I’ve opened a new Café/Lounge diary here. Your assistance in moving along in an orderly manner is greatly appreciated!
Good Tuesday morning, Tribbers! The Café is open for business, the coffee is piping hot, and the pastries are fresh from the oven.
Your host today is gathering data for a little project, and would like input from Café patrons today. I’m looking for terms for our opponents across the divide, terms commonly encountered in the blogosphere or in everyday discourse. Terms like:
you get the idea. I’m also looking for terms referring to particular Republicans, such as:
the Chimperor;
Darth Cheney;
the Gropenator.
So if you have any expressions that could help me out, feel free to mention them, and a short definition if necessary. Please keep in mind that I am emphatically not asking for you to invent terms on the spot; I am seeking words already in circulation. Any entries you provide would be greatly appreciated, and duly credited.
And now, back to our regularly scheduled chitchat….
In the tradition of medieval bestiaries, that described the many beasties that plagued the world, I am working on a “Republican bestiary” that (I hope) will not only enlighten the puzzled n00b but also entertain the jaded blogger. Ambrose Bierce was another inspiration. Thanks again for any and all help you can provide!
That should nudge the Roe debate a bit leftward eh?
Uy — thanks for the reminder! For anyone wondering, it’s a reference to a little piece by Bierce you can read here. There’s a reason that the contest for Best Short Fiction of Black Humor is called the “Boffer Bings Contest!”
When are you going to release your GOP bestiary? I want a signed copy, please.
Goodmorning! The coffee is wonderful (oh, and the toast with cheese just arrived). It looks like a beautiful day!
My mom is back at home, she was released yesterday. And I didn’t go by her house after work. I came home and took two naps before going to bed early. (She’s doing much better)
So life is back to normalish around here. Have we heard from everyone in the hurricane zone?
So glad to hear your mom is doing better! As for our comrades in the hurricane zone, I believe I saw a couple of them poking their heads out yesterday evening. My impression is that the damage wasn’t nearly as bad as had been feared.
I’m so glad — the thought of a hurricane terrifies me.
Let’s all send lots of healing energy her way… 🙂
Found a great FREE WiFi spot in downtown Mountain View — the Le Boulanger cafe. (I was a good girl and bought something, though!) Wish I’d known about this before I signed up for the T-Mobile wireless at the Starbucks up the street…but T-Mobile will come in handy when the spouse and I are traveling with the laptop. I’ll hang out here for a bit, then move over to the library — the spouse will pick me up there after he gets off work, then we can stop by the store and I can pick up the fixings for chicken Caesar salad.
Not much else going on; it’s supposed to be another hot day today, but it seems like there’s a bit of a breeze so maybe not as hot as originally expected.
Have a great day, everyone!
or just the Bush Junta. I have tried to bring this phrase into circulation by using it aggressively, but it may not qualify for the bestiary… yet. It has a noble lineage however; I cribbed it from Gore Vidal.
Yes! I’d forgotten that one.
Someone on Alternet used boy-president today. That’s exactly how I see him.
The hurricane is long past here on the Suncoast of Florida. Most of us don’t fear hurricanes, as our experience has usually been limited to slight brushes. Now Earthquake – yikes! Talking of scary natural disasters. That’s not even a kind of weather, it’s your mother dropping you on your head.
I imagine the Bush Junta will have its own sub-section!
Good morning froggers. I only have a minute, but just wanted to say that my wife and son are back home now and I’m feeling a little bit more normal again.
Brother Feldspar, I’ll think about your request to day and see if I can come up with anything.
Thanks for the coffee
No rush, friend! It’ll be an “ongoing” thing anyway….
Brenda mentioned in Sunday’s cafe that she loves sunrises so I thought I’d put one up for her from the best place I’ve been for watching sunrises, the Grand Canyon. If you haven’t been, Brenda, get yourself there for an amazing experience where the look of the canyon literally changes every second as the light changes.
Looking at that gives me a feeling of deep peace. That little blue dot standing in the middle is you, right, AndiF?
