Hang on to your hats. This story has legs that are moving as fast as Lance Armstrong’s as he battles to again win Le Tour de France. If you blink, you might miss something important. Focus. Focus.
The lawyer for Time Magazine’s Matthew Cooper, Richard Sauber, has provided the Washington Post with some interesting background information about the last minute developments that led up to Cooper’s agreement to testify in the Plame leak case.
Sauber says:
“I forbid Matt to call him,” Richard Sauber said yesterday. “I cringed at the idea. These two witnesses would have to explain their discussion before the grand jury.”
Cooper testified Wednesday after Sauber worked out a waiver of confidentiality with Rove’s attorney in the case, which began with columnist Robert D. Novak revealing in July 2003 that Plame, the wife of an administration critic, was a covert CIA operative. Cooper’s story was posted online days later.
Sauber states that he warned Cooper he could end up with a felony record, but Cooper still resisted testifying originally because he felt that the blanket waiver he’d previously received from White House officials could have been coerced.
Then this happened:
Pardon me? Did Luskin lie? Say it ain’t so.
And, Cooper adds now:
We’ll forgive you, Matt.
Rove’s lawyer, Luskin, who seems to be quite Rovesque himself then spun this thusly:
Typical sleazeball tactic: take the heat off Rove again and point the theatrical finger at Cooper. Get over it, Luskin. You’ve been busted.
Meanwhile, back at the Time magazine ranch, Pearlstine is in big trouble:
One reporter, Mark Thompson, circulated copies of an e-mail from a woman who deals regularly with whistle-blowers, saying that she would not turn over a confidential source to Time and that the magazine had slid to the bottom of her media list. He told Pearlstine the Cooper decision had “made our job a heck of a lot tougher.” Another, Brian Bennett, displayed a similar note from a source with the name blacked out.
When Huey told the staff that they were in a conservative judicial environment, Michael Weisskopf, who lost an arm in Iraq, accused him of a “cop-out.”
Kelly said the meeting “accomplished what it set out to do, to have all 18 correspondents tell Norm their concerns and fears about his decision and have Norm explain his decision maybe a little differently than it had been explained initially in the press.”
Stay tuned for the next installment of As the Leaker Gets Squeezed…
(Why don’t you just turn yourself in already Novak…I mean Rove…I mean Novak…I mean Miller…?)
I know one thing: I’m not the leaker.
I know something else too: wow – there are a lot of liars in Washington DC.
Me either, but I am a tipper!!!
You would think the big pharmaceutical corporations would have come up with something for that by now. ; )
Newsday is reporting that Matthew Cooper will be Howie Kurtz’s guest on CNN’s Reliable Sources this Sunday morning and that Cooper will be writing more about his escapades for Time magazine. (There’s a link somewhere, but I’m going to bed, so you’ll have to trust me on this one).
Matthew Cooper is also going to be on Meet the Press this Sunday and is scheduled to discuss his testimony to the grand jury.
Chris Matthews must be in hiding since Joe Wilson said Rove called Matthews to tell him “Plame’s wife is fair game.”
Where is Matthews?
…it seems that people have been spinning frantically about the wrong law that Rove (and/or whoever else) may have violated. There’s a different law with a much lower standard, and BushCo has already prosecuted someone who leaked info on a completely unrelated matter.
The guy faced 500 years, and took a plea bargain. The judge was quite stern about exposing federal employees to harm.
More in this diary right behind yours in the sidebar cascade.
Cheney asked for verification of the yellowcake sale; third-level-down staffers and CIA analysts chased the information (including the verbal report from Wilson); Prez blabs the 16 words; Wilson calls him out; Novak prints the article; and here we are.
Could have been anyone in that chain. The only ones who might know are Fitzgerald and the members of the Grand Jury. Patience.
Who knows what is out there to be known. I do know one thing, I am not the leaker, either!!! :o) But then again, it might have been something I said and was overheard by someone else the other day while talking to barney and he was barking way tooooo much for me…:o) Laura looked like she heard it, but who knows… :o) I know that Karen was in the next room and it might have been that she might have heard me. Oh well…so it goes..
Now on a serious matter, if the ppl who are getting nasty with Time Mag.: They really need to think and think hard about the treason that was committed by the perps here. This is serious. We are talking about many other ppl’s lives and connections here, not just VP..it was her connections as well.
