Update [2005-7-14 17:4:21 by susanhu]: Carl Levin, Norm Coleman are debating the Rove amendment. CSPAN2
Update [2005-7-14 16:41:33 by susanhu]: RAW STORY: “Democratic senators Reid Levin, Rockefeller, Biden and Durbin offered the following amendment to the Homeland Security Appropriations Bill. … The bill is on the floor right now. Democrats expect a vote today.”
Update [2005-7-14 16:29:7 by susanhu]: JPol tells me that Wilson will be on with Wolf Blitzer (CNN) at 2PM PDT. JPol also got this from the press conf. today: “Wilson says he has been told of a series of White House meetings held in March of 2003 (four months before he wrote his NYT op-ed piece) in which a decision was made “to do a work-up on Wilson” (meaning dig up as much info as possible in preparation for running an operation against him). He says he has been told that at least one high-level person, Scooter Libby (Dick Cheney’s chief of staff) participated in the meetings.”
Update [2005-7-14 15:12:33 by susanhu]: Joe Wilson and Sen. Chuck Schumer live press conference on MSNBC, CNN. Asking that Rove’s clearance be suspended. MSNBC: “Goes to both president’s staff with Karl Rove and to VP’s staff with Scooter Libby.” Wilson mentioned Libby in the press conf.
Update [2005-7-14 15:9:12 by susanhu]: Sheila Jackson Lee is speaking on floor of House now about Rove amendment measure. CSPAN just announced a debate on CSPAN3 about Rove, I believe. Anyone have more info?
Ron Reagan just said on MSNBC that the Senate is considering an amendment to strip Karl Rove’s security clearance. (I don’t see that occurring on CSPAN2. Do you?) I’ll be AFK for a while. Have fun!
- Time’s Matt Cooper is testifying before the Senate Judiciary Committee about a shield law for reporters.
- MoveOn plans an anti-Rove protest in front of the White House at 2:30 pm.
- Watch today’s WH press briefing.
Slippery slippery slippery.
So let me get this right. You are somebody’s representative if they recommend you? I thought you were somebody’s representative if they send you, and you represent them.
There’s a simple solution. Find out who had the authority to send Wilson. That is who Wilson was representing.
It’s like me applying for a job, getting it, and then doing something that pissed someone off. Would the person who wrote me a reference letter that helped me get that job be the one who got the nasty letter from the person I pissed off? No, it would be my boss that would get that letter.
They really are scraping the bottom of the barrel with their rhetoric here.
The CIA sent Ambassador Wilson. This has been established.
If you recognize your rep(rehensible) below, please contact and urge he or she to put national security above partisan politics. Karl Rove’s political career is not worth the life of a single intelligent agent or member of our military.
Republican Senators Defend Karl Rove:
NRSC Chairwoman Elizabeth Dole (R-NC): “The Partisan Attacks Against Karl Rove Are Out Of Control And Entirely Inappropriate. He Is A Distinguished Member Of The White House And He Is My Friend.” (National Republican Senatorial Committee, “Elizabeth Dole Statement On Karl Rove,” Press Release, 7/13/05)
* Dole: “It Is Incredibly Irresponsible For Individuals And Organizations To Make Accusations Based On Rumor And Innuendo. It Is Unfair To The Investigation And Even More Unfair To Karl Rove.” (National Republican Senatorial Committee, “Elizabeth Dole Statement On Karl Rove,” Press Release, 7/13/05)
Sen. Norm Coleman (R-MN): “My Democratic Friends Would Be Doing The Nation A Great Service If They Spent Half As Much Time Getting Legislation Passed That Will Benefit The Country As They Do In Attacking Karl Rove.” (Sen. Norm Coleman, Press Release, 7/13/05)