Usually I’m content that ours is a virtual cafe, but this is a morning when I really wish I could literally walk into it, see all you guys, accept a cup of coffee from Brother, and then take a table in the back where I could quietly do my work on my laptop. I like working in public places, surrounded by the noise and bustle of actual humans, and who could be more actual than you?
We should all retire to Booman (what state?), where we could wonder into the FBC and sit at the cool table gabbing before separating to different tables or our gardens to work on our projects. Then regroup later to show off our progress.
is the Colorado River about 5000 feet below and maybe 8 miles away. The point that is blocking the full view of the river is a mile or two away.
Did something happen to your beautiful photo? A simple page refresh, and it’s gone.
Never mind, now it’s back, as soon as I posted.
That happens to me too. I reload a page and instead of the pictures I’ll see nothing or a message that says “image hosted by …” but if I do something like post a comment or set ratings then they’ll come back. But it’s not too common so I haven’t been able to figure out if something specific causes it.
If anybody has some theories, I’d be delighted to hear ’em.
Hand up!!!!! I know!!!! At least I think I do, and the reason I know is because I use Opera Web Browser and I have a bottom bar that tells me what is loading, when the page is loading, and I see that images and blogads take the longest (sometimes up to 3 min. on cable connection), so you may have the page loaded but not all the images are loaded.
Or…..I don’t know the answer…
That might be it. I’m using firefox on a dial-up and the bottom bar shows “done” when it happens but it might report that because it might have some time-out mechanism that makes it report the page as done.
I’ll take it a step further, and hypothesize that FireFox is saying the page is finished loading, because the page is finished loading…but since the pictures are hosted elsewhere, they haven’t necessarily been loaded yet. FireFox is telling you that its got the <IMG SRC=”…”> html code even if it hasn’t downloaded the actual picture yet.
OMG, it IS a river. lol! I could have sworn there was person standing there.
What a beautiful sunrise….!
I’ve been to the North Rim of the Grand Canyon twice in my life…and sunrise is spectacular. Sunset is beautiful but sunrise is something altogether different. Restful and calm…begins your day with a sense of peace.
Thanks for the picture!
You know we’ve been to the Grand Canyon 4 times and haven’t ever gotten to North Rim because we always go in March when the North Rim is still snowed in (a definite downside to being married to a teacher is constrained choices for when you can take vacations).
If you haven’t hiked down to the inner gorge, you should really consider doing it (just think of it as climbing a mountain in reverse). There’s nothing we’ve done that has equaled its combination of the satisfying physical effort, the immensity of the canyon, the surreal beauty, and the complex geology — and of course, getting to the bottom and celebrating with a beer at Phantom Ranch.
The best part of the North Rim is that it is in the middle of the Kaibab National Forest. When you emerge from the beautiful forested hills and surroundings, you step forth to see the Canyon.
We haven’t hiked down yet…but am looking forward to it. We are planning our 2008 vacation as the 17 day whitewater trip – just beautiful based on pictures from a friend that just did the trip.
The best part of the North Rim is that it is in the middle of the Kaibab National Forest. When you emerge from the beautiful forested hills and surroundings, you step forth to see the Canyon.
Ah, someday if he ever retires …
From what I’ve heard from other people, I’m sure the whitewater trip will be wonderful*. Do you hike down to start the trip — I hope so because I think that walking through a billion and half years of rock strata is an essential part of the inner gorge experience.
* We’ve considered it but we’ve tried shorter trips and discovered that we just aren’t very good at sitting for lengths of time so we stick with hiking.
I’ll have to find my cd of pictures I took during a trip couple of years ago. Even though it’s in my state, we’re a pretty big place so I don’t get up there too often–it’s about a 7 hour drive. You appreciate the canyon the most after you’ve hiked it. I was in 5th grade and tackled the Bright Angel trail to Phantom Ranch. Oof, what an experience. Thx for sharing Andi!
So you’re well below the Mogollon Rim. My husband and I are Colorado Plateau freaks so we’ve spend many trips hiking in northern Arizona, southern Utah and northwestern New Mexico. Besides the GC, our favorite place to hike is the Cedar Mesa area of Utah.
