What’s on your mind?
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
Recent Posts
- Day 28: Democracy Dies In Darkness
- Day 26: People Discover That American Fascists Like German Fascists
- Day 25: The Fascist Regime Comes for the Federal Prosecutors
- Day 23: The Fascist Regime and House Budget Committee Are Coming for Medicaid
- Day 22: The Fascist Regime Destabilizes the Jordanian Monarchy
The fact that I gots a feature article to write — I stayed home from work today to get the damned thing going — and I haven’t typed a word.
Oh, and my cat Monty is trying to eat a daisy.
I’ve been trying to get myself writing as well. I have a manuscript to finish revising, and I’ve been reading quite a bit for the next manuscript. Fortunately (or unfortunately) I don’t really have any deadlines to deal with as of now.
Fellow Vonnegut fan!
Cat’s Cradle is one of my all-time fave books!
cookies, free food and naps…did I mention food?
How about some drugs too?
Well, if I could find some that actually work! lol
they’re only fun if you don’t need them…:{)
Susan T tells me that on Morning Sedition (AAR), they explained that while Rove is Bush’s brain, Bush is Rove’s penis. Rove tells him who to screw, and he does.
Well, we guys may have a different take on that matter…
If Rove is the brain and Bush is the penis, then Bush more than likely tells Rove who to screw, and Rove just has to figure out how to make it happen.
Huh. Maybe Bush will be implicated in Plame-gate after all!
It makes sense that Bush would have President Envy.
well imagining either Turd Blossom or Bush in the ‘last throes’ of screwing is something I’d rather avoid visualizing. Except now I am and it ain’t pretty-picturing bush as a penis with his ‘head’ on it is simply making me a bit ill..and may give new meaning to the words talking head? Ok, I have to stop now.
now there’s a photoshop project for Dood…LMAO..
now if Dood gets the message, it will be worth waiting for…ROTFLMAO
You said:
“If Rove is the brain and Bush is the penis, then Bush more than likely tells Rove who to screw, and Rove just has to figure out how to make it happen.”
Now please insert Gannon in this sentence.
Please never use the words ‘Gannon’ and ‘insert’ in the same post ever again. Thanks 🙂
That was a joke, right?
Of course 🙂
I don’t think Gannon fits in that sentence though.
If he does, my mind isn’t clever or crass (or both) enough to figure out where.
Well, my mind’s crass enough to think of it, just not clever enough “to fit it in.” 😉
“Rove is Bush’s brain, Bush is Rove’s penis. Rove tells him who to screw, and he does.”
Now please insert Gannon in this sentence.
Someone’s gotta make that their sig!
Bumper stickers.
Window stickers.
Guitar case stickers.
All-purpose stickers.
Are BooMan Tribune paraphernalia of this sort going to be available in the store at some point?
I want it tattooed on my bum.
Me too! I mean I want it tattooed on your bum, too.
Come on over and participate in the Thursday Music Diary. This week’s topic: Underappreciated performers, albums or songs — who or what do you wish people knew more about?
This one won’t be in Sunday’s New York Times!
I had an interesting encounter yesterday. I went to the dealership to get my car inspected in order to procure a VA registration. I entered the circle of chairs that comprised the “customer lounge” and found “The 700 Club” on the tv. I came in at the end of his rant but basically Pat Robertson was saying that all terrorist bombers are Muslim therefore all Muslims are terrorists. The Muslim faith is evil. EEEEE-val!
Across the circle from me was a stout old country yokel who appeared to be dozing. His eyes popped open on the words “Muslims are evil” and he asked me directly, “Did you hear that? Did you hear what he just said.”
I offered a non-committal, “Yep,” and he expounded, “Guess he never heard of Timothy McVeigh or Eric Rudolph, huh?”
I added, “Or the IRA or the Basques.”
The old man jumped up and came around to sit closer to me, continuing, “These people are crazy, you know that. They’re crazy! What’s he doing condemning a whole faith of people ’cause a few of ’em blow stuff up? Jeezus, man, if they applied that standard to the white race… well, we might as well just line up for our hanging, you know.”
Completely blowing my lady-like demeaner, I agreed by saying, “She-it, yeah.”
Then, we were off on one of those verbal roller-coaster rides wherein the stranger you pegged with a stereotype completely blows your presumptions. This guy lives on land that was granted to his family by King George back in 1678! He’s got a grasp on the meaning of liberty that puts mine to shame. At first glance, I thought he was a pure Bubba and then he opens up into some kind of wild libertarian theocrat-hater. He even called Bush a pussy, very loudly, and craned his neck around to see if anyone dared to take offense.
So, I’ve found a new friend and I can’t wait for him and my husband to start talking about plows and cows. I am reminded of Soj’s insight when I moved to this area. She told me the hills hereabouts are alive with eccentrics…
I needed a nice story like this today.
Oh yeah. This makes me happy.
What a great story! I’m glad you’re getting settled in there…now, did that slacker realtor sell your GA house yet?
