Today was finally a good day. I wish I could make the frog do a jig.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
When things go wrong I usually look for solutions immediately and deal with the emotions later. I have a cried a few times these past five years. I cried as we went into Iraq thinking about the moms of disabled children who were going to be in the way and didn’t have anything they could do but be in the way. I cried praying that my husband would be okay. I cried when the torture evidence began mounting and it was on the huge scale that it is. Most of the time though I have been repeatedly frustrated in attempting to find and experience solutions to the problem posed by these fuckers in power, and for Tracy that means getting angry when no satisfaction can be found and no solutions being able to be applied. Today I cried because I was finally able to deal with some of the emotional hurt I have felt as my country has been stolen, manipulated, used and abused and nothing could be done about it.
It seems surreal. For once, notice is being taken of what the administration and their minions are doing, and I’ve grown so used to them getting a free pass from the media for everything they screw up that I feel like I’m dreaming.
Here’s hoping it happens often enough that we begin to get used to it!
So far it’s nothing but talk.
I want to believe that something will happen that will knock the smug little smirks off their little white faces (yeah, don’t tell me about Gonzalez and Rice; they’re honorary whites), but I just feel like somehow they’re going to dodge this one and be stronger than ever.
Maybe God is punishing us…not for the supposed sins of abortion and homosexuality, but for the actual sins of greed, avarice and hard-heartedness. We’re seeing what happens when we think only of ourselves, and not of others…and it ain’t a pretty sight.
Got any Kleenex left over there, Militarytracy? 🙁
I don’t know, I wasn’t expecting ANYTHING to be on the MSM, and this morning, when I was catching the weather forecast, I saw the NBC bit on Rove. Not to the extent that I would wnat them to talk about it, but I was surprised they even acknowledged the story!
I’m not willing to give up hope yet, although I know we’re fighting an uphill battle.
Um. How do I put this politely?
While I understand this sort of thing, and am guilty of it myself sometimes, it’s racist. One doesn’t have to be white — honorary or otherwise — to act selfish, narrowminded, manipulative, etc, etc. Even if we ignore how insulting that is to whites, I think it’s just as insulting to blacks and hispanics, implying that people in those groups are somehow not “real” if they don’t behave the way they’re expect them to behave. If we really want to accept everybody as equally human, then it follows that we need to acknowledge everybody’s all-too-human flaws.
wasn’t meant to be racist — and I’m sorry if you took it that way.
I’m talking about the dominant culture in the Bush Administration, which is a white, “Christian”, elitist culture that’s dedicated to the advancement of the white “Christian” elite. And those who would sit back and countenance the advancement of the white “Christian” elite, especially people of color, are just trying to act white in order to be accepted by the folks in power. (I remember a line from Bruce Daniels, the opening comic on Margaret Cho’s tour: “Rice is just a house n___r with a good 401(k) plan.”)
I also put people like Larry Elder and Alan Keyes in this category, so it’s not limited to folks in the Administration…
Racist references are rarely meant to be racist. The gods know that my racist references are never meant to be racist, which is why I appreciate it when someone points out to me when they are racist. One of the things I’ve learned in the quarter-century that I’ve been actively trying to clean the shit out of my head is that the job’s never finished. Thanks to the society we grew up in, we’re all racist, sexist, heterosexist, etc, etc, to various levels. The best any of us can do is try our damnnedest to correct ourselves when we screw up.
(I will admit to the theoretical possibility that there are some very rare freaks out there who have no biases at all, but the people I’ve met who’ve claimed to be bias-free have all turned out to be just totally and completely oblivious to their biases.)
It makes no sense to say that someone is “just trying to act white”. There is no “white” way to act. They are acting as they need to act in the context they are in to get what they want, just like the other people in that context. The power dynamic in this country is, obviously, racially slanted. But the behavior of individuals isn’t genetically linked to their skin color. They’re not “acting white”, they’re acting in some of the many ways humans act.
With apologies to bood abides, I submit this one for your pleasure.