I was in 5th grade and tackled the Bright Angel trail to Phantom Ranch.
Bummer — too young for the beer!
Remember this — it’s the part of the bright angel trail called the devil’s corkscrew.
you never forget. I’m waaaaay south of the Mogollon Rim, in fact I’m south of the Gadsden line–in Tucson. 🙂
Andi, I’d send you a cascade of 4s if I could. Good vibes will have to suffice. Thank you for a beautiful picture of the site of the most fantastic backpacking trip of my life — down the Boucher Trail, steep exposure, sleeping on a narrow ledge terrified, down to the Colorado River, across a plateau, seeing my first and only bighorn sheep, up Hermit Trail in the rain, beauty all around. Thanks again for bringing it back to me.
You’re certainly welcome.
We’ve hiked the South Kaibab, Bright Angel, and North Kaibab trails (up to the snow) but only dayhiked the Hermit Trail but the part we did was spectacular. It must have been a fantastic trip. I wish we had done something like that when we were younger with better backs and knees.
Oops, I meant to ask you’d like a couple of grand canyon wallpaper collage image I’ve made from our photos (one of them includes the sunrise scene and another the Bright Angel trail picture). If you do, I could put them up where I store my images, post a link and leave them up for a coule of days so you could download them.
Andi — I’d love it! Thanks! I used to have some Grand Canyon wallpaper but lost track of it when I got a new computer.
I know what you mean about your back and knees. I don’t think I could pull off that trip now. It’s fun to remember though.
The image are up. Depending on your monitor’s resolution you might need to scale these down (or up).
The images in the first collage are starting in the upper left hand corner and going clockwise are sunrise at Hopi Point, Bright Angel Trail at 3 mile house (and below), Cedar Ridgee on the South Kaibab trail, Devil’s Corkscrew on the Bright Angel trail viewed from the South Kaibab Trails, the North Kaibab Trail in the inner gorge.
The second collage top to bottom is Yaki Point at sunset, the Silver and Black Bridges over the Colorado River, and the view from Powell Point at sunrise.
oh, my — they’re lovely! Thanks so much.
I’ve only been to the Grand Canyon once — in January! I started driving the road along the South Rim just before dawn when the eastern sky was light but the sun had not yet come over the rim of the world. I had the entire park to myself. In fact, it might have been closed and someone just forgot to close the gate or figured only a suicidal madwoman would be crazy enough to enter. The road had a foot of snow built-up since the last plowing. There were patches of ice and a light snow was drifting down.
I stopped at every overlook. Wearing a heavy coat down to my ankles, snow boots up to my knees and knit cap with woolen scarf wrapped around my head, I carefully got as close to the embankments as I dared. Which wasn’t very close because the wind was whipping at my back and the song, “Rhiannon” kept looping thru my mind, “Taken by the wind, taken by the wi-and.”
I don’t remember the name of the overlook where I was standing when the first rays of the sun cut thru the cascading snow. The snow was falling down but the air currents were rising up out of the canyons and it made the snowflakes swirl in epic patterns. The sun was piecing dark blizzard clouds in the east, sending sharp beams that illuminated the swirling snow dance and turned it into gold dust.
I threw my arms out to embrace the whole world and crowed in ecstatic bliss. I nearly fainted at the surreality of it all and found myself weeping to be so blessed to have seen such a sight.
I have a collection of moments like this seared into my memory banks, snapshots of natural beauty that are so entralling they bring tears of joy when I replay them. This was at a very bad point in my life, very bad; a time of great fear and dread. But, I left the park that morning feeling completely at peace and attuned with the Great Spirit.
Fog caps Guemes Island and hides the San Juans in Rosario Strait, seen from Anacortes WA.
Would this count as a gorgeous sunrise since you can actually see beyond your face?
The Oiligarchy
of course (smacks head) how could I forget that one. That goes with Operation Iraqi Liberation
‘Man on Dog’ Santorum
‘Dear Leader’ = Bush
The Cheney (mention of which is always accompanied by deep growl… thanks to Air America)
These are tho ones that pop into mind immediately.
