I have pulled myself ashore…bloodied and battered…seeking refuge at a site where I understand all points of view are free to be considered, free from the censorship of the illuminati and free from the abuse of their hired thugs, and free from the “realities” and “responsibilities implicit to being the blog vanguard of the Lieberman Left.

To get the ground rules straight around here…Is it true that no topics are taboo? Is it true that one may throw out a discussion point here, even without irrefutable evidence, and can expect an honest dialogue, free from the scorn and hateful screeds so common on BT’s more popular competitor? Can one simply pose an question here and expect to be engaged intelligently by other posters with the intent to inform not deride?

Is it OK then to assume that a frank discussion of US Policy vis-a-vis Israel is acceptable and even encouraged and won’t incur the wrath of the AIPAC dominated wing of the Democratic Party? Are the anti-semitic police not afoot here, spuriously alleging anti-semitism when it is not warranted in an attempt to stifle any honest debate about Israel?

Is it OK here to explore the potentially traitorous actions of our current administration? Or will suggestions of nefarious activity on the part of BushCo, be met with prolonged ridicule and name-calling?

If this site allows dialogue of this nature, I’m happy to have made the Kosover and I’m starting to feel better already. Thanks.