It has taken a while as the members of the Parliament of Uganda have been debating on whether the current president should be given a “Third Term.” Today news resources say “Third Term has gone through.” What do you think about this?
The majority of the Ugandans including me do support the current president though in one way or another there are some oppressing majors here and there.
When I remember the years before 1986, Uganda was swiming in the pool of bloodshed, torture, massacre under the aggressive dictatorial leadership. The human rights where swinging on the tree branches and none of the branches could be cut down because the trees were very tall and strong.
In 1986 the new government came into power (National Resistance Movement). This was the birth of new life in Uganda, birth of peace and freedoms entitled to man. I can see many developments hanging up though there are some downfalls here there forexamples; taxes have become so hard and increased, employement opportunities are limited, education has become expensive forexample a person like me who never completed my education I see no future for me because I don’t hold any qualification to get a job except the ordinary and advanced certificates of education.
So what do you think can be done to see the balanced society?
According to me, what I can do now is to start a project with the help from you people in order to stand a chance of living successful in the next life.
I look at poultry keeping project and crop growing as the key projects followed by others.
The must be something done for the youth and children. I look at myself as one of the figures mobilising the unprivilledged class of people in my community and advising them on how to develop giving an example of the project in place.
God bless you all.
Pastor Lincoln Joel Nsubuga
All I think I can say to this one is keep going on doing what you are doing and hope for the best. What is it that we as a world can do…I really do not know…:o( Sorry for the turn of events for you and your country.
The only solution left is to say a prayer and today the news reader just announced an increase in petrol which means an increase in the tax fares. May God have mercy upon Uganda.
Pastor Lincoln Joel Nsubuga.