More coffee, please… when it’s so strong that a spoon stands on it’s own accord, it’s almost strong enough. …The price I pay for being half Italian. Our considerably large family had one precious coffee urn that made the rounds for every family function. I came out of the womb craving the stuff.
A guy I know has an Italian brother-in-law. Once they were in a coffeeshop Stateside, and the guy orders a latté. Common enough order here. His Italian bro-in-law arches an eyebrow and scoffs, “Only children and the elderly order latté.” To this day, the guy has never ordered latté again.
Last night in the Yahoo group frog-pond we got questions from a teacher and how to handle real frogs!
I figured between the group of us we can google with the best of them! LOL
So I’m adding part of the email – let’s all have some fun!
I have a quick meeting this morning and then I’ll google later…we can just post links here and I’ll email her back later!
I love it when people are late for meetings! More blog time!
Good kid level educational information…including indoor habitat – this could be good for all of us!
Outdoor gardening tips on Green Frogs
Habitat – British Columbia area
Gawd – wanna be science geek in the political arena…my google search was Green Frogs, Habitat, Indoors
A marvellous way to learn something and waste 15 minutes this morning at work!
Your Moondancing sister in AZ could probably use some of your wisdom. She is hurting today.
“One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors.” Plato
AIM contact last night with her and hugs have been sent…thanks for letting me know though.
We keep meeting at 9:30 under the stars and moon with a glass of wine…sending messages through the universe….
Goddess bless you for thinking of her this morning.
I find it amusing when people wander into communities thinking they’re one thing, not expecting them to be completely unrelated. You deserve commendation for actually trying to answer this person’s honest questions! The usual response (I’m afraid) would have been to direct the person elsewhere, with varying degrees of rudeness.
Working on a convert maybe….
I indicted that we are liberal politcal blog and gave the link to this site. Who knows maybe with a little info, and our informative diaries, we have either another Dem reading or a conservative thinking about what we say!
Excellent point: most teachers I know are progressives. Most teachers I know, on the other hand, are often too insanely busy to blog much…. I’ll interested to know if you get a response, and of what sort.
Reptaliban = Sleazy lizard like moneygrubbing theocratic scum sucking lily livered asshats.
Gooooodddddddd Mooooooooooorrrrrrrnnning Booman Trib,
Great to be here and great to be alive and kicking in the good ole USA. I hope everyone is doing well and know that today is just one more glorious day in the life and times of the wonderous joy of being.
I am joyful today because my son told me he loved me, my kissed me good bye to go to work and my daughter smiled that 8 month old smile that says Daddy I love you.
I have been renewed by the joy in my heart and feel than I can fight the fights that need to be fought and together, progressives can and will defeat this fascistic theocratic junta and America can then be taken to a place where we actually will do no harm.
I must say. . .I’m glad I stopped by long enough to read your post. Thank you for the lovely comments of enlightenment!
Wishing everyone a wonderful day filled with love, peace, joy and strength.
I really love it when people, including me, stop by just long enough to say hi on busy days. I think we’re all more prone to be civil to people we smile and say hi to every day, for however brief a time, at the local coffee shop. Diane, you did a such good thing when you got the idea for this place.
Also. . .periodically we debate whether this belongs on the Recommended List or possibly somewhere else. It occurs to me that maybe this is a different kind of Recommended. Maybe this is the kind of recommended that’s almost like a prescription. . .”It’s recommended that you stop in at the cafe at least once a day for your own mental health and for the pleasure of your fellow Tribbers.”
A Visit a Day Keeps the Blues Away.
Morning kansas and thank you for the many compliments you send my way..I might have had the ‘idea’, but you all made it happen and I couldn’t be more pleased.
Morning to everyone, I always want to reply to all the comments, that seems impossible, but I do read nearly all of the comments every day. I do so love to hear what you all have to say about your real life and what a family we are becoming.