* Coleman: “We Have Enough To Do In The Senate In Minding Our Own Business Than To Be Sticking Our Noses Into Someone Else’s Business. Everyone Needs To Cool The Rhetoric, Focus On The Business Of The People, And Allow The Investigation To Run Its Course.” (Sen. Norm Coleman, Press Release, 7/13/05)
Sen. Rick Santorum (R-PA): “I Don’t See Any Evidence Out There That He Violated The Law.” (Richard Keil and Holly Rosenkrantz, “Rove’s Role In Spy Inquiry Reverberates Throughout Capital,” Bloomberg, 7/12/05)
Sen. Orrin G. Hatch (R-UT): “In All Honesty, The Facts Thus Far – And The E-Mail Involved – Indicate To Me That There Is Not A Problem Here…” (Jim VandeHei, “GOP On Offense In Defense Of Rove,” The Washington Post, 7/13/05)
Hatch: “I Have Always Thought This Is A Tempest In A Teapot.” (Jim VandeHei, “GOP On Offense In Defense Of Rove,” The Washington Post, 7/13/05)
Sen. John Cornyn (R-TX): “If Anyone Thought The Anger And Political Sniping That Infested The Capital During The Campaign Would End After The Election, They Were Flat Wrong. Partisan Attacks In Lieu Of The Facts Have Replaced Ideas, Action And Cooperation.” (Sen. John Cornyn, “Attacks On Rove `More Anger And Political Sniping,'” Press Release, 7/13/05)
* Cornyn: “Sadly, These Attacks Are More Of The Same Kind Of Anger And Lashing Out That Has Become The Substitute For Bipartisan Action And Progress. While Republicans Focus On Accomplishing An Ambitious Agenda For The American People, Some Democrats And Their Allies In The Hyper-Partisan Interest Groups Continue On Their Path Of Smear And Distract.” (Sen. John Cornyn, “Attacks On Rove `More Anger And Political Sniping,'” Press Release, 7/13/05)
Sen. Arlen Specter (R-PA): “I Support Karl Rove.” (Tom Raum, “Newsview: CIA Leak Probe Focuses On Rove,” The Associated Press, 7/13/05)
Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL): “Karl Rove Is A Friend Who, By All Accounts, Is Fully Cooperating With The Investigation. He Has Been A Most Valuable Member Of President Bush’s Team And Has Always Conducted Himself According To High Standards. It’s Disappointing That Some Democrats Are Using An Ongoing Investigation To Try And Score Political Points. Instead Of Focusing On The People’s Business, Democrats Are Prejudging An Incomplete Investigation And Doing Nothing More Than Mounting Partisan Political Attacks.” (Sen. Jeff Sessions, “Statement Of U.S. Sen. Jeff Sessions On Karl Rove,” 7/13/05)
Republican Congressmen Defend Karl Rove:
House Majority Whip Roy Blunt (R-MO): “I Think We See Too Many Efforts Now Where People Quickly Rush To Judgment, Rush To Call For The Most Bizarre Solutions To Problems That Are Problems That Are Often Just Created In Their Own Minds.” (Rep. Roy Blunt, Floor Statement, U.S. House Of Representatives, 7/13/05)
Blunt: “Karl Rove Has Fully Cooperated In Any Investigation, And For More Than A Year Now Has Permitted Investigators To Talk To Him.” (Rep. Roy Blunt, Floor Statement, U.S. House Of Representatives, 7/13/05)
House Republican Conference Chair Deborah Pryce (R-OH):” I Think What The Democrats Are Doing With Karl Rove Is Just Another Politically Motivated Part Of Their Agenda.” (CNN’s “Wolf Blitzer Reports,” 7/13/05)
NRCC Chairman Tom Reynolds (R-NY): “The Extreme Left Is Once Again Attempting To Define The Modern Democrat Party By Rabid Partisan Attacks, Character Assassination And Endless Negativity. And As Has Become Their Custom, The Rest Of The Democrat Party Is Standing By Silently.” (National Republican Congressional Committee, “NRCC Chairman Tom Reynolds Statement On Karl Rove, Democrat Partisan Attacks,” Press Release, 7/13/05)
