Update [2005-7-16 23:35:31 by susanhu]: Here’s another story today from Editor & Publisher: “Special prosecutor Patrick J. Fitzgerald may seek criminal contempt charges against New York Times reporter Judith Miller, which could significantly lengthen her time in jail …”
Laura Rozen at War & Piece asks:
Can someone please find out if Judith Miller really had a Secret clearance from the Pentagon? And if so, who authorized that arrangement? And, was she really wearing a US army uniform in the field? (Via Atrios).
<a href="OMG:
An e-mail message to me from her PAO sergeant escort regarding a three-week trip with META in April stated: “She did not have a SECRET clearance.” She was “high maintenance and came to the field badly prepared. The problem I had with her was that whenever other members of the press showed up, which they did as embeds from other units or as unilaterals, she would insist that I get rid of them and that the 75th’s story was her story, exclusively. She didn’t seem to have any idea that the Army needed as much coverage of the 75th’s mission as possible and that excluding everyone else was detrimental to the credibility of what the 75th was trying to accomplish. Never mind that we didn’t find a damn thing … She could not understand why Michael Gordon, covering the war at ground force headquarters, could have his stuff read and cleared at any time of the day or night while she had to wait. She would talk about the ‘news cycle’ and how important it was, and threaten me or my boss with the wrath of the NYT or her buddies up at DoD.” (Editor & Publisher, via Atrios)
And it just goes on (“‘NY Times’ Explores Question: Did Miller Give Plame Name to Rove or Libby,” E&P, July 16, 2005) and on (“Miller’s Latest Tale Questioned,” E&P, Sept. 23, 2003).
P.S. Read Raimondo at antiwar.com. JPol says in an e-mail to me: “This is the best analysis I’ve seen yet, and it strengthens my growing conviction (no pun intended) that this could ultimately bring down Bush. It also seems clear that the CIA is active behind the scenes in this unfolding drama, and that is a replay of the events that eventually brought down Nixon.”
Where is the photo of Judy in a US Army uniform?
I want it see it and I want to see it NOW. π
SYBIL! I threw this up because it set my head spinning … and I haven’t had time to read all the new material this led to! Let’s all go look.
And what an a–hole she is! (I refuse to use the word bitch because we shouldn’t do that to other women, even when it fits. :):))
this bitch prohibition. What I am to call Ann Coulter?
BTW- at first, I thought you said you threw up because your head was spinning.
Well, what are rules without a few exceptions.
There are plenty of non-gender-specific epithets one could use, and in Coulter’s case, it’d be more appropriate. π
Unfortunately, I can’t think of a better word for her than “whore,” though I believe it’s often used for men as well as women–particularly when speaking of the media these days.
Can you imagine a worse writer than Ann Coulter?
My name for her is “war pimp” and you can guess by that
how prejudiced I am against her. And I have been ever
since the lead up to the war.
She is not popular with the press and she is not popular
with the troops. I speculated that when she went to jail
she was trying to redeem herself for being a war pimp.
She is beyond redemption as far as the slaughter in Iraq
goes but she has gained a little respect for going to jail
among some of the press.
From Slate,
I’ve been busy with my garden diary.
You know how all the inmates spoke so warmly about Martha Stewart when she got out?
Hee-hee … what shall we bet that …
I asked my husband about this and he said that a lot of the embeds wore uniforms. He was with the First Marine Division during the initial invasion “at the tip of the spear.” He says a lot of the embedded “journalists” wore them ostensibly for safety reasons. He also thinks it’s a bit pretentious, but it’s not something that was specific to Judith Miller. Now, if she was wearing rank insignia, I’d be concerned.
Well you have the ‘rank’ part correct when referring to her.
Link to Slate article written 2 years ago, July 25, 2003.
You should have been a prosecutor, Sybil.
Move over Nancy Grace, I too can be a ‘Hard-Hearted-Hannah!’
I just read the Raimondo article!!! Everyone should check that out. Before I had wondered if Miller was just protecting herself – but this puts a whole new spin on things for me. And it really explains why Fitsgerald and the judges involved are willing to push so hard. Does anyone know if Hannah has been called to testify at the grand jury?
I’m just starting it … had to stop and say, Oh, i like how he writes …. so clearly.
And he smokes! Look at the sexy photo of him at the top. I digress….
You’ll understand just how over the hill I am when I say that I am single and had to go back and look at the picture after I read your comment. Its a pretty sorry state of affairs when international espionage gets my attention quicker that a good looking hunk. OH MY!!
you didn’t get the memo?
