Hi, to all newbies, lurker, shybies,  welcome to the site.
We have a tradition here to bring out the Wagon and welcome in the new people.  We love to hear about you, about your life, about who you are, what you do or whatever you care to share.
Please do tell us if you are male or female though if you will, and also the state or country you live in.
We love to know the world weather, so tell us that too.
And don’t be shy, we have done something like 20 of these diaries now and they are just great fun for all of us to get to know each other.
Oldster, you know the assignment, help to welcome and do post a little about yourselves also for the newbies so they can get to know you as well.

So, come on in, join us here by the welcome wagon,  we have gifts and mojo for you, fresh water and coffee, pastries over on the side and a great bunch of folks here standing around.
After you have made yourself known here, stroll on over to the Froggy Bottom Cafe, a 24/7 operation we have going on here, where we just get together to chat and have fun..  See you there!
A great big giant welcome and hello to all!!!!!!!
Oh and please take the poll below.