Update [2005-7-14 15:42:59 by susanhu]: I’ve noted some quibbling about which letter/petition to sign, etc. JUST SIGN THEM. Reps. like Jay Inslee — who is a longtime personal friend of Joe Wilson — need to know that there’s an OCEAN full of people like us who SUPPORT HIM! Sign ’em all! Jay Inslee’s only dogs in this hunt are that he thinks Karl Rove breached national security and he knows Wilson intimately. Inslee has no trouble getting reelected. He’s not running for president (although I wish he would). SUPPORT THE GUY!
Open Letter to President Bush:
Let’s pass this far and wide! Below, Jay Inslee’s e-mail:
Our message is simple: enough is enough. It is time to be honest with the American people, and I’m asking you to join me to demand the truth by signing this letter to the President.
Tomorrow, we will be holding a press conference to introduce the Resolution of Inquiry, and I’d like to walk into that room knowing that you are with me. >>Sign the letter.
For the last two years, the White House has provided no information about who leaked undercover CIA operative Valerie Plame’s name to conservative columnist Robert Novak. On multiple occasions, the President and his spokesman have bluntly stated they would investigate and punish those responsible. And yet, two years later, there are still no answers.
As you may remember, Valerie Plame’s husband, Ambassador Joe Wilson, joined me in Shoreline a month after Novak’s column for a forum on the intelligence failures leading up to the Iraq War. I had invited Wilson because he had discredited one of the Administration’s justifications for invading Iraq — that Saddam Hussein has attempted to purchase uranium in Niger to use in a nuclear weapon.
It was at that forum that Wilson first publicly suggested that Karl Rove was involved in the exposure of his wife’s job at the CIA: “At the end of the day, it’s of keen interest to me to see whether or not we can get Karl Rove frog-marched out of the White House in handcuffs.
And trust me, when I use that name, I measure my words.”
-from Jay Inlee’s email today, via Howie Martin’s blog
I have a question for anyone that may know the answer. I am more than happy to sign this letter without a doubt. my question is may one sign several different letters calling for the same thing..ie rove being fired? So many reps are on this. Why do that not all get together on this and make it one big petition? Should I keep signing all letters?
There are at least two letters by Democratic members of different House Committess. If you don’t want to sign them, please don’t feel obliged. But from my point of view, each letter can draw different audiences to the issues, so they each have political value.
Very well said, Howie.
And Jay Inslee is a good personal friend, of long standing, with Joe Wilson and his wife. Inslee held the forum at which Wilson first spoke of frog-marching Rove. At that same forum, the professor who taught both Wilson and Inslee spoke.
And, Inslee’s speech on the floor of the House yesterday afternoon was exceptional … he spoke in concert with Rush Holt about the measure to ask Pres. Bush to remove Rove’s security clearance.
I sent a fax to Inslee’s office hoping to get more on Inslee’s floor speech.
the letter. In fact, I sign most letters and petitions that come my way. My take on this is that I want to show support for the persons/organizations who speak for me. I don’t know how effective these letters/petitions are, but nevertheless it is important to me that I support those who are willing to take a stand against this administration.
But, still the President refuses to act. We need to keep the pressure on the President and the Republicans in the House and Senate.
I decided not to sign any letter. To fire someone, etc. is a negative statement and a minor issue on the daily concerns in American society and our occupation of Iraq. Let Justice run it’s course, all the attention is by itself a distraction for the latest Bush polls and the more important matters such as SC appointments. More just would have been a positive statement in support of Joe Wilson and Valerie Plame as true patriots. You can mention the White House top level officials are following a treacherous and devious path. Freedom and Democracy cannot be found at home in the White House.
I also didn’t pause 2 minutes during lunch time in Amsterdam, and didn’t notice anyone else on Overtoom that honored the British request. Madrid somehow was different, perhaps just the emotions of such a horrific act. With Blair and the United Kingdom, I find him exploiting the incident to the fullest, identical to Bush and the political advantage he gained after 9/11. Obnoxious. For such an obvious political statement, you will find me in the opposition.
Democrats in Congress need to act in strong opposition to the policies initiated by Bush and the Republican agenda. This is more important than a flimsy request for signatures for a nobody like KR. When the Justice department performs well, I trust KR will be prosecuted to the fullest, and I will be satisfied. Otherwise let George get trounced by the polls for his stubbornness and giving KR his personal support.
USA WELCOME: Make Yourself Known @BooMan Tribune and add some cheers!
The core issue, which I expressed in my Inslee letter that no doubt the president himself will personally read, is this:
“What is your top loyalty: to your country or to your party?”
This is a question we should be asking all Rove supporters.