I like your slogan Kansas,
A visit a day, keeps, the blues away….I hope you will use that the next time you host diary, which I think might be tomorrow.
Oh and then we will have live blogging of Zander’s lift off on the shuttle flight. We have to get our fingers in good shape for that.
Cheers to all on this fine Tuesday Morn.
Live-blogging the Return to Flight. Relevant NASA links here and the page for watching NASA TV here. I just hope that (a) I’m back from a client sitevisit before 3pm, and (b) the NASA TV server doesn’t overload.
Which brings up a bittersweet story: a couple years ago, when I worked at a private elementary school, I and one of the tech teachers arranged for a couple Kindergarten classes to gather to watch the shuttle launch via the Web. The classes were doing a unit on “Outer Space” at the time. So we set up my laptop, a projector, and a screen, and went to the link to watch the launch via the webfeed & RealPlayer. I was particularly excited to see the “Shuttle Cam,” which shows a view from the back of the Shuttle looking down as it launches. Imagine my consternation & embarassment when we only got “server full” messages for 10 minutes, while the kids fidgeted & the tech teacher tried to come up with Plan B. In the end, the kids didn’t get to see anything Shuttle-related that day. Two weeks later the Shuttle Columbia broke up on reentry.
You bet I’ll be around if we’re live-blogging it.
Well it was a bit of a joke from last night, when I figured out that the mysterious trip Zander was taking, must be the shuttle lift off, timing is perfect and it would sure fit with her inability to tell us about her.
However, if there is a call for live blogging, I am sure someone will fill it.
Zander’s on the Shuttle? Yeah, I missed that thread all right. 😉
Well, if I’m back in time, I’ll live-blog it myself.
Well, you know, I was thinking about it… until this morning when I saw some footage of astronauts rolling into a pool fully suited. Just thinking about hitting water wearing that much gear kinda’ freaked me out a little. I’ve since made alternate plans…
Ah so another diversion,,,,we know the truth Zander, you are going up………into the wild blue yonder…I think Rove leaked your cover….
Oh noooo – he was just trying to prevent a totally inaccurate story that was the result of a democrat propaganda campaign…. it was very noble of him to be so daring and work so hard to defend truth like that… I’ve seen the error of my ways now, and I’m oh so grateful…
should read,
my wife kissed me good bye to go to work,
sheesh, I really need to slow down and proof read better. lmao
calls Bush “Shrub”.
As do I, having picked it up from her. It’s first on the list. “A little bush” is apparently how he’s characterized in TX. I adore Molly Ivins, FWIW.
It’s worth quite a bit — as far as I’m concerned she ought to be declared a national treasure but I suspect that’s unlikely to happen so long as there are any shrubs or shrub-buddies in office.
Work is crazy today but wanted to run in for an iced chai and a cinammon role; and to say hello to all you wonderful people.
(my favorite term is bashit-insane/loopy via the Rude Pundit)
Iced chai:

and a cinnamon roll:

“Batshit insane” is duly added. One of my favorite epithets!
just what the Brother ordered!
Our own BostonJoe does those hilarious diaries of advice to our “Batshit Loopy President.”
That’s BostonJoe???? The Advice to Batshit Loopy Prez diaries???? I love those, and I had no idea it was him…
mmm… coffee…
Ghostdancer already posted my favorite epithet– Repuglican. People always look at me strangely when I refer to Repugs. that way.
I have jury duty looming — have to check in with the court again tonight — so am going to try to clean off my desk so that I can at least see the surface under the stacks of books and papers. I vowed to myself that I would try to keep away from the Trib all morning so the cafe is my guilty pleasure at the moment. Good morning!
Deep Bloat
already has t-shirts for sale with a picture and tag line: Benedict Rove. The pic is hilarious.
That’s a winner. Maybe I’ll manufacture some previous instances of it so it doesn’t look invented for the occasion.
I saw a cartoon yesterday that referred to Rove as Deep Gloat. (it pictured Rove Gloating, while Journalism was pictured behind bars).