Besides my time honored response-chocolate, which goes without saying(and I’m planning on making brownies later)did anyone see JWilson on Wolfie? Wilson said that the person who called him about Rove saying his wife was ‘fair game’ was none other than our beloved Chris Matthews.(of course it goes without saying I’m exersizing my irony license here).
Jon Stewart has been particularly great this week although I haven’t made up my mind about is new set.
And did anyone know that Laura is out of the country(can’t remember where) and was asked about Rove and she gave the stock answer about not commenting on ongoing investigation although she did say he was a personal friend and very good man…god I hope that comes back to haunt her over/over….And since when does a First Lady leave the country and no one knows or seems to give a dam? Isn’t that just a bit bizarre?
And John Gibson really is some sort of rat bastard..now he seems to have said that outing Valerie Plame was good and whoever did deserves a medal..what kind of non patriotic shite is that, the sick fucker. Is he gunning for biggest prick on Faux news all of a sudden..hard to do(no pun intended) with so many to choose from but after his French bombing remarks and now this he’s got my vote.
Joe has repeatedly said that Chris Matthews called him. I’ve always assumed that Matthews gave Joe the okay to say that.
Btw, my daughter and I drove to Seattle to see Wilson speak — by himself (i.e. not on a forum) — on stage at the Seattle Center’s new opera house (stunning building). That was in February 2004. He got so many standing O’s. He mentioned Matthews that night.
I didn’t know that..and apparently neither did Wolfie as he asked the question of who called him.
I bet that was pretty cool, seeing Wilson..he’s a very articulate speaker and make issues sound simple and doesn’t give all kinds of convoluted and roundabout answers. I’m always impressed with his obvious intelligence and calmness when I hear him speak, on anything.
Unless Wolfie is of the Brian Lamb school of interviewing where he presupposes the answer to anothing. Wolfie strikes me as a little on the naive side, a la Tom Friedman.
It was neat to see Joe Wilson. We combined it with a stop by the Seattle Dean headquarters — it was the night before the caucuses and the place was WILD! We passed out Howard Dean flyers before we went inside to see Joe Wilson.
One neat tidbit: He was a carpenter for a while in Sequim, about 10 miles from here. Before he went to the Univ of Wash.
John Gibson is mental.
But I know a lot of people who LOVE LOVE LOVE what he and the others on Faux News say.
and pretty much makes them all sick bastards also.
A bunch of rightwing fundamentalists, including a member of Opus Dei.
I knew I was in the wrong place when the verdict came in against the mother who’d drowned her five children in Texas … I told one of the attorneys the verdict, and he started jumping up and down in glee. Absolute delight and glee.
Boy susan you just seem to be mentioning all kinds of stuff today in particular to set me off(well everyone really, just one of those days)..that trial of that woman in Texas was such a horrible media frenzy-and mostly all against her. Even when some people were made aware of all the background on her. Just awful.
From the Alice B. Tolkas Cookbook?…I’ll be right over! :{)
Wow, I had to give up on those babies after having one hit so hard during the middle of a Marx Brothers movie that I misplaced my skin.
And that was back in the 70’s when the stuff was weak.
Funny that as I had assembled ingredients for brownies last night and was finally going to get around to making them a bit later tonight….regular brownies.
Rep Lynn Woolsey is on with AAR / Janeane and Sam
VOTE ALERT: GOP Supports National Security Leaks
The Senate just finished up voting on the Democratic amendment to crackdown on high government officials who leak classified information and compromise U.S. national security. Incredibly, the self-described “pro-national security” Republican Party voted down the legislation, apparently ignoring all of their previous claims to despise leaks. The GOP also voted down their own amendment, apparently realizing how ridiculous it really was. To see how your Senator voted, see the final roll call votes on both the Democratic and Republican amendments linked below (the links should be active in the next few minutes).
To understand how outrageous this is, re-read the text of the Democratic amendment. This is not an exaggeration: the GOP is now on record voting in support of preserving the security clearance of a “federal employee who discloses or has disclosed classified information, including the identity of a covert agent of the Central Intelligence Agency.” Unbelievable.
Text of the Democratic amendment cracking down on those who leak classified info:
Senate roll call vote on the Democratic amendment:
Text of the bogus GOP amendment:
Senate roll call vote on the bogus GOP amendment
And do you think the MSM will make the public aware of this story, yeah I know that’s a rhetorical question.
PARTY TONIGHT! Sorry for the short notice — just saw this:
Screw Abstinence Party Sponsored by NARAL Pro-Choice Washington, this racy party at Watertown is devoted to battling abstinence-only education initiatives–and, in the process, having a spicy good time. Expect performances by the cast of Sex in Seattle and the Pork-Filled Players, plus hors d’oeuvres, a DJ-powered dance floor, and tips on “sexy safer sex” from the staff of Toys in Babeland. 106 First Ave. N., 206-624-1990. $15. 6-8 p.m. Thurs., July 14.
Dunno if this works. Jan at ProgressiveTalk Yahoo group sent this:
Thought I’d post this in case anyone wants to send “Turd Blossom” a
letter of support.