Watch Scottie squirm here
The press were in full attack mode…Jeez this made me laugh and cry at the same time. Please, if there is a God, punish these lying scumbags NOW!
Why is the list still at 22 and 6? 🙁
Thanks for refusing not to surrender, M.E. Your subject line alone gave me a little extra strength for the day. FWIW, I’m with you in spirit, so please don’t despair.
Seems like many of us are going through some pretty rough times on a personal level, with no extra time or energy to participate in things outside our own little worlds. It’s also the midst of summer holiday season. . .(and those of us in the northernmost territories only have a few weeks to complete our outdoor projects while there isn’t any snow)
On a positive note. . . Allow me to congratulate you on your new blog! 1) Why no link? and 2) What is “BooTribbers Anonymous?” (seems like members of that group wouldn’t be able to purchase the new BT shirts or mugs ;^)
I realize I’m a day late to this thread. . .but if you’re out there – have a fabulous day!
bye. . .
Hi there, glad to see you, I was wondering where you were lurking 🙂
I’m sure people are sick of my harping about the CCR campaign, but the torture issue has been something that I’ve been focusing on since the Abu Graib days. (how sad that we even have a torture issue huh). So, I have alot of resolve to get the word out here and beyond.
Thx for the encouragement on the blog, I’ve been having a hard time teaching myself the CSS stuff, my design skills are limited so I’ve been playing around with the settings. As soon as I get it to look the way I want I’ll be posting more regularly.
You have a fantastic day full of peace and strength.
(see Booman’s comment here for the sig line reference)
Comforting to see you.
I can’t imagine that anyone would view any of your posts or diaries as “harping”. (Under any circumstances.) I admire your passion, and I view your actions as commendable.
Last week I embarked on my maiden voyage to your blog and I thought it looked great. So, please do hurry things along and learn whatever it is you need to learn to get things moving. :^)
Unfortunately, each time I attempted to use the link you so graciously shared in your post above, my computer locked up. (Looks like I’ll need an alternative option to find out about this mysterious group of anonymous Tribbers you speak of. . .)
Deseandole el mejor de todo, hermano querido. (If I just propositioned you, that was not my intent ;^)
It’s from Friday’s Cafe, near the bottom.
Here in ABC folk music notation, the appropriately titled:
X: 1
T: Stool of Repentance, The
M: 6/8
L: 1/8
R: Jig
K: Amix
|:f2A AcA|AcA e2c|d2e BGB|BGB fed|
f2A AcA|AcA e2c|d2e f2e|fac B2A:||
|:cAA eAA|cAA e2c|dBB fBB|f2e fed|
cAA eAA|cAA e2c|d2e f2e|fac B2A:||
|:a3 c2e|agf e2c|aff f2e|fag f2e|
a3 c2e|agf e2c|d2e f2e|fac B2A:||
|:cde ecA|cde e2f|def fdB|adb fed|
cde ecA|acA edc|d2e f2e|fac B2A:||
Let’s hope it continues.
Make sure you check out smintheus’ diary regarding follow-up on the DSM. Great information there on another document. </pimp>
Favorite Dreams – Maybe Will Come True …
Related Diaries/Comments @BooMan by Oui
Poor old AP… is the word “whomever” completely disappeared from the American English language??
tight against the body for a jig, Mr. Froggie.
–Still, I love it!
My shit detector’s goin’ off again. Every single time one of those easy targets pops up in plain view, I get real nervous about what’s really going on in the back of the booth. I’d feel better if there was more than one huge scarecrow in an otherwise empty field.
Police stand guard over a cordon in Beeston, near Leeds, England Tuesday July 12, 2005, after officers raided five residential premises in West Yorkshire in connection with last week’s London bombings. Scotland Yard said the raids were part of an ‘intelligence-led operation’. (AP Photo)
USA WELCOME: Make Yourself Known @BooMan Tribune and add some cheers!
All four bombers, born in Britain are dead.
On the trains, Scotland Yard now believes they were suicide bombers
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