I have pulled myself ashore…bloodied and battered…seeking refuge at a site where I understand all points of view are free to be considered, free from the censorship of the illuminati and free from the abuse of their hired thugs, and free from the “realities” and “responsibilities implicit to being the blog vanguard of the Lieberman Left.
To get the ground rules straight around here…Is it true that no topics are taboo? Is it true that one may throw out a discussion point here, even without irrefutable evidence, and can expect an honest dialogue, free from the scorn and hateful screeds so common on BT’s more popular competitor? Can one simply pose an question here and expect to be engaged intelligently by other posters with the intent to inform not deride?
Is it OK then to assume that a frank discussion of US Policy vis-a-vis Israel is acceptable and even encouraged and won’t incur the wrath of the AIPAC dominated wing of the Democratic Party? Are the anti-semitic police not afoot here, spuriously alleging anti-semitism when it is not warranted in an attempt to stifle any honest debate about Israel?
Is it OK here to explore the potentially traitorous actions of our current administration? Or will suggestions of nefarious activity on the part of BushCo, be met with prolonged ridicule and name-calling?
If this site allows dialogue of this nature, I’m happy to have made the Kosover and I’m starting to feel better already. Thanks.
or as I like to say, welcome to the land where information flow is welcome, where not one but many points of view are the norm and the people are kind, courteous and extraordinarily welcoming of disparate dialogue.
Oh the most important rule is one created by Booman himself:
Don’t be a prick.
I hope you find respite, welcome and hospitality for your views, which by the way concerning Israel, I am inclined to agree with you. But that is another discussion altogether.
I promise not to be a prick.
Thank you for your kind welcome.
We’re so glad you’re here. BooMan’s rule is the best one there is. We do try to be kind to each other, even if we disagree with each other’s political views.
Did you post an item about the London bombings? I’m just curious because I missed the diaries/posts that caused a ruckus at DKos.
Let’s just say…maybe. I’m loathe to discuss it further. I’m still in recovery. 😉
I just want to bask in my new found anonymity.
Let’s just say I paperclipped my cookbook together so it couldn’t fall open to pie.
That was very funny. May I borrow a paper clip?
I think it’s a healthy sign that we’re starting to be able to joke about pie. Not that I stopped eating it, mind you, even at the height of the recent conflagration… …I just called it names like “blueberry buckle,” “peach cobbler,” “Boston Cream Cake,” and the all-purpose, “pastry.”
Freedom fries, anyone?
could lead to a banning. It is not clear that users are actually being reinstated if they ask by email (as Kos has stated)… of course is also unclear what email address one would be expected to use. I think I missed the diaries that caused the problem, but somehow got reeled in as a general supporter of questioning the received narrative.
Diaries claiming Bush or the CIA was behind the bombings seemed absurd simply because they undermine Bush and Blair, rather than helping them. Some probably were placed by freeper agents provocateurs.
May I recommend checking out Booman’s excellent post entitled ‘Reality and Non-Reality’ as a good place to start?
Hello, I read your recommended post and nearly cried.
Sweet Mercy! Sanity is refreshing.
In that case, let me recommend this and this as well.
Awww hell, just go read as many of BooMan’s stories as you have time for 🙂
Not only is everyone welcome here, many points of view are discussed here. . .respectfully. Sometimes we agree to disagree. Name calling, piling on, personal attacks and bashing other sites is not welcome here. Bring up your topics and those with interest will discuss them with you. But the most important thing here might be to get on over to the current version of Froggy Bottom Cafe have some lunch or breakfast, depending on where you are in your day, drink some coffee or other refreshment and chat with your neighbors. Open topics, posting pictures (no wider than 400 pxl please)talk about the weather, sports, your family, your job, whatever you want to talk about. It is a laid back place right close to the frog pond and bad jokes abound at times. It’s where we hang out when we have time to hang out. It switches over to the Froggy Bottom Lounge around evening time, but since we are world wide, it is evening somewhere in the world all the time.
