Update [2005-7-14 17:4:21 by susanhu]: Carl Levin, Norm Coleman are debating the Rove amendment. CSPAN2

Update [2005-7-14 16:41:33 by susanhu]: RAW STORY: “Democratic senators Reid Levin, Rockefeller, Biden and Durbin offered the following amendment to the Homeland Security Appropriations Bill. … The bill is on the floor right now. Democrats expect a vote today.”

Update [2005-7-14 16:29:7 by susanhu]: JPol tells me that Wilson will be on with Wolf Blitzer (CNN) at 2PM PDT. JPol also got this from the press conf. today: “Wilson says he has been told of a series of White House meetings held in March of 2003 (four months before he wrote his NYT op-ed piece) in which a decision was made “to do a work-up on Wilson” (meaning dig up as much info as possible in preparation for running an operation against him). He says he has been told that at least one high-level person, Scooter Libby (Dick Cheney’s chief of staff) participated in the meetings.”

Update [2005-7-14 15:12:33 by susanhu]: Joe Wilson and Sen. Chuck Schumer live press conference on MSNBC, CNN. Asking that Rove’s clearance be suspended. MSNBC: “Goes to both president’s staff with Karl Rove and to VP’s staff with Scooter Libby.” Wilson mentioned Libby in the press conf.

Update [2005-7-14 15:9:12 by susanhu]: Sheila Jackson Lee is speaking on floor of House now about Rove amendment measure. CSPAN just announced a debate on CSPAN3 about Rove, I believe. Anyone have more info?

Ron Reagan just said on MSNBC that the Senate is considering an amendment to strip Karl Rove’s security clearance. (I don’t see that occurring on CSPAN2. Do you?) I’ll be AFK for a while. Have fun!


  • Time’s Matt Cooper is testifying before the Senate Judiciary Committee about a shield law for reporters.
  • MoveOn plans an anti-Rove protest in front of the White House at 2:30 pm.
  • Watch today’s WH press briefing.