(Not Quite)


Froggy Bottom Pub&Café

Evening Edition

A special Evening Editionfor the late risers, and for those who never went to work for fear they might miss something.

The bar is open, and the windows are too, so help yourself to what you want.  The books are for reading, not for propping up wobbly tables… in the best FBC tradition of Brother Feldspar… “When I get a little money I buy books; and if any is left I buy food and clothes. – Erasmus”

The drinks are on, but the food is off, except for Lisette’s mother’s health food muffins.  The coffee is strong, and so is the language.  The battling Thomas’ are at it again. The bar phone is not officially working, so anyone ducking the boss, the creditor, or the Love Object, rest assured your anonymity is our number one concern.

Froggy Bottom Pub&Cafe

We’ve Gone To The Boathouse

Open Bar For The Open Minded

Evening Edition

Our Patrons This Evening:
Caitlin MacNamara & Dylan Thomas

Please recommend to all your friends. We appreciate your custom and your contribution to our Happy Little Hostelry.
May the 4’s be with you

“You’re the only person, of course you’re the only person from here to Aldebaran and back, with whom I’m free entirely; and I think it’s because you’re as innocent as me.”  (Dylan Thomas to Caitlin MacNamara, who later became Mrs. Dylan Thomas)

“I hold a beast, an angel, and a madman in me, and my inquiry is as to their working, and my problem is their subjugation and victory, downthrow and upheaval, and my effort is their self expression.” (Dylan Thomas about himself)

“Tell me everything; when you’ll be out again, where you’ll be at Christmas, and that you think of me and love me.
“And when you’re in the world again, we’ll both be useful if you like, trot round, do things, compromise with the They people, find a place with a bath and no bugs in Bloomsbury, and be happy there.”(1936:Dylan Thomas’ first love letter to his future wife, Caitlin, which sold for £12,500 at auction in April of 2004)

: “… it’s nonsense me living without you, you without me: the world is very unbalanced unless; in the very centre of it, we … stand together all the time in a hairy, golden, more-or-less unintelligible haze of daftness …” (letter to Caitlin, May, 1937)

Everyone is welcome here. Come and take your ease or ease into your day. There’s a poker game still going on out back. Just make yourself at home and introduce yourself if you are new to the place. You’ll find this is a very friendly spot & full of fascinating people… Yvonne, the barmaid, is off this morning.  But if you need anything ask Lisette who is new to the Cafe, but knows her way around the inside of a pub.

When Called I Will Serve, but if I should fail to hear you, or am busy drinking with someone else, Serve Yourself:

If you can’t find what you’re looking for, just ask Lisette.
If Lisette can’t find what you’re looking for, it probably doesn’t exist.

Now, just trying something new…. coffee and muffins!! Try them, anyways, and tell us how you like them… Lisette and her mother are into health food.. so there’s carrot, zuchinni, cranberry and apple. The coffee is a new brand as well… Good for a try.

Welcome to the Froggy Bottom Pub & Cafe.  If you’re so inspired to share your images, please curb your enthusiasm to a width of 300 pixels!! Bottoms up, and have a good evening!