* Reynolds: “Democrats Are Bitter About Losing In 2004. And They Will Stop At Nothing To Accomplish Through Character Assassination What They Could Not Accomplish At The Ballot Box.” (National Republican Congressional Committee, “NRCC Chairman Tom Reynolds Statement On Karl Rove, Democrat Partisan Attacks,” Press Release, 7/13/05)
Rep. Eric Cantor (R-VA): “Karl Rove Is Just The Latest In A Long Line Of Targets For The Democrats Vitriol And Political Games. The American People Want To Know How Congress Is Going To Keep The Economy Growing, Lower Energy Prices And Keep Them Secure At Home.” (Rep. Eric Cantor, “Cantor Statement on Democrat Attacks On Karl Rove,” Press Release, 7/13/05)
Rep. Jack Kingston (R-GA): “Karl Rove Who Did Not Even Know This Woman’s Name Did Not Have Any Information Of Her Acting In Any Covert Manner. It Is Just Silly.” (“Fox News’, “Fox News Live,” 7/13/05)
* Kingston: “The Democrats Are Absent On Issues Such As Social Security, They Are Ambivalent About Iraq To Begin With And They’re Throwing Up One More Smoke Screen Aimed At Karl Rove Who They’re Mad At.” (“Fox News’, “Fox News Live,” 7/13/05)
House Majority Leader Tom DeLay (R-TX): “I Support Karl Rove …” (Tom Raum, “Newsview: CIA Leak Probe Focuses on Rove,” The Associated Press, 7/13/05)
DeLay: “This Is Typical Of The Democrats. They Smell Blood And They Act Like Sharks. Karl Rove Is A Good Man. He Was Doing His Job. He Was Trying To Talk A Reporter Out Of Filing A False Story Based Upon False Premise. I Don’t See That He Has Done Anything Wrong.” (Fox News’ “Studio B,” 7/13/05)
Rep. Kay Granger (R-TX): “The President And Karl Rove Are Doing Exactly What They Should. They Are Cooperating Fully With The Pending Investigation.” (Rep. Kay Granger, “Congresswoman Granger Calls Democrat Attacks On Rove Partisan Gamesmanship,” Press Release, 7/13/05)
* Granger: “He Knew Then That Much Of What Joe Wilson Was Saying Was Untrue. The Calls For Mr. Rove’s Resignation Are Simply Partisan Gamesmanship.” (Rep. Kay Granger, “Congresswoman Granger Calls Democrat Attacks On Rove Partisan Gamesmanship,” Press Release, 7/13/05)
Rep. Peter T. King (R-NY): “Republicans Should Stop Holding Back And Go On The Offense: Fire Enough Bullets The Other Way Until The Supreme Court Overtakes.” (Jim VandeHei, “GOP On Offense In Defense Of Rove,” The Washington Post, 7/13/05)
Thx for comiling this debraz! I don’t see Kyl on that list but I’ll double-down my bet that he’s spewing forth his poisonous words alongside the rest of the listed Senators.
And wouldn’t you know it, but BOTH my stinky senators made the list…I’m contacting Specter now; I won’t even waste my time on the Santorum (R-PA/VA)…
Whenever I see the name “Santorum” I immediately associate it with “sanitarium.” There is something seriously wrong with that guy. He’s like a robot or something.
Send it to Ricky boy too. National security should never a partisan issue, let alone when our nation is at war.
I don’t even get a standard form reply from ANYTHING I send to Santorum…and I don’t expect anything from a man who would use the Schiavo case as a reason to kiss up to the likes of Randall Terry (Operation Rescue domestic terrorist that he is).
I really did look around the site, but didn’t find this reported anywhere. Anyway, it bears repeating: Americans seem to be finally waking up a little and seeing past Bush’s “niceguy marlboro man” construct. A new poll shows that the percentage of Americans who trust Bush fell by 9 percentage points in just 6 months, down to 41 percent.
My own take is that the Rove business is the straw that broke the camel’s back. People went into denial and managed to gloss over all the previous lies, but this one finally broke the dam. If that’s correct, that whole history of deception will now be reopened for a much more critical examination. Things do not look good for this administration.