Home for lunch. I was listening to Stephanie Miller this morning and she had a funny new name for McClellan. After the grilling he got yesterday from the press, she called him Grilled Spokeshole :O)
It sure is nice to seem them do their jobs for a change.
Well gonna write a little letter
Gonna mail it to my local D.J.
It’s a rockin’ little letter
I want my jockey to play
Roll over McClellan
I gotta hear it again today
You know my temperature’s risin’
And the blog’s are blowin’ a fuse
Our hearts skippin’ rhythm
And our souls keep singing the blues
Roll over McClellan
And tell the media the news!
(With apologies to Chuck Berry!)
The music is here.
Scottie Mac
(with apologies to Martha and the Vandellas)
Scottie Mac, Scottie, oh Scottie Mac, why don’t you drop the act?
Scottie Mac, Scottie, oh Scottie Mac, why don’t you take it back?
Our barbs aren’t missing you, your quips feel like we’re playin’ kung-fu,
We try so hard to see through, lies and promises too
But your boy keeps coming unwound, you cry and swear and you hiss and frown
Hey, Scottie, Scottie, oh Scottie Mac, why not just state the facts?
Scottie, Scottie, oh Scottie Mac, why do you take the flack?
He calls you on the phone, about a thousand times a day
Sell my heart to listen in, tells you what to say
With his lowly whisk, his eggies blend, he’s cookin’ nights to keep your spin
Hey, Scottie, Scottie, oh Scottie Mac, did you just say retract?
Scottie, Scottie, oh Scottie Mac, did he just say you’re sacked?
Need your Rovie, need your Rovie
(instrumental) (nice Clinton saxophone solo)
We gotta pray, we’re all getting much, much stronger, and we can hold out much, much longer
Trying hard not to be blue, but Scottie, the crap your boss can spew!
Hey, Scottie, Scottie, oh Scottie Mac, why don’t you see they’re whacked?
Scottie, can’t ya hear me Scottie? Oh Scottie Mac, is your boss on crack?
Need your Rovie (Scottie Mac)
Need your Rovie (Scottie Mac)
(Scottie Mac, don’t you know they’re whacked)
Just got the video up…
McClellan grilled on Rove
OT but it’s something else I was thinking about that has to do with ratings and giving 4s. Usually I read through a thread and then go back and rate them. The problem is that 9 times out of 10 I want to give all the comments a 4 because they’re usually all that good. It would be nice to have a way to just click and give the whole thread 4s and then go back maybe and change one or two here and there. That way I could free up more time for reading other diaries. What a terrible problem huh? I’m really not serious of course. It’s just a round about way of saying how much I appreciate all you guys and the knowledge, humor,insight, heart and love you all put into your posts and comments.
Back to work.
Supersoling out.
I agree with you fully. I often will wait to “carpet-four” until there are a couple or few dozen comments. The annoyance I complain about is that (at least in Safari on my Mac) after having rated, the URL reverts to a vanilla http://www.boomantribune.com address, so refreshing the page won’t work thereafter — it asks if I want to re-send form data. I often open the diary again from the homepage to get its full URL again.
And right back atcha with the kind compliments.
I’ll have to test that on Safari over here…if I can ever wean myself away from Firefox, at least…
It happens in Firefox too (just checked). Give me a bit, and I’ll double-check under VirtualPC. I suspect it’s simply a consequence of Scoop.
no problems with Opera (web browser) in that regard and I still think it is the best browser, I also have firefox but rarely use it and explorer, never….
