I’ve opened a new Café/Lounge diary here. Your assistance in moving along in an orderly manner is greatly appreciated!

Good Tuesday morning, Tribbers! The Café is open for business, the coffee is piping hot, and the pastries are fresh from the oven.
Your host today is gathering data for a little project, and would like input from Café patrons today. I’m looking for terms for our opponents across the divide, terms commonly encountered in the blogosphere or in everyday discourse. Terms like:


you get the idea. I’m also looking for terms referring to particular Republicans, such as:

the Chimperor;
Darth Cheney;
the Gropenator.

So if you have any expressions that could help me out, feel free to mention them, and a short definition if necessary. Please keep in mind that I am emphatically not asking for you to invent terms on the spot; I am seeking words already in circulation. Any entries you provide would be greatly appreciated, and duly credited.

And now, back to our regularly scheduled chitchat….