There’s a momentum going, and unless Fitzgerald drops a bombshell like “nothing to see here”, it will keep getting bigger and stronger for the near-term future. Folks on our side of things would do well, I think, to let it proceed without too much rhetoric — let people see it for themselves — at this point, our “help” only sets up resistance.
Nothing wrong with deploring the shocking dishonesty that’s crept into government, tho. And making sure all of it connects straight to Bush, and not some fallguy. And making sure that Bush connects to every Republican pol — every one of them is complicit.
I have a feeling that this might finally be the breaking point for some of the rational minority remaining in the GOP. Look for defections from a few folks of the Chafee-Snowe persuasion. It should be becoming clear to them that there’s not a whole lot of time left to jump ship before it’s completely under water.
I agree and hope for the American people finally demanding accountability from this Administration — even 9/11 speeches at Army bases are no longer working.
I think Joe/Jane six-pack understand and are starting to question the whole mess that is Iraq and the whole stack of lies that brought us to this point. The press has been relentless on Scotty Mc-Dodge-A-Lot, and just as importantly the attempts to dodge are being broadcast on MSM, and Rovegate is dominating all forms of media. Republicans defending Karl Rove are looking like the fools they are, I hope the Chafee-Snowe’s sign on to full investigations of a whole slew of things. Senator Reid is doing excellent work, beating the Hell out of Frist (who faces a loan scandal) in public integrity and even fundraising (thanks Senator Schumer).
Howard Dean will be the perfect DNC chair to tie all of this corruption together under the Republican way of doing business. Because, let’s not forget — beyond Rove we still have DeLay, the DSM, Ohio Coingate and a call by Senators for an investigation of Halliburton overcharges. Do we see a pattern of Republican abuse here? Americans don’t like all three branches of government under one party control. The Republicans have overreached for years; from Schiavo forward I think the public is seeing that.
Snowe, Chafee, etc. may also start to see the diminished roll Karl Rove will play in the future, and will start to not be so afraid of “the architect”.
I have to wonder how much further Bush will plummet in polls now that the press is asking questions half way seriously (let’s hope they keep it up) ?
And i do share your curiousity as to win the Republican rats will begin to bail enmass
Greg Palast on Judith Miller (7/12/05):
Tell us your “source,” Judy
Not published in The New York Times
The only thing more evil, small-minded and treasonous than the Bush Administration’s jailing Judith Miller for a crime the Bush Administration committed, is Judith Miller covering up her Bush Administration “source.”
Judy, Karl Rove ain’t no “source.” A confidential source — and I’ve worked with many — is an insider ready to put himself on the line to blow the whistle on an official lie or hidden danger. I would protect a source’s name with my life and fortune as would any journalist who’s not a craven jerk (the Managing Editor of Time Magazine comes to mind).
But the weasel who whispered “Valerie Plame” in Miller’s ear was no source. Whether it was Karl Rove or some other Rove-tron inside the Bush regime (and no one outside Bush’s band would have had this information), this was an official using his official info to commit a crime for the sole purpose of punishing a real whistleblower, Joseph Wilson, Plame’s husband, for questioning our President’s mythological premise for war in Iraq. …
As Karl Rove chuckles and Judy does time, we are left to ask, What are Miller and The New York Times doing: protecting the name of a source or covering up their conduit to the Bush gang’s machinery of deception?
One can only be sympathetic to Miller for choosing jail over bending to the power of the State. But as T.S. Eliot said,
“The last temptation is the greatest treason,
To do the right deed for the wrong reason.”
I’m sorry if this is posted elsewhere, I checked.
Tom Oliphant, columnist for the Boston Globe, is on The Al Franken Show on Air America Radio. He pointed out that Joe Wilson was on The Today Show this morning, and did an important thing — take the focus off the criminal aspects of the Rove investigation, which will take time but there are many unknowns, and put the focus on the impact this has had on Valerie Plame.
