I so admire people that still like getting out after 62 years.
Me, I had enough of driving and running around here there and everywhere, and maybe it’s because I had 5 kids and a lot of years hauling them around,,,and working,,,,…
welcome and do find a lilypad to pull up and sit a while for a little ribbiting. we are very happy to have you in the pond. I have often wanted to come your side of the pond for a visit to see how things are going there. I only hve gotten as far as the northern part of NY and seems to be getting the itch to go further. Again, welcome aboard….have fun and contribute as much as you want.
Before I get busy here at my own lilly pad, I want to say a hardy and straight forward WELCOME to each of the newcomers here and hope you enjoy your stay with us. This is the best site ever and I do wish you good luck in your visiting here. We accomplish a lot here and we do stay on track for the most part. We call it a community. This is a unique vision that will be more like the old chat room where I started out. This is why I enjoy this so much. Play well with the other frogs here and try to learn from them as we will learn from you too. Lots of frog hugs coming your way….
at a mere 51 years of age.
I have been married 11 years to the most apolitical man on the planet. I have a 31 year old stepdaughter and a son-in-law and two adorable and bright grandchildren.
I work in a medical laboratory, reading out Pap smears and other specimens in search of malignant and pre-malignant cells.
I am originally from Northern Indiana, lived in Maine a year, and Kansas City for 17 before moving to northern Idaho.
I became aware of the blogs in Feb. of 2003 thanks to an article by James Wolcott in Vanity Fair. I am a refugee of the Kos pie wars, being an “old-school” feminist and Planned Parenthood member. I figure it is not long before the Catholic Church excommunicates me for that, although I still practice as a Catholic.
For fun, I love to garden. We bought a 20’s bungelow and are in the process of remodeling and redecorating. I also sing in a large community choir and the smaller chamber choir in this area.
Welcome! I hope you’ll like it here and feel as welcome as I do. I also am a pie refugee. I just love saying that…it sounds so silly.
I recently moved down south after spending my whole life in Ohio. I sure do miss that midwestern weather. Seriously! Even the winter sometimes.
Hi Hoosierspud, and welcome. Actually, I’m more of a youngster around here than you. I’m 43, and there are more than a few here considerably younger than that.
My wife and I have been together 19 years now and we have three kids. A son, 18, and two daughters, 15 and 12. We live on the eastern end of Long Island in New York, where I’m from, but also lived in Maryland, where my wife is from, for ten years. In fact, they’re in Maryland now, and I’m home alone, but all the good froggies here have helped keep me company till they come home. This is a cool place. I bet you’ll like it :O)
Welcome fellow spudkicker! It is very nice to have another “voice in the wilderness of Idaho” here. Be sure to join us in the Froggy Bottom Cafe when you have the time. It is a great place to hang out, chat a bit, and sometimes laugh harder than you ever thought possible.
We are so glad to add your voice to the chorus of froggies here.
Marisacat just rating me “4” over on kos, and I thought to myself “Where has she been?”
So I checked her last diary, which was “Welcome purge victims!” over at Booman.
So here I am. Not a purge victim, but I have a really bad taste in my mouth about what’s going on over on Kos. Group think, pressure to conform, hostility….it’s all so sad.
And I like green and brown better than orange. <g>
I’m 34, an attorney in Los Angeles, a yellow-dog Dem, and queer as all heck. Committed to a wonderful goofy fella going on 6 years. Originally from Western NY.
Welcome PeteyP – wow UID#1837.
To know more about BooMan community or me, follow the USA WELCOME link below to one of many dozen Welcome Wagon diaries ¶ Tell Us About YOU.
USA WELCOME: Make Yourself Known @BooMan Tribune and add some cheers!