You know how your ears perk up when you hear a D.C. insider say something truly frank and honest? After I heard the following by WaPo‘s Dana Milbank on NPR’s Day to Day, I had to find the audio to be sure I heard right. Madeleine Brand begins the interview with, “Why do you think the press is worked up about this? Do you think it’s because one of their own is in jail?” Milbank says emphatically:

Oh no. It most certainly has nothing to do with that. Judith Miller is most unpopular among journalists in the Washington press corps.

Ms. Brand doesn’t ask why Miller’s so unpopular, but Digby might offer some clues in his “Judy, Judy, Judy” today:

One of the things missed in all the paeons* to Judy’s martyrdom to the confidential source is that the Jeanne D’arc of the Gray Lady had been known to burn her sources without a second thought if it suits her. Seems Judy has some shifting standards when it comes to betraying the reporter’s privilege: …

Read all of Digby’s post. But only after you’ve taken your blood pressure meds.

Readers’ alert: In the comments section below, do not miss jpol’s letter to Salon about its latest Judy piece.


*I think Digby meant to write paean.