I just got through picking my jaw up off the floor. I was chowing down on some dinner and watching MSNBC’S Hardball with Tweety Mathews. There was banter back and forth about Rove and how the president should or should not fire Rove. Biden’s answers were the worst case of sidestepping other than the administration I have seen any Dem spew. Biden said things like “I respect the president” blah blah blah. This in my estimation was bad enough.

Now, here is the show stopper folks. Ending the interview Tweety asks “Do the Dems wish they had somebody like Karl Rove?” Joe looks a little befuddled, smiles his veneers and says “Well, yeah”. WTF!!! Buzzer here….wrong answer Joe. What should have been said was “No F’ing way would the dems want someone on their team that lies to the American public and endangers its citizens National Security by outing an covert Cia agent that works undercover on WMD detail. Again I say WTF?

With representatives like Joe Biden who needs enemies? He said at one time when asked about Dean’s comments about republicans Joe’s reply was “He doesn’t speak for me”. Well Senator Biden, you certainly do not speak for me and I am sure I could count about 54 millions others that feel the same way. What a disgrace to our Party and country.