Antiwar.com Is NOT a Legitimate Source.
The self-appointed guardians of the “reality based” community have spoken!
She must have had some clearance, as she was <u>the first to debrief Saddam’s son-in-law</u> in Iraq
involving Miller and Chalabi ?
Putting all players in a chart we can see that Chalabi and his “spokesperson” Judy Miller show up a lot… Could they be related ?
What an excellent chart…thanks for putting that up.
Do you want to tackle on for the whole ball of wax, I was trying to figure out how to even get that on one page. lol a little…
What else is missing ? Is there another leak ?
Oh I just meant the whole administration and members of congress mess, type of chart. Yours was great….
So – are the neocons friends or enemies of Iran?
Hard to imagine WHY they would be friends with Iran. It’s more likely that Chalabi conned the neocons (Which would be hilarious if it wasn’t tragic)
But then again, Bush’s big mouth just helped the hard liners win Iran’s election, so they may have a devious motive so twisted that we “normal” people can hardly put our minds around it…
Ever since I heard of ties between Chalabi and Iran, I’ve wondered about the idea that they played the neocons. Any possibility they could have been behind the faked Niger documents? After all, other than Halliburton, who but Iran benefited more from getting rid of Saddam?
The colourful chart is way over my head.
And we learn from Talking Points Memo and Murray Gaas that
the two major newspapers in the US are going easy on
Rove. Most of what they print on RoveGate is from leaks
carefully placed and timed from Cooper’s and Rove’s lawyers.
The right wing are lying like crazy and the left wing
are speculating like crazy. I have decided to wait until
Fitzgerald (aka Bulldog) has wrapped up this case before
I read anymore about it.
That’s a really good perspective, Sybil.
And Fitzgerald sounds like someone who won’t rush this and who won’t be swayed by political winds. We’re lucky if that’s the case.
Right after I wrote that, Frank Rich comes out with his
masterful summation of the case and the WaPo has a very
good overview also.
The media, they are a changin’
Okay, starting tomorrow, I’ll stop reading about it.
Some interesting dates:
April 8th – Chalabi back on Iraq, flown in by Pentagon
April 17th – Chalabi allegedly tells Iranians about code break
May 20th 2004
* FBI raids Chalabi’s office (1)
June 2, 2004
* Morning: A highly confidential detail on the Chalabi case, that only a few top people would know (6) is leaked to the press: ‘Drunk’ American Blabs To Chalabi
* Evening: Tenet resigns abrubtly in the evening after exchanging words w/ Bush (2)
June 3, 2004
* Chalabi acuses Tenet of spurring the probe against him and of dragging Bush to war under dubious information (3)
* Press leaks Ari Fleischer Testimony: Bush knew of Plame leak and didn’t do anything
June 30th US Handover to Iraq Council
July 7th Senate pre War Intelligence report published (blaming CIA)
July 22nd Final 9/11 report published by Senate (7)
Nov 2nd US election
Based on the events of June 2nd and 3rd:
of dragging Bush to war? Wow, I thought he was feeding intel to the Bush admin that was propping up Bush’s desire to hit Iraq.
Yes, he accused Tenet of doing everything that he himself did. Talk about Chutzpah!
Was busted with a lot less evidence. Same for Harry Dexter White
As a result of a Freedom of Information Act suit, government documents were released in 1975 which revealed:
Other information which had been withheld from Hiss and his lawyers included the FBI’s knowledge of Chambers’ homosexuality and the intensive FBI surveillance of Hiss, which included phone taps and mail openings (none of which showed any indication that Hiss was a spy or a Communist.)
As for the “Pumpkin Papers,” the five rolls of microfilm that Nixon had described as evidence of the “most serious series of treasonable activities … in the history of America,” the FOIA releases showed one roll of microfilm was completely blank, and information on two rolls of microfilm were largely not only unclassified but were about topics such as life rafts and fire extinguishers, information which was easily obtainable at any time from the open shelves at the Bureau of Standards.
This is more like it: the chain of evidence is leading to Cheney and his neocon thugs. If this was just about Rove, it wouldn’t change much. Rove was never going to be fired and though he’ll probably resign, it won’t be much more than a symbolic victory.
And J. Miller is another detail. She’ll likely resign from the Times and become a hard right celebrity as this unwinds further. “Democracy Now” detailed her activities in Iraq, that was scandalous enough.
But getting the neocons in a big Watergate way over the next six months to years if they start going to trial, could be very significant in changing the political direction of this country. It will still be very messy and fractious, but Democrats better start thinking about what they will do when they get the opportunity to lead again.