If you didn’t see the Daily Show interview Crooks and Liars has the video of of Jon Stewart’s pointed treatment of culture warrior Bernard Goldberg. Mr. Goldberg was interview promoting his book, ( to which I will certainly NOT link) 100 People Who Are Screwing Up America.

I agree with Jon’s greater point, that the blame for screwing up America is more rightly placed in the halls of government than the cult of celebrity. But another comment of Jon’s intrigued me enough to make this post.
Jon says in the interview  that for every liberal example in the book, there’s a conservative one Mr. Goldberg ignored.

Who would you trade out for a fright wing example? Below are a few of my candidates.

I apologize in advance for the proximity of such vermin near so many of my heroes:

1 Michael Moore ···    Mel Gibson

2 Arthur Sulzberger     Roger Ailes

3 Ted Kennedy            Bill Frist

4 Jesse Jackson            Condoleeza Rice

5 Anthony Romero    Alberto Gonzales

6 Jimmy Carter            Barbara Bush

7 Margaret Marshall    Antonin Scalia

8 Paul Krugman            Alan Greenspan

9 Jonathan Kozol    Margaret Spelling

10 Ralph Neas            Jack Abramoff

11 Noam Chomsky            Newt Gingrich

12 Dan Rather            Britt Hume

13 Andrew Heyward    Bernard Goldberg

14 Mary Mapes            Chris Wallace

15 Ted Rall            Bill O’Reilly

16 John Edwards            Dick Cheney

17 Al Sharpton            Alan Keyes

18 Al Gore            Tom Delay

19 George Soros            Rupert Murdoch

20 Howard Dean            Jeb Bush

21 Judge Roy Moore    Judge Roy Moore

22 Michael Newdow    James Dobson

23 Unknown American Terrorist     George W Bush

24 Lee Bollinger    Lawrence Summers

25 James Kopp            Randall Terry

26 Dr. Martin Haskell    James Kopp

27 Paul Begala            Peggy Noonan

28 Julian Bond            Trent Lott

29 John Green            Steve, who owes me money

30 Latrell Sprewell    Curt Schilling

31 Maury Povich            David Brooks

32 Jerry Springer    Rush Limbaugh

33 Bob Shrum            Karl Rove

34 Bill Moyers            Armstrong Williams

35 Jeff Danziger    Howard Stern

36 Nancy Hopkins    Phillip Johnson

37 Al Franken            Donald Rumsfeld

38 Jim McDermott    Dennis Hastert

39 Peter Singer            Richard Perle

40 Scott Harshbarger    Richard Scaife

41 Susan Beresford    My Chicken Shit Ex

42 Gloria Steinem    Laura Bush

43 Paul Eibeler            Donald Trump

44 Dennis Kozlowski    Dennis Kozlowski

45 Ken Lay            Ken Lay

46 Barbara Walters    Andrea Mitchell

47 Maxine Waters    “Streaky” Pete Sessions

48 Robert Byrd            Rick Santorum

49 Ingrid Newkirk    Ann Coulter

50 John Vasconellos    Pete Craddick

51 Ann Pelo            Karen Santorum

52 Markos Moulitsas    John Hinderaker

53 Anna Nicole Smith    Brittney Spears

54 Neal Shapiro            Sumner Redstone

55 David Westin            David Smith (Sinclair Broadcasting)

56 Diane Sawyer            Amy Robach

57 Ted Field            Randall “Duke” Cunningham

58 Eminem            Toby Keith

59 Shirley Franklin    Rudy Giuliani

60 Ludacris            Ken Mehlman

61 Michael Savage    Michael Savage

62 Howard Stern            Howard Stern

63 Amy Richards            Michelle Malkin

64 James Wolcott    William Safire

65 Oliver Stone            Carlton Sherwood

66 David Duke            Tom Coburn

67 Randall Robinson    Al Edwards

68 Katherine Hanson    Grover Norquist

69 Matt Kunitz            Matt Kunitz

70 Jimmy Swaggart    Jerry Falwell

71 Phil Donahue            Joe Scarborough

72 Ward Churchill    David Horowitz

73 Barbara Kingsolver    Tom Clancy

74 Katha Politt            Daniel Okrent

75 Eric Foner            Dick Morris

76 Barbara Foley    Frank Luntz

77 Linda Hirshman    Priscilla Owen

78 Norman Mailer    Lynne Cheney

79 Harry Belafonte    Michael Powell

80 Kitty Kelley            Bay Buchanan

81 Tim Robbins            Jonah Goldberg

82 Laurie David            Phillip A. Cooney

83 The Dumb and Vicious Celebrity    The Dumb and Vicious Congress Critter

84 The Vicious Celebrity    The PNAC Apologists

85 The Dumb Celebrity    The Kowtowing Press

86 Chris Ofili            Benjamin James Johnson

87 Sheldon Hackney    Thomas Friedman

88 Aaron McGruder    Dennis Miller

89 Jane Smiley            James Sensenbrenner

90 Michael Jackson    Mayor Jim West of Spokane

91 Barbara Streisand    Marie Osmond

92 Kerri Dunn            Kerri Dunn

93 Richard Timmons    James Guckert

94 Guy Velella            Arlene Wohlgemuth

95 Courtney Love    Ted Nugent

96 Eve Ensler            Tim LaHaye and Jerry B Jenkins

97 Todd Goldman            Paul Wolfowitz

98 Sheila Jackson Lee    Lamar Smith

99 Matthew Lesko      Bernard Ebbers

100 Rick and Kathy Hilton    Nick and Jessica

That was easier than I thought. Who’s on your

This is crossposted from MyDD by request, as well as my own blog.