Derrick Z. Jackson, of the Boston Globe, has a column this morning that rips into the Bush administration.
But if Time’s story holds, I. Lewis Libby’s involvement represents an even more insidious abuse of power.
Way to tell it like it is! We need more columns like this in the MSM. The Vice-President pushed for the Niger claims, the Atta in Prague stories, the aluminum tube stories, etc. His slave/whore William Safire printed every piece of bullshit that Libby’s outfit fed him.
Virtually all of Powell’s solid sources fell apart when the United States turned Iraq upside down, killing thousands of Iraqi civilians in the process. He would have looked much worse had he listened to everything Libby and Cheney tried to feed him. It was Cheney’s staff who wrote the first draft of Powell’s UN speech. It was Libby who suggested, in strategy meetings at the White House, playing up every possible, conceivable threat of Saddam — with the emphasis on the word “conceive.” [snip]
Powell, according to both US News and Vanity Fair, was so irritated by Libby’s hodgepodge of unsubstantiated facts that he threw documents into the air and said, ‘‘I’m not reading this. This is bull …’’
So, when are the indictments coming?
Right to the top.
BET on it.
Right to Acting President Cheney.
Just when you think the level of hubris and malevolence of BushCo can’t possibly get any worse…it does.
Gotta go re-calibrate the rage-o-meter so it’ll go to 11…
Go Fitzgerald!
Expect, instead, Presidential Medals of Freedom.
Perhaps you forget: we long ago stepped through the looking-glass:
How little did we all know that this was the preamble to starting the proceedings to the lies that took us to war. I feel confident that this investigation will take us further into the abyss of all of the lies and the liars that told them, that took us to the situation we are now in Iraq. This is what this whole thing is about!
My oh so smart son said this to me the other night as I was deriding Powell he said I shouldn’t be so hard on him. Powell did what he could and that if it weren’t for Powell they never even would have gone through the pretense of presenting their “facts/reasons” for going to war they just would have done it. I really fell for the Powell presentation to be honest. It did not take long to change my mind.
The Plame investigation is all about the coverup of lies and discrediting anyone that dared to disagree with their war agenda. Keep our eyes on the ball folks. It’s gonna be one hot summer. Did they really think this was just going to go away? Over Joe Wilson’s Larry Johnson’s dead bodies just to name a few. Can we hope?
in his rep with his presentation to the UN. I bet that he thought it would be otherwise. Everybody was going around in Bush’s admin doing group think exercises and nobody was really willing to look at facts.
From the same article:
How many times have we heard Bushco deny that they look at poll numbers before they make decisions? Liars.
liar, fruitcake and all round a-hole he is. Sure Colin, stake that reputation you’ve built a lifetime on just for our chicanery. You can take a hit! Could Cheney? Could Rove? Not to that extent and the poll numbers are showing that it was a truly monumentally stupid series of actions that Cheney et al have done for their war.
Cheney And Plame McGovern draws on the observation that in several instances when the Niger forgery has come up there has been a instant urge to clear Cheney of responsibility even though he hasn’t been the accused.
The GOP’s smear of Wilson is quite revealing:
And the wild defence of Cheney actually began before Wilson’s oped hit the streets:
Many thanks for the link to McGovern’s article. I would have missed it.
If we could get the press interested in facts again, in actual news instead of virtual news, news where it’s “entertainment” value is secondary to it’s “news” value, then there’d be many more people like McGovern and like Derrick Jackson, (author of the globe article referenced in this diary). and the more people able and willing to challenge the lies, the less able the creatures in the Cheney regime are to implement their insane and bloodthirsty agenda.
the majority of major news reporters and pundits were behaving the way Derrick Jackson does in his Globe article, illuminating relevant facts, making the connections between those facts, and presenting perspectives based on rational analysis of those facts rather than on lies and spin designed to obscure the facts.
But, since not even one major mainstream pundit or interviewer has challenged even one of the numerous lies the creature Mehlman made about the Rove/Plame/Wilson debacle over the weekend, I have my doubts that the MSM is going to become responsible and diligent again anytime soon.
I did send an email to Jackson lauding his efforts. Here’s a copy. (sent to )
Maybe if newspapers like the globe got enough mail praising reporters when they do a good job it might, eventually, have the effect of steering them away from the entertainment business and back towards the news business
Derrick Jackson isn’t a reporter, he’s a columnist. It’s an important distinction. Or you could refer to him as a journalist, which is a broader term covering both those things (and others things as well).
a significan oversight on my part. I don’t read the Globe that often and as a result his name didn’t ring a bell. also, having gone to his article through the diary link, rather than by going to the globe and deliberately going to the opinion section, I jst got careless.
If I changed the word “reporter” to “columnist”, I think the essence of what I said still was relevant.
(It’s yesterday’s column, BTW. But that’s okay.)
Derrick Jackson is one of the few reasons that I still read the Boston Globe. And I’m not saying that just because I usually agree with him. I honestly wish they had an equivalently talented conservative columnist. Unfortunately, their token blatant righty is the supremely untalented Jeff Jacoby, he of the padded strawmen and cut-and-pasted Rovian talking points. Ugh.
Oh well, at least there’s an occasional column by libertarian Cathy Young.
Well, not exactly needed, but if someone wants to debate a wingnut on Rovegate, feel free to step in for me here:
‘Cause I desperately need to get some work done…
He is fairly civil, so a rational argument is possible. As rational as it gets with these people, anyway.
That’s the best blow-by-blow picture drawn on what was happening behind the scenes. Put Bolton into that context and we see the woefully innaccurate portrayal of him as an angry asshole. No wonder Powell was pissed, Scooter and Cheney, Bolton, Rice and Rove. Remember the Powell attributed quote, something like “these f–ers are crazy?”
We need so much more of this context rather than the loose fact, he said / she said journalistic diet we’ve been fed.
It took the reporters long enough. It has been clear, our corporate manager in the White House has been the war architect – from the earliest start. He appointed himself vice-president, did the interim administration as Baker III took care of the Florida fraude. The meetings on the energy agenda in the White House was clearly a war on Iraq cabinet meeting, making commitments to obtain Iraq’s oil reserves.
It has all been bs coming from spokesmen at the WH front lawn. It’s pissed me off for so long, discussions and feuds as a result with family & friends, relations irrevocably harmed. No matter, same thing happened in the sixties as a teen with the positive Vietnam bs coming from DoD McNamara and Westmoreland. I didn’t believe it then either, the experience was a wise lesson for the months after 9/11 and the propaganda coming from Bush-Cheney regime.
I seriously expected Colin Powell to resign in March 2003!
No, he stayed to cover ass for George and Dick while lying to the World community and the People of the United States.
Robert F. Byrd – March 19, 2003
Daresay even past Cheney to our dear leader himself?
It may not ever get to Bush, but it would not surprise me in the least.
greetings to all; long time lurker, first time poster here.
We need more columns like this in the MSM.
hear, hear. and i’m fully hoping that the manner in which the press refers to this matter will now go beyond the rove branding. yes, i’d love to see rove go way up river for this, but i’m expecting that he’ll have company on his well-earned journey — and “rove-gate” (or simliar references, not to mention the framing of, inquiry into, and reporting of this issue as being simply about rove), well, let’s just say that that dog hunts, just not well enough. there’s a whole lot more varmints down in that thar hole.
So, when are the indictments coming?
i’d heard reporting on kqed late last week that’d suggested perhaps october as a likely timeframe for fitzgerald to have indictments ready.