Cross-posted at The Next Hurrah
So says America’s newspaper of record.
And they’re right. We are horribly unprepared locally, nationally and throughout the world. Part of the issue is how we communicate the need. This article, written for WHO, tries to get at how to talk to folks to address the issues.
Communication wouldn’t be such a problem if it were possible to get ready for the next pandemic without talking to the public. It isn’t. Health authorities want the public to be aware of this grave threat for three fundamental reasons: so people will prepare themselves emotionally and logistically; so people will help their schools, businesses, hospitals, and other organizations prepare; and so people will support the preparedness efforts of their governments. And there’s a fourth reason: If and when a pandemic begins, people who have had time to get used to the idea are likelier to understand their risks, follow official advice, and take an active role in protecting themselves.
The Flu Wiki is an attempt to do just that. It’s still in its infancy and won’t be ‘The Answer’. But it’s a way to address, as fairly as possible, the questions we all will have, and to share information we all will need. It has had visitors from every time zone. We are now reviewing the languages we have information in (starting with Spanish, although others are needed). (See graphics after the break.) And the principles that Sandman and Lanard (his MD wife) put down are exactly the principles we and others (politicians, health officials, etc) need to follow.
With luck, we’ll have time to plan and prepare. But this does not fall to public health officials alone. Everyone has things they can do, individually and in their community. Stop by and contribute to the Flu Wiki. See what you can do for yourself, and your community. This is a non-partisan issue that affects us all.
Of course we’re unprepared. No political gain for the Bushies in actually governing in the National interest. If only there was a way for big pharma to make a killing on this you can bet Bush would make it job #1, but since there isn’t . . .
this is a do-it-yourself deal. No point holding your breath for them.
I’ve already purchased masks that can filter out virus sized particles for my family in the event a flu pandemic breaks out.
More support for my frame for universal healthcare:
What is the #1 responsibility of the government? Think about that for a minute. What do you think a Republican would say? Many people, in fact most people, would say, “To protect its people.” Even if that is not the #1 responsibility, I would think nearly everyone would agree it is a major responsibility.
So what should the government protect us from?
So if health dangers are something the government is already concerned with, why is universal health care not a part of this model? Why shouldn’t the government protect us from microbial invaders as well as human invaders? A healthy citizenry is certain to be a more productive work force (that is, after all, the justification behind employer provided health insurance). So look at injury and disease as a threat to our citizenry and our national economy. Health care then becomes part of our national defense.
What is the one thing Republicans are always willing to spend more money on? National Defense!
I’ve added a “where to start” page.
One problem seems to be that many drug companies simply have no interest in producing vaccines. They’d rather produce drugs to deal with symptoms, which they can keep selling you, than a cure or a prevention. Conservatives, in their typical short-sighted fashion, blame this on malpractice and consumer protection litigation.
I read a new book recently (from the library) called, I believe, The Great Influenza Epidemic-sorry I can’t remember the author-all about the pandemic at the turn of the 20th century. The author so skillfully spelled out how viruses mutate that I was able to explain it to friends weeks later. He also writes about how the US government screwed up big time with controlling the outbreaks and it sure sounded like it could happen again.