It IS addictive: “‘Frank Warren initially started this as an interactive art piece. PostSecret is a blog in which people anonymously submit their secrets on handmade 4 x 6 inch postcards via snail mail,’ writes Josh Rubin. ‘Although some of the submissions are very humorous, others are very sad and some politically incorrect. Not only does the work evoke strong sentiments or even memories from the audience, but it also provides an outlet for those that feel the need to free themselves from their secrets. New secrets are posted every Sunday.’ Beware, this site is 100% addictive.” (Cool Hunting, via Alternet‘s PEEK blog)
…whoops! That’s no secret.
This postcard remnids me of when I was a kid and was stuck in church, which I hated:
I never had THAT specific thought… but wish I had. The only good times in church were when I sat with Corky Stump and her mom Isabelle. Isabelle would put her fingers inside our tiny white gloves, and tickle our hands. It felt wonderful and made it a game to not squirm or giggle while we were being tickled.
Of course, now Corky is all grown up and is a COUNTY auditor who bought Diebold voting machines! At least she’s become a Democrat. (We were all Republicans then.)
I hate you SusanHu. Now I’m going to spend my day reading those addictive postcards. I’m totally blaming you for this. 😀
Oh, just go ahead! You’ll thank me later! — Your mother Susan
Do NOT NOT NOT go to the Cool Hunting Web site, she said … trying to remember which local store carries Fran’s chocolates.
Damn my lack of willpower. Now I’m thinking about how I can make a giant mosaic out of post-it notes.
Now we know it’s just another addiction.
My mother, not into religion that much (“there’s no heaven”), said several times that she thought the confessional booth was one of the better offerings of the Catholic church. It let people get a load off.
Between some righties claiming any opposition is treason and a certain subset of Christians screaming discrimination whenever anyone dares to question their bigoted interpretation of the Bible, the term “politically incorrect” is even less meaningful than it used to be.
Trying to shut down debate in various manipulative ways is probably only slightly younger than language itself, done by lazy debaters of all flavors, and is — for obvious reasons — more of a problem when done by people at the high end of a power gradient. Given that the people most often accused (sometimes correctly, other times not) of playing the “politically incorrect” card tended to be the folks speaking out (however clumsily) for those on the low end of a power gradient, the sloppy common usage of “PC” was a rather remarkable example of successfully playing the ref. In my experience, the accusation of PC-ness has been been used to try to shut down debate far more often than those accused of it.
Or to put it another way, as soon as a TV show called “Politically Incorrect” became very popular, it should have been obvious to anybody paying attention that it was PI to be “PC” and PC to be “PI”. Which, outside of relatively limited contexts, had been true all along.
If you want to say that something may be objectionable to some people, then for fuck’s sake just say that it may be objectionable to some people.
For a similar site, yet without the snail-mail component, check out
There’s drug use at that site.
Sharted? Is that some kind of new-fangled, fancy fart I’m not aware of?
I like that site. One of my favorite things about art is this idea that no matter what someone is going through one can find artwork in which the artist has had a similiar experience.
I lost a good hunk of Monday looking at that site.
Thank you
checking out all my favorite sites, instead of sitting on my ass all day working, and sneaking in quick visits.
Now PostSecrets will be added to the daily rotation. Wonderful stuff! Thanks
Found Magazine.
The magazine states:
If you find something weird or cool, you can send it to the magazine for publication in print or online.
Can I send them all of the miscellaneous shit I keep finding at the bottom of my purse?
Do you find stuff you can’t remember? I find notes I hand-wrote that I don’t remember writing … things like phone numbers, directions, etc.
I blame it on the cats.
What a great site this is Susan. Seems to me I saw something about this on one of the magazine shows or maybe it was Oprah. As anyone in recovery knows, one is only sick as one’s secrets. SO cleansing for these people yet know one really knows…cool!
Interesting concept – an online confessional. Here’s my secret: I wonder how many of those are made up by people just to see if they make it on to the site. If I sent that in, do you think they’d post it? 🙂
Like I needed yet another time sink ;^)
Seriously, great site. Thanks.