“My name is Emily Lyons. I am a nurse, a wife, and a mother of two teenage daughters. I am also a victim of anti-choice terrorism. When you look at me the injuries you see are a direct result of a conspiracy of violence against abortion providers in this country.
“On January 29, 1998 my life changed forever when a bomb exploded outside the clinic where I worked. On that day I lost my friend, a police officer providing security at our clinic, and I nearly lost my own life. … In the last six and a half months, I’ve spent almost thirty hours on an operating table in nine different operations, only to still have dozens of pieces of shrapnel permanently left in my body. I can’t walk, drive a car, or go to work.
“Prior to the bombing, I had spent twenty (20) years working in the medical profession as a nurse. For quite some time, I was a labor and delivery nurse. Prior to moving to Birmingham, I provided home health care. Most of my home patients were elderly. I have helped bring many people into this world. I have also held the hands of many as they left.
“Now, my vision is too poor to read. My left eye was destroyed and had to be removed. My right eye was badly damaged. My right hand was mangled beyond repair. The skin was torn off my shins and my leg shattered. The blast tore a hole in my abdomen so that about ten (10) inches of my intestines had to be removed. My eardrum was ruptured and required extensive surgery. As a result, I am now a nurse who is unable to read, write, or stand for long periods of time. Instead of caring for others, others now have to care for me.” — Statement of Emily Lyons, July 17, 1998
Photo: Emily Lyons, July 18, 2005, at the sentencing of American terrorist Eric Rudolph
Below, in “Christian Terrorist Rudolph Sentenced — What the Rightwing Press Will not Say,” Juan Cole takes them ALL on — including the myopic moralizer Thomas Friedman. Cole’s anger is not just beautiful, it’s on target:
From Juan Cole, “Christian Terrorist Rudolph Sentenced — What the Rightwing Press Will not Say”:
Notorious Christian terrorist Eric Rudolph was sentenced to two life terms on Monday. The one-time fugitive had carried out four bombings that terrorized the southeastern areas of the United States. Among his crimes were the blowing up of an abortion clinic in Birmingham, Alabama, which killed a policeman, and a bombing of the 1996 Olympic Games in Atlanta, Georgia.
As his sister-in-law made clear, Rudolph is driven by the ideology of the “Christian Identity” hate group. Terry Nichols of the Oklahoma City bombing was likewise connected to Christian identity and their “Elohim City”.
Of course, you won’t see the headline above in American newspapers, even though any Muslim who acts as Rudolph did would be called an “Islamic terrorist” (a particularly objectionable term because “Islamic” means “having to do with the Muslim faith). It is like talking about “terrorism rooted in Christianity.”
Other things you won’t see in the American press about this story (satire alert):
Thomas Friedman will not write an op-ed for the New York Times about what is wrong with white southern Christian males that they keep producing these terrorists. He will also not ask why Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson are not denouncing Eric Rudolph every day at the top of their lungs.
No reporter will interview frightened Iraqis about their fears at hearing that there are 138,000 armed Christians in their country belonging to the same faith as the bomber, Rudolph, some of them from his stomping grounds of Florida and North Carolina.
Daniel Pipes will not write a column for the New York Post suggesting that white southern Christians be put in internment camps until it can be determined why they keep producing terrorists and antisemites.
George W. Bush will not issue a statement that “Christianity is a religion of peace and we will not allow the Eric Rudolphs to hijack it for their murderous purposes.”
Frank Gaffney will not write a column for the Washington Post castigating the Republican Party for appeasement in surrendering to the terrorist threats of radical Christians, by now opposing reproductive rights.
Max Boot will not point out that if the United States could only keep the Philippines in the early twentieth century by killing 400,000 Filipinos, than that was what needed to be done, and if the US can only beat back radical Christians by killing 400,000 of them, then that may just be necessary.
Pat Buchanan will not write a column blasting King George III for having promoted the illegal immigration into the American south of criminal elements, whose maladjusted descendants are still making trouble.