How come the US completely ignored the moment of silence that England and most of Europe observed today? I guess we couldn’t be bothered. And probably has not gone unnoticed by Europe either…unlike when 9/11 happened and France said ‘we are all Americans today’..or something similar to that.
the world revolves around the USA. Who cares about the rest of the world’s concerns unless there’s oil involved. Then we lie, invade, cheat, steal to get it from others.
Dunno if this is OK or not, but petewsh61 has a diary up describing some impending legislation that will gut the Endangered Species Act.
It’s worth a read and worth acting on.
And I don’t even know petewsh61. Honest.
I joined a raccoon Yahoo group to learn more about the critters. Someone sent these photos today.
These people have them as PETS inside! The stories they tell …
The lame raccoon I feed is wary of people, which is fine with me… but I worried last night because he didn’t show up for his food.
CONFESSION! My daughter and I kind of like the Tucker Carlson show … it’s not too heavy, it’s funny, Rachel Maddow is brainy and fun, Tucker is boyish …
and for god’s sake it beats Larry King whose guest tonight is — can you f–king believe this? — Jessica Hahn. Remember her?
oh yeah, and doesn’t she look kinda scary…to much plastic surgery on face I’m thinking. Some exclusive-what’s the point?
And I’m sorry but I just can’t listen to the bow-tied twit without nutting up-my tolerance for all these people has pretty much hit rock bottom.
Susan, may I give you a zero rating?
I was watching them discuss the memory drug tonight and I thought to myself, “Wow, reasoned debate, what is this doing on TV?”
His show has potential. Carlson’s past sins are still there, but his stint at PBS may have learned him a thing or two.
announced that he does not intend on retiring from the Supreme Court. To be honest, I’m very surprised, he doesn’t look good at all. Link is here
has been asked to reconsider her resignation and try for Chief Justice by four female Senators: Snowe, Collins, Boxer and Landrieu. Link is here. (WOW!)
I am actually not surprised.
Yesterday I was talking to a friend of mine who recently won a SCOTUS case. He agreed with me in thinking that, for whatever reason, Rehnquist has decided that he’ll just die on the bench. And apparently, Rehnquist looks even worse up close.
He also said he was really surprised at how disinterested Rehnquist was in the case. He wasn’t asking any questions, etc. I suggested that maybe he had already made up his mind…my friend thought that was probably true 🙂
Just saw an evening news story about this British–and decidedly non-American reaction to terror.
We need to get one of these going with the American media.
Charlie Rose is talking about Unocal/China tonight.
involved with the Chinese and Unocal. I heard it briefly on the radio. Sorry can’t remember which program on Air America today.
Isn’t that a conflict of interest. He can’t represent China or Unocal effectivley. Chevron must be very pissed. They are long time Repug supporters.
“‘Und I’m learning Chinese,’ says Werhner von Braun.”
-Tom Lehrer, “Wernher von Braun”
Is the focus going to be put back on Novak? An anonymous source to the grand jury investigation told the AP that Rove learned about Plame’s status from Novak…
Read the article, there are a bunch of twists in the plot.
Artickle: When The Cops
Are The Crooks
Staged bombings terrorize everyone while
the real perps keep getting richer…
By John Kaminski
LINK: http://rense.com/general66/crooks.htm
“How long are we going to permit this vicious tomfoolery to continue?
Every time there’s an embarrassing incident, a charge of official malfeasance, or some nasty revelation to cover up, the powers that be stage a terrorist incident – randomly throw away the lives of an arbitrary number of innocents – and then blame some fantasy enemy as an excuse to further ratchet up the corrupt oppression of ordinary people.
Notice how the accused perpetrators are never caught – often, as with 9/11, never even adequately identified – or if they are, they turn out to be some brainwashed patsy like John Hinckley or Timothy McVeigh, both of them (and all the assassin-type villains who have been publicly caught and liquidated since JFK’s public murder) obviously incapable of carrying out the demonic deeds they are so sensationalistically accused of – without some serious assistance.”
A little more: “Oh sure, a few trendy liberals have dipped their toes in the water and mentioned in a barely audible murmur that maybe the Iraq war – which is surely the most cruel and irresponsible action the U.S. government has ever taken (in a long, sorry list of reckless actions taken that have used hollow lies as their justification) – is not quite on the up and up, but even those timid would-be patriots have received no support from the mindlocked corporate media.
And as a result, people are afraid to speak out, for fear of losing their jobs, or even their families, or – in the cases of someone like Paul Wellstone or Hunter S. Thompson – their lives.
So what I want to know is how long we are all going to cower in fear, and continue to make believe that the big U.S. newspapers and TV networks are telling the truth, when it should be clear (IMHO) that they are lying – just like their president and Congress – about just about everything?
It should be clear by now that if we continue to do this, they’re going to pick us off, one by one.”
AS the DIVIDED FOOLS OF AMERICA quibble over the details, America barrels down the HIGHWAY TO HELL !! DIVIDED we fall, and by golly America is Falling. WHAT MORE DO WE NEED TO SEE?
There is a lawsuit over French language in Japan!
Here is a hillarious short story with a very funny photo.
“Price of French Language To Be Determined by Japanese Court”