I immediately sought out the transcript of the show, and I was surprised that it is so short. There is a short discussion of Ms. Plame’s feelings and what she is going through:
There is more, and Ambassador Wilson is asked what he thinks the WH should do:
A different angle, I wish the interview longer. But I’m a news hound, and this is The Today Show. It is another MSM story, and for that I am happy.
I too saw Wilson on today show and found it much too short but it was something to see. I have a feeling there is much more to the interview and if the issue stays hot the Today Show producers will go for the money and play more of the interview. Any wagers on that?
Link to transcript is here
(got it via AMERICAblog)
John Aravosis has a good post up with commentary on Wilson’s appearance today.
Thanks for the links. john does a great job! Has anyone caught the statement that Wilson made later this morning with I believe Schumer at his side? I caught a blip in the car on Ed Schultz but I only caught Wilson saying something about Rove trying to dig stuff up on Wilson and Valerie BEFORE Wilson’s ip-ed piece came out and then they cut to a comercial and I had to go back to work.
The Senate Dems have introduced a resolution attached to the Homeland Security bill to revoke the security clearance for any gov’t official who leaks undercover information. Link to AP article here They’re hoping for a vote today.
John Ashcroft recused himself from the case on December 30, 2003. According to this article in the Left Coaster,
What evidence did he review that would have made this case a conflict of interest? Any ideas?
I also noticed that Fitzgerald doesn’t have much authority.
With Ashcroft gone, Comey will have to report to Gonzales. Which is why I think Ashcroft was fired. Bush needed a good friend in that position to protect him.
Naaa… cat’s outta the bag. Whatever Fitzgerald comes back with will become public knowledge. He has already presented voluminous evidence to Judges. Enough evidence, and serious enough evidence that Miller was jailed. The judges comments were telling regarding the seriousness of the case.
Cat’s outta the bag. They can’t hide this. Any attempts to do so will be for naught and will automatically be part of a conspiracy to obstruct justice and therefore only make matters worse for them.
Let’s hope they try it!
Americablog has it:
Reid, Levin, Rockefeller, Biden and Durbin offer “Security Clearance” Amendment
Senator Reid will offer the following amendment to the Homeland Security Appropriations Bill (On the floor right now) on behalf of Senator Levin:
Shumer talking, intro. remarks.
I pushed hard to make sure that Mr. Ashcroft himself
I have witheheld judgement about who did this and why
I have tremendous faith in Mr. Fitz
Bottom line:
Even a child knows that if someone can’t keep a secret, stop telling that person secrets.
We need to revoke Rove’s security clearance.
It is my understanding that they put the amendment on some sort of Homeland Security Bill that is supposed to be voted on later today — anyone have any other details? I’ll go look Susan, but if you already are, I don’t want to do duplicate work — especially since yours will be 100% better! 😉
PLEASE DO! I’ve been hunting without success … sounds like you know where to go!
Look above. I posted it from Americablog.
Most of the places I look are one day behind (makes sense, since they have to get it all on the record, transcribed and such…)
See the AP article I reference above in the comment “Reid makes his move” is that the same thing?
What I need — what WE need — is for one of you to write up what’s going on in Congress today. If you can. I find it so hard to flip back and forth between CSPAN2, CSPAN, MSNBC, CNN, etc…. and try to stay afoot.
I’m working on a diary on the Homeland Security overhaul. Chertoff is shifting costs back to the states. I’ll see what I can come up with.
It looks as if the admendment is just being treated as a partisan riff between the two groups. There is, after all, a law against disclosure or “outing of a CIA agent”. And the real issue is the Bush administration’s continuing lying everyday ad nauseum. If they could put a bit in the bill about truth telling from the admin, that would be another thing.
So it failed, right? What was that Frist bullshit amendment? it failed badly.
I understand that there is to be a rebuttal from Norm Coleman and Kit Bond at 4pm today? Anyone else hearing that?
Rebuttal to the Wilson/Schumer conference, that is.