On the same day that Eric Rudolph was sentenced to life without parole, and stood to proclaim that his actions were justified, there were two letters in the SF Chronicle insisting that mainstream Muslims must do more to denounce terrorism. In both of those letters, one could substitute the terms “Christian” and “Christianity” for “Muslim” and “Islam”, and not lose the flavor of the letters.
It will be a cold day in Hades, I’m sure, before Operation Rescue and their ilk ever show up on a terrorist watch list in this Administration…
Yours is exactly the kind of response I was wishing for when i posted this.
It’s fucking insane that Eric Rudolph is not called a TERRORIST in every single newspaper, magazine, and TV headline and story.
Instead, the FBI is going after ecoterrorists who, while I disagree with their methods, haven’t killed anyone. (And — although I don’t wish to digress into this here — I just want to say that I personally draw a distinction between destroying property through arson, which is very dangerous and destructive and could potentially kill someone, and rescuing animals from horrific conditions such as mink farms and animal experiment laboratories.)
but was having trouble getting my thoughts together. Blame it on sleep, or lack of…I kept waking up last night after some really weird dreams…
And I just found Juan Cole’s great, great comments, and added them to the diary.
What would we do without Juan Cole.
Juan said it better than I ever could have…dammit.
Oh, and Ann Coulter won’t say, “We should bomb all the Southerners and convert them to Episcopalianism”… 😉
Juan Cole’s piece was EXCELLENT! Thanks.
You have stated my position exactly! I have argued this with some right wingers I occasionally come in contact with ad nauseum. They are always pointing out PETA and ELF, and I have to say once again that they haven’t killed anyone, while those on their side have. The leftist groups are not nearly as bad, but they keep insisting they are. I just don’t get it!
And I agree that not hurting people is important, and I don’t condone it. It seems the right wingers do if the perps are on their side, but no one else better do it! The double standard rules in their world.
Often times it isn’t that Muslims aren’t denouncing terrorism it is that we aren’t listening. The only Muslims that make our news are the extremists.
caused by this evil man. It is a shame that the generous people like Emily Lyons get hurt by this misguided conduct.
I was watching for the weather, when I overheard Katie Couric (ugh) dicsussing the London bombings, and asking her guest (didn’t catch who it was, sorry) “Well, doesn’t it scare you seeing as these bombers were British, and went unnoticed prior to the bombing, that the same thing could happen in America? That we could be attacked by American terrorists?”
I started yelling at the TV, YOU IDIOT! What about Operation Rescue? What about Oklahoma City? Oh yeah…
they were all white men, weren’t they?
Jesus. You just made me think of something. It’s racist, what Katie said, isn’t it.
Even my boys noticed it. To quote, “What, you have to be Arabic or Iraqi to be a terrorist?”
Ha! You’ve brainwashed those sweet boys! :):)
I prefer to think of it as “vaccination against wingnuts” myself. :^)
are smarter than Katie…of course, that’s not saying much…
[I shouldn’t have said that; the spouse’s brother is a big Couric fan…]
the Palestinians and Jews help create each others cruelties. That Bush and Bin Ladin need each other to keep on doing their personal crime spree. That the Taliban and the Shias are a shade deeper fundie than our fundies, but not by much and ours are trying to match the depths that the first two are willing to go to.
I’d be quite intrigued to know whether anyone reading BooTrib has seen reporting on the Rudolph sentencing in the US MSM. It was covered by the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (our BBC equivalent) in early morning news, in a correspondent’s radio magazine item in the middle of the day, and there was a segment during the middle of the 30-minute evening ABC TV news bulletin (no link available). Most interesting, the TV news carried a grab from the dead policeman’s sister, who called Rudolph a ‘terrorist’.
that most of those fellows Cole refers to would read his words and say, “Huh?” As would TV news followers.
Why aren’t fellow wingnuts speaking out about this terrorist violence?