The Ownership Society can buy judges now?

Business Pushes Its Own Brand Of Justice

For 2 1/2 years, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, the nation’s largest business association, has privately funneled to the White House staff in-depth analyses of decisions rendered by federal appeals court judges — the most likely pool of high court candidates. The reports, which the chamber declined to make public, grade jurists on their pro-business leanings, and none received a rating of more than 70 out of 100.

This could have chilling ramifications.

Although public disclosures aren’t available, he apparently has raised substantial sums from businesses for both the Committee for Justice and Progress for America, a pro-Bush organization that plans to spend $18 million to promote the confirmation of whomever the president selects. NAM and probably the chamber will also devote their lobbying muscle to the cause.

That sort of commitment, Gray hopes, will result in a heightened awareness by the president and his aides of the wishes of corporations. “I’ve made the White House aware of the availability of corporations as a potential ally,” Gray said. “I hope that the White House is more cognizant [of companies’ interests] than they might otherwise have been.”


This is also pitting Corporate America and the Religious Right against each other.

Will God or Money win the next Supreme Court Judge? Stay tuned..

Either way, there goes more ‘justice’ down the tubes for the rest of us.