Overheard from a pickup truck radio about 3 p.m., the unmistakable tones of Limbug saying, “Chuck Schumer is Joe Wilson’s handler.”
Then adding some stuff about, Trust me, I know this, it’s the truth.
Why is god’s name is that nasty piece of overfed, doped-up excrement still wandering around loose? He ought to be up on drug charges.
From Yahoo News:
I know I don’t have to tell anyone around here how outrageous this is. Just when I think the neocons have hit a new low, along comes a submarine pitch. Defending Treasoners? Can’t wait for that afternoon press conference! The Republicans act as if this isn’t the time in our history when everything that has ever been spoken in public is recorded, or perhaps they believe people will not double-check, and listen to the talking points just like they have been. Poll numbers suggest otherwise.
Hell of a news snip!
Joe Wilson is going to be on CNN w Wolf at 4 CDT. (And me with a houseful of company! aaaarrrgh!)
I listened to this and he-wilson-came across very clear. blitzer kept interrupting him with other things. sound familar? then came douglas feith. different song different interview. blitzer let him talk unendlessly. what a farse and what a show and tell and dog and pony show.
Wilson was great, wasn’nt he? I loved it when Wilson said Matthews call him as soon as he got off the phone with Rove. Hot dog! Now I’ll have to watch Hardball tonight.
Such fun!
oh yea!!!!!!!!!! me too…..got to watch but only if I can stand the holloring match from mathews. I can hardly stomach that kind of thing.
headline: Bush’s ‘brain’ leaked: Did Bush know?
Interesting and long article, and they seem to have no doubt that Rove is culpable.
LISTEN UP! just heard jeff sessions declare that senators are not federal employees….what the hell????? What did he mean talking like this? Am I wrong understanding that they are federal employees?
I listened to a bit of him. He’s slow mentally.
yes, Susan, I do think they all must have a light bulb out!!!!! I couldnt believe what I heard….they are trying too hard to convience us out here int he world and it aint working. It is showing us just how ignorant they truly are.
VOTE ALERT: On Defensive About Rove, GOP Shoots Self in the Foot
According to sources on Capitol Hill, Republicans are proposing a counter-amendment to the Democrats upcoming legislation that cracks down on those who leak classified government information. Their amendment, while designed to politicize the issue, hilariously ends up boomeranging and embarrassing their own Senators.
The text of the GOP amendment inserts the following language into the Democrats legislation:
“…or any federal officeholder who makes reference to a classified Federal Bureau of Investigation report on the floor of the United States Senate, or any federal officeholder that makes a statement based on a FBI agent¹s comments which is used as propaganda by terrorist organizations thereby putting our servicemen and women at risk, shall not be permitted access to such information or to hold a security clearance for access to such information.”
The amendment is clearly targeted at Senator Durbin’s controversial comments about Guantanamo Bay, in which he cited FBI files. But what’s funny is that, according to one top Democrat’s office, the amendment also strips Orin Hatch of his security clearance because he has in the past referenced judicial nominees’ FBI files.
In fact, every Senator who participated in an Armed Services Committee hearing on Gitmo yesterday might lose their clearance because the FBI agents comments were discussed. Those Republicans who participated in that hearing were Sens. John Warner (R-VA), John McCain (R-AZ), Pat Roberts (R-KS), Jeff Sessions (R-AL), Saxby Chambliss (R-GA), Elizabeth Dole (R-NC), and John Cornyn (R-TX). Will they vote to strip themselves of their own security clearance?
Of course not, which shows how pathetically juvenile and stupid the GOP’s response is. Instead of joining with Democrats to protect America’s national security, Republicans are pushing a transparent ploy to allow Karl Rove, a national security threat, to continue working in the White House, and to continue to have access to sensitive material that he could once again use to grind an axe against the GOP’s political opponents. It’s not going to work – Americans don’t like national security risks in the White House, no matter how many GOP hacks in the Senate try to change the subject. Stay tuned.
Democrats’ upcoming legislation
Durbin’s controversial comments