If you live in the midwest, along interstate 80, you may be able to help Teri Knight find the bodies of her children, killed and buried in unmarked graves by her ex-husband 2 years ago.
Before committing suicide in jail, her ex-husband left these clues:
The children may be buried in an L shaped grave, somewhere between Pennsylvania and Iowa, off an I-80 exit in the Midwest, in tall grass. The site may be near a 6-foot-high metal fence, an old water pump, a yellow or tan commercial building, firewood, large slabs of concrete, five or six large trash-filled cement construction cylinders, a pile of white or gray rocks and willow-like trees.
If you think you may know where this site is, please contact Teri Knight.
From the wire service
On a July day in 2003, authorities say, Knight’s ex-husband shot and killed their daughter, Sarah, 14, and son, Philip, 11. Manuel Gehring told police in New Hampshire he wrapped his children in plastic and placed duct-tape crosses on their chests.
Then, he said, he dug a shallow grave for them somewhere along this concrete artery than runs through the heart of middle America.
Police drove Gehring along I-80 shortly after the murders to look for the L-shaped grave. But he couldn’t find it. Neither could law enforcement officers or dedicated volunteers who searched a 650-mile stretch from Pennsylvania to Ohio to Indiana to Illinois to Iowa _ the area where he’s believed to have buried the children.
Last week, just a few days after the two-year anniversary of her children’s disappearance, Knight came to look for herself.
Those general clues would be all he’d provide: Gehring, 44, committed suicide in jail in February 2004, while awaiting trial. At the time of the killings, Gehring had lost his accountant’s job and apparently feared he’d also lose custody of the kids to Knight, who had just remarried. They had divorced in 2001 after a 16-year marriage.
Thanks for the information. It must be very difficult for this mother not to be able to have closure on this. Hopefully those who live in the area described will talk to others and some information will turn up.
As you say, hopefully some information will turn up.
In July of 2003 I drove from Long Island To Michigan on my way to paint a boat out there. This gut wrenching story came out soon after I got back and the thought that these two children were buried somewhere along that road was very chilling and brought it deeper into my conciousness than if it had been just something I saw on T.V. It’s easy sometimes to become de-sensitized to these stories because we are bombarded with them constantly and the way they are sensationalized and used to boost ratings by T.V. stations and jounalists.
I can’t begin to imagine the what this mother is feeling or how she could possibly cope with it. Her ex husband used his own children as a tool to inflict a final and abominable act of abuse on her, yet did’nt have the courage to face the aftermath. These kinds of acts are carried out by cowards who can’t deal with life and have to go about punishing and killing as a final way of saying, “I’m in control”. If life is just too much for you, then by all means, do yourself. What a F#&king Coward. If there is a hell, I hope that he will eternally burn in it.