I still contend that Novak had a choice to make and he made it and it was the wrong thing to do. He can not go back and change what he has said and done. He should be sitting in jail for the rest of his life.
Oh and yes we are talking howard kertz here…what a joke!
Ah yes…Karen Hughes…hmm…
It could just be people in the administration who routinely do anonymous background briefings with reporters, who have been ordered to cry fowl now that the media is questioning the White House. I mean, it’s okay for the media to just parrot the White House line, but if they’re actually going to be critical about things, well, some punishment is really in order.
Novak’s other source; a mid-level NSC official set up by Rove.
Miller’s source; Cheney/Feith/Libby/Wolfowitz/Chalabi/Bolton. (This is actually one single demonic creature that is able to change it’s appearance at will and maintains a stable of cloned doubles for those occassions when more than one of it’s identities needs to appear simultaneously in the same venue).
Now that you say that I’m pretty sure I read about Cheney/Feith/Libby/Wolfowitz/Chalabi/Bolton in the Necronomicon. One of the not-so-great old ones in the Cthulhu mythos…..(please forgive the moment of Lovecraft levity)
Definitely an ancient, diabolical creature. Once upon a time it’s name was “Beelzebub”.
Think Progress has speculated that the leaker is Ari Fleischer. Here’s how the scenario goes:
That classified State Department report appears to have been — or may well have been the source for the information that Rove and others were then dishing out to reporters. And if that’s the case, there still may be — we don’t know yet, but there still may be an instance where classified information was provided to reporters. [Michael Isikoff, 7-11-05]
A transcript subpoenaed in the CIA leak probe reveals the White House press operation began efforts to personally discredit former Ambassador Joseph C. Wilson IV days before a columnist blew the cover of his CIA-officer wife.
As Newsday reported Friday, a federal grand jury served three subpoenas on the White House in January for Air Force One telephone records and a transcript of a press briefing during the presidential trip to Africa the week before Robert Novak’s July 14 column identifying CIA officer Valerie Plame….
And here’s the closer (why, oh, why don’t I remember reading anything about any of this when it was happening?)
Fleischer crossed my mind too since he suddenly resigned to “spend more time with his family”. He left in July, 2003, but his resignation was announced in May, 2003. He’s not at the top of my list though. Was Karen Hughes on that Africa trip?
I didn’t see any mention of her being on that trip. I think she was still in Texas “taking time with her family” at that point. If memory serves me, she didn’t come back on board until maybe 6-8 months before the election.
We were commenting on it at DKos then.
What took the WaPo so long to flesh it out?
What took the WaPo so long to flesh it out?
According to the story catnip cited, Matthew Cooper testified on Wednesday (July 13) and his attorney, Richard Sauber spoke to the Post on Friday (July 15).
It seems likely Sauber was unable or unwilling to speak before Friday.
Rove’s lawyer has been speaking everyday.
I wrote about this July 12:
“Rove(r)’s lawyer told the press, “whoever Cooper is protecting it isn’t Karl Rove.” Cooper took that statement as a release as well.” (from Raw Story)
This is interesting from American Prospect:
Defense attorneys, especially Rove’s have been leaking or pronouncing everyday.
I interpreted this a bit differently ie. Cooper already had the blanket waiver which he didn’t think was usable due to the possible coercion factor, but when Cooper’s attorney saw that Rove’s lawyer denying that Cooper was protecting Rove, he asked for a more substantial and independent confirmation from Rove’s lawyer so Cooper could be confident he could spill the beans.
Did I miss the mark? Rove’s lawyer’s statement, to me, made it look like he was denying that Cooper was covering for Rove and that the source could have been someone else.
I’m pointing out that this information has been out for days now, from Rove’s lawyer and that the WaPo is printing it as if it were a scoop.
As Murray Waas says:
my emphasis
I read his article but I’m not sure what he’s getting at. (I’m a bit dense today trying to follow all of this while life gets in the way). Is he just trying to remind us that the leaks are coming from the defense ie. Luskin or am I missing something else? Thanks.
Yes, from both defense lawyers of Rove and Cooper and he is saying that the newspapers are collaborating. They are basically defending Rove too.
today as I am sure you know.
There is some complaint about the TIME cover story by Gibbs spraying Rove with teflon. 🙂
check TalkingPointsMemo.com cafe.