Update [2005-7-16 23:35:31 by susanhu]: Here’s another story today from Editor & Publisher: “Special prosecutor Patrick J. Fitzgerald may seek criminal contempt charges against New York Times reporter Judith Miller, which could significantly lengthen her time in jail …”

Laura Rozen at War & Piece asks:

Can someone please find out if Judith Miller really had a Secret clearance from the Pentagon? And if so, who authorized that arrangement? And, was she really wearing a US army uniform in the field? (Via Atrios).

<a href="OMG:

An e-mail message to me from her PAO sergeant escort regarding a three-week trip with META in April stated: “She did not have a SECRET clearance.” She was “high maintenance and came to the field badly prepared. The problem I had with her was that whenever other members of the press showed up, which they did as embeds from other units or as unilaterals, she would insist that I get rid of them and that the 75th’s story was her story, exclusively. She didn’t seem to have any idea that the Army needed as much coverage of the 75th’s mission as possible and that excluding everyone else was detrimental to the credibility of what the 75th was trying to accomplish. Never mind that we didn’t find a damn thing … She could not understand why Michael Gordon, covering the war at ground force headquarters, could have his stuff read and cleared at any time of the day or night while she had to wait. She would talk about the ‘news cycle’ and how important it was, and threaten me or my boss with the wrath of the NYT or her buddies up at DoD.” (Editor & Publisher, via Atrios)

And it just goes on (“‘NY Times’ Explores Question: Did Miller Give Plame Name to Rove or Libby,” E&P, July 16, 2005) and on (“Miller’s Latest Tale Questioned,” E&P, Sept. 23, 2003).

P.S. Read Raimondo at antiwar.com. JPol says in an e-mail to me: “This is the best analysis I’ve seen yet, and it strengthens my growing conviction (no pun intended) that this could ultimately bring down Bush. It also seems clear that the CIA is active behind the scenes in this unfolding drama, and that is a replay of the events that eventually brought down Nixon.”