there is one way thats a tad easier – go through the thread, setting the rates, but not hitting the button, then hit just one ‘rate all’ button and they all get done together
My contribution for the whole nasty crew : bushistas
Duh! I guess thats why it says rate all! This reminds me of AndiF’s comment in the last FBL about old farts and dying braincells. I swear I’m not letting go of the last two though :O)
I heard this somewhere (don’t remember), and have been using this for years. Aptly describes the efforts of Dobson, Robertson, et al, who would want to establish this as a “Christian” nation, with only the “proper” types of “Christians”, of course…no UCCers, Episcopalians, etc. may apply, and Catholics allowed in on alternate Wednesdays…
In that same line of thought…American Taliban, Republiban…
Reichminister of Theocratic Thought Herr James I am infallable Dobson
Reichminister of Theocratic Finance Herr Pat God speaks through me Robertson
Reichminister of Propoganda Herr Senator Rick Fecal Matter Santorum
Reichminister of Thought Police Herr Rep. Himmiler is my idol Sensenbrenner
Reichminister of Nastiness and Cruelty Herr VP Dick the dick Cheney
Reichminister of Dumbya, Herr President G W the shrub Bush
Thanks — now that you mention it, there are a few other terms that incorporate “Reich” in them; I’ll have to dig around some more. Though it flirts with Godwin’s Law, equating these jokers to fascists is nearly impossible to avoid.
Personally? … it was maybe 2.. 3 months ago when I declared Godwin dead, and his law no longer applicable. I’ve had no regrets..
May I ask the origin of your screen name? I was raised in a family of rock hounds, and I distinctly remember the word “feldspar” from my childhood – in the context of a mineral.
Thank you sir!
is a very nice feldspar.
Why thank you tauri – how accommodating of you!
Uh oh, someone got me started. Indeed feldspar is a mineral, one of the constituents (among other things) of granite. The word is one I actually use in business, as well, so on the back of my business cards I have the geological definition of feldspar (adj. feldspathic):
More prosaically, it was a “nickname” given me in college by others in the Geography Dept with whom I founded a, ahem, “secret” society. Our primary activity consisted of sampling microbrews in various pubs in the Baltimore-Washington area.
Zander, may I introduce you to the wonders of Camel Turkish Gold? Here, try one. Robust…worth 2 Camel Lights.
No folks, I’m not here shilling for Camel. In fact, had I known the industry props up GOPers so, I would have never picked ’em up. Guess I just wasn’t all that informed at age 9 (pre-Internet and all)
Zander has informed me that there is a no ashing on the floor edict, but I’m afraid I’m going to be a tough case. I spent a couple of years in Morocco, where the ashtray is the café floor. I’ll do my best to conform to the established policy.
These? <kha, kha> Strong stuff…
bayprarie will appreciate your efforts to keep the cafe clean… have you met yet? She tends to wander in quite late at night to clean up and entertain – though lately she has threatened to strike. I’ve grovelled of course, but have yet to see a reply…
You are meant to be suited up and airlocked. Can you just concentrate on the countdown please 😉
I think there will be a delay. Something “fell off”… so I’m having a beer and chilling. Packing when I think of it…
A couple I’ve heard recently:
Condaloser Rice
Richard BlackPerle
Bill KristolBall
Doug BadFeith
Ann Tranny Coulter
Paul CryWolfowitz
All added to the growing list. TYVM!
but one of my favorites describing the far-right religious wingnuts is talibangelists.
No apologies necessary! I had already noted myself “Fundagelicals.” There are all sorts of fun combinations of “fundamentalists,” “evangelicals,” and “Taliban.” I’m partial to the ones that incorporate “Taliban,” because the American Religious Right resembles them in a host of ways.
How’s about?
G reed
O il
P lunder
Dick Pull Your Cheney
http://www.mediabistro.com/fishbowldc/ this is a must read for behind the scenes look at briefing today with McClellen…..
diane and welcome team,
So the welcome wagon is normally parked in Boston?
I’m not so sure that Santorum is really welcome in Boston these days, whatever the mayor says..
Gee how did it get all the way up there, I had it parked in beautiful Socal, I thought, oh wait, brother has it today, where is that DC, I think,,,,Kerry must have dragged it up there.
Cool ‘find’ Ask!!!!!
Yeah, about that Diane, well you see I had to park the Welcome Wagon on the street, and we don’t have a Zone 2 sticker on it, and the street parking is limited to two hours, and the parking enforcement here in Adams Morgan is pretty rigorous…. Long story short, we’ll need to take up a collection — $50. At least there’s not a clamp on it!
