When I saw SusanHu’s diary about outrages it reminded me of some video clips I saw over at Media Matters. This website often posts video clips of Fox News at its worst hour. You might be thinking, yeah Deano, we all know “FOX News is a propaganda outlet for the Republican Party…,” but I would like to take the claims one step further!
Fox News isn’t just a biased news source, just another opinion, its gone too far. It’s not just another opinion to state:
MARKS: It [Edgeware Road] is an area that has a very large Arab population. Surrounding that station, a large number of Middle Eastern restaurants. So, it’s a further indication, if in fact these attacks were carried out by Al Qaeda-affiliated cells, that these people are, if necessary, prepared to spill Arab blood in addition to the blood of regular — of non-Arab people living in London. (emphasis mine)
When I was watching this clip it reminded me of some sort of Freudian slip; it made me feel as if the spinster did not intend to say “regular people,” but that this was how the anchor truly felt.
This same notion came over me when Brit Hume made this remark:
HUME: You know, the market was down. It was down yesterday, and you know, you may have had some bargain-hunting going on. I mean, my first thought when I heard — just on a personal basis, when I heard there had been this attack and I saw the futures this morning, which were really in the tank, I thought, “Hmmm, time to buy.” Others may have thought that as well. But you never know about the markets. But obviously, if the markets had behaved badly, that would obviously add to people’s sense of alarm about it. But there has been a lot of reassurance coming, particularly in the way that — partly in the way the Brits handled all this, but also in the way that officials here handled it. There seems to be no great fear that something like that is going to happen here, although there’s no indication that we here had any advance warning.(emphasis done by Media Matters)
This may just be a Freudian slip with a sick attempt at a cover up. I have definitely said things sometimes without thinking. Just the other day I was teaching an art class and as it was the first day, the whole class was sitting in a circle playing a name game when we introduced ourselves and shared our favorite movies. One camper with long hair strolled into class late and what looked like a bikini bottom but with no top. The first thing I said to the camper was “Hey did you forget the other part of your bathing suit?” The little boy said, “No, I’m a boy, this is a Colombian bathing suit”. I made a mistake. There was nothing I could say to get out of that one.
But Brit Hume’s comments show his true colors. It doesn’t seem he just made a mistake. It seems THIS simple: He was thinking of profit and the market when innocent civilian bodies were incinerated. Maybe it’s a Freudian Slip or just one huge Freudian Script.
Clip in Quicktime and in Windows Media (Oh, and don’t worry there are plenty of more repugnant comments).
Cross-posted at dKos.
Good one deano. It does seem this slips. . or scripts. . just seem to come rolling out rather often lately. And that is a good thing in my opinion. Hume. . .I could not believe him. . .but I could, and it is just mind boggling.
Are these people totally without connection to hearts, souls, spirit? Or am I on the wrong planet again?
Something is wrong! And I agree that these slips are a good thing, I couldn’t imagine that even a few faithful watchers weren’t appalled.
Hey deano, sorry for the delay in commenting here. I’ve been bouncing all over the place!
Fox news serves a good purpose for me: I watch it when I let my guard down/become lax. They never fail me. I can always count on each of them to send my blood into a boil. Thx for compiling their atrocities, I can’t wait for our side to have a strong response channel to their lies.
Hey Man Eegee, I think I know what you mean. Sometimes I need to watch it or talk to a right winger just to clarify my positions on things.
BTW: I didn’t string together those clips, just directing you guys to Mediamatters.com. And yes, I hope we do too; but, one that doesn’t sink to the same level. One without propaganda, even if its left-wing. Ultimately propaganda doesn’t provide us with legitimate criticism, and can cause people to feel cheated if they are making arguments which have a shaky foundation.