I haven’t seen the possibility talked about much – if at all – of President Bush having played an active role in the Plame affair. Then I read this in one of Billmon’s posts last night:

As Larry O’Donnell recently noted at the Huffington Post:

All the judges who have seen the prosecutor’s secret evidence firmly believe he is pursuing a very serious crime, and they have done everything they can to help him get an indictment.

The prosecutor’s secret evidence, eh? A very serious crime, you say? Judges that think the prosecutor is on to something? That sounds kinda promising. What if it does go all the way to the top?

And now BushCo is in full damage control – albeit showing a rather stoic public face. It could explain a lot of the White House’s reaction. If they are setting Rove up to take the fall when the final responsibility lies with Bush, it might very well look like this. Knowing he and Turdblossom’s relationship, this isn’t too much of a stretch. He’s probably known all these years of managing Bush that this day might come.

I’m getting alternating flashbacks now. One of Nixon limping out of office. The other of Ray-gun saying he couldn’t remember anything (probably correctly). What do you see?