I love the comment on there that while campaigning Casey should refer to Santorum as ‘the esteemed Senator from Virginia’. OMG, that’s hilarious.
I’m sure Santorum would get plenty of attention if he showed up here. It just occurred to me that Philly is perhaps the Blogtropolis of the left. BooMan, Atrios, I think Chris Bowers…any others?
As usual, this is my nocturnal moment of temporal synchonization with other tribbers.
If you have any questions regarding the meaning of life, now would be the time to ask. I’d be happy to accomodate.
While you are cogitating, I will go and check my usual round of weird news sites…
Will I ever win the lottery?
It is most unlikely. I have intimate knowledge of the statistical basis of such matters. I can teach you how to simply calculate the odds if you wish. It is not pretty. You are less likely to be hit by a meteorite, but more likely to be hit by a car. Go fígure
I have to warn you all, I have been arguing philosophy all night with my Sceptic-Klaus on the patio; I am in a fearsome, but revalatory mood.
“Ah don need no steenkin’ spellcheck”
As you are, I see, a Latino democrat, I suppose this last piece of puerile humour was in bad taste…I am sorry
gritty, but it tasted just fine, nuthin alittle salsa can’t fix.
I hope we’re still friends?
Even after two posts. I mean I really like these sexy grandmas here, but some days I yearn for a little male bonding 😉
Of course I am not implying that you are height-challenged…
Who are you calling sexy and speaking for any possible “grandmas” out here, did you have to add that (grandmas)…????
Oh Sven dear…..
How are you doing today and have you had enough of ye old male bonding yet, can you take a little attention from one of the elders.
You called, Oh Omnipotent One?
Sorry Diane this is a guy thing. Though Linebacker Shirl might squeeze in as ‘Tall and Sturdy’. Where is that gal BTW?
Well I do recall some of you guys, butting in on the “Asking for advice on childrearing, from the mighty Boowomen“. lol So I feel free to nudge in a little here.
See you on the new thread Sven….
then you must be playing professional basketball player. (I’m 6’2). There are a few guys roaming around here, lets say we get together and throw a toga party
What say you Brother? bood? supersoling? ejmw? Omir? Bueller?
I’m up for it
Oh have you noticed that the polls I have done on male/female, says a large majority of fems.!!!!!!!!
Well the influx was mainly women, so thats prob. why, so why don’t you guys go out and bring back some more men, us women like having men around…or at least I do…,,<<<<<sigh>>>>
When you see a guy you like, say on DK, just invite him over here. I invite people all the time!!!!!!!
I wish I had some emoticons right now, or some audibles..
“So you’re telling me there’s a chance”
</Lloyd Christmas>
A lottery ticket is a rosary. Protection against despair.
This may also be offensive, statistically. I am sorry
Benedict as Pope, Rice as SOS, Gonzalez as AG, Wolfowitz at the World Bank, Rumsfeld still here, etc etc etc, I’ll take all the protection from despair I can get.
(I have pretty thick skin Sven, no worries amigo)
“Life is but a joke” – remember that.
We are all proud Don Quixotes.
So then what are the chances of being hit by one of these?

Should you go into a rockabilly bar in Alabama and insult one of the young beehived nubiles, she may grab a framed something off the wall above the booth and hit you with it. In Alabama your chances are high of being hit with this car.
Just a short drop by today. The office is so crazy with one boss on vaca and the other..well he hates to work so this girl gets it all. I’m sorry I miss all the wonderful visits here but after this week I hope to have more time. Blessings on you all
You are using coasters, aren’t you? I see the pitch count, as it were, is well over one hundred, so it’s probably time we move along to a new Café diary. Oh, sweetirish, my fair cailín, I hate to close this one just after you posted your hello!
So give me a moment and I’ll get the Froggy Bottom Lounge going.
Don’t forget to Unrecommend this side of the cafe! We’ve all moved to the back room with the stage here Don’t forget your toga.
My favourite Republican “name” has got to be Chris “The Count” Chocola (R-IN2) – all credit to Josh Marshall for that one.
Yes, I know it’s late.