Glad to see you here.
I think you gave a pretty fair assessment of this place in your diary.
Welcome to the bootribe..
Now that you are here I would like to point you to the Froggy Bottom Cafe, a team hosted site where we go to just hang out and talk to each other…You are invited there anytime you wish.
BTW we are not perfect, shock, shock, we do have our minor skirmishes but we usually manage to mediate and solve the problem in a civilized way.
What they said! I’m a Pie Refugee, myself, but everybody has been so patient and kind here that I’ve almost completely forgotten the bitter taste of Bruiseberry Pie. In fact, I almost don’t even want to mention it anymore. In a few weeks, I hope your most stinging memories will fade, too.
See ya in the Cafe or the comments!
Welcome! You should feel free to state your opinions here. I’m sure that you will receive the respect you deserve whether or not others agree. Now, where should your complimentary BT fruit basket be sent?
Washington, DC, please!
Hey there and welcome! One thing that I have learned in my time here is that I like to take time and think before I type as that seems to be how most posts are put forth. I have learned to give every poster the benefit of the doubt before getting defensive or upset, most always, I am glad that I did! There is lots to be learned here, about lots of stuff inside and outside of politics — looking forward to getting to know you better!
I would only add that if you choose to be confrontational, that doing so in an unoffensive manner works wonders. I have chewed upon some posts for a day or so, before I chose to respond, so I would not appear to be assaulting the person for their chosen language in expressing their beliefs. I found that carefully chosen words, that work to open dialogue instead of tarnishing the person who wrote them, brings about enlightenment that would not or could not be achieved using offensive language.
I have and continue to be astounded by the talent and creativity of the many members at BMT and am grateful for the opportunity to be a part of this community.
Neoconnedagain, I again welcome you and hope that you share with us the many ideas and issues that you feel are important to the US and the world.
to give every poster the benefit of the doubt before getting defensive or upset
Words to blog by. Thanks, brinnaine.
I have even caught myself making some really radical remarks and before anyone cold say something to me, I said I was sorry before they asked for it. This is the place that really is like what a good community should be like. Respect is the major thing here.If given it shall be returned. Learn as much as you can here an dI do hope you can give us some very good thoughts to ponder over in the interaction process.
WELCOME…just find a lily pad to clime upon an dstay awhile and so good to have you here…Now go and play well with the other frogs here. We are a friendly bunch here.
Oh pooh, I meant to spell check before I posted..please excuse my sloppiness tonight…Have had a long and hard day …….
Be fair to Kos, now. He may have purged folks like you and me, but he did so to gain credibility with the important people who matter. And it worked!
Unintended consequences are a BITCH.
DKos has now gained the respect of the Malkins, Pipes’, Horowitz’, and Ledeens. Bravo!!!
Omigawd! I’ve been AFK this week and missed the latest purge of the unacceptably opinionated. Kos got approval from Malkin! Talk about damning praise! Pardon me while I indulge in spiteful (I know it is beneath me) gleefulness: O har-de-har-har!
well, since they’re such buddies with the redstate boys now, that sort of thing is to be expected.
Welcome neo, are you “the one?” Nevermind :O) Glad you’re here. The only thing that can take some time to get used to is the slower pace here, but thats definetily a good thing. And don’t miss the cafe and the lounge. I suspect you’ll find yourself very much at home here.
here is whats acceptable @ kos:
Made me smile.
I was just over there and I happened into a diary where a well-known poster was having the most amazing tantrum. Well, I guess that’s “free speech” of a sort, lol. I kept wondering when the principal would show up.
Therein lies the problem. Some TUs and some front pagers are among the most petty, sanctimonious, ritual abusers of all whom disagree with the DKos party line.
That is a big problem, which will only drive more good people away. Thankfully, they will find a soft landing here, as I have.
know it alls? They don’t know how much they don’t understand.
You forgot the biggest category, people who no longer like pie.
BTW I post at both places.