Wanna pump up your blood pressure? Check out “Norm Coleman: Minister of Agitprop,” at The Nation. Really. It’ll be good for you. A rapid pulse is either a sign of rage or sexual excitement, at least in most Democrats’ experience.
Wanna pump up your blood pressure? Check out “Norm Coleman: Minister of Agitprop,” at The Nation. Really. It’ll be good for you. A rapid pulse is either a sign of rage or sexual excitement, at least in most Democrats’ experience.
of experiencing great works of art.
I just cannot wait for the movie.
Susan, you could make a ton of money if you would turn
your writing talents to script writing for the movies.
Think of it!
Check out Tom Englehardt’s column on the
Spies Who Came In From the Hot Tub
for another example as basis for a movie script.
Thanks, Sybil :):) I’d join about five million other script writers but it might be fun!
It didn’t raise my blood pressure, it made me sick to
my stomach.
as to who is the more robotic; the odious shitbird Coleman, or the always repulsive Mehlman. Neither one of these absurd characters ever has anything meaningful or relevant, (or truthful) to say, yet the relentlessness of their metronomic repetitions of transparently disingenuous GOP talking points is truly a wonder to behold.
And, of course, the fact that our MSM pseudo-aristocratic pundit class actually give these hacks face time to propagate their absurd claims should disabuse any rational person of the idea that the MSM is somehow doing a responsible job of serving the public interest.
I can’t watch him on television, or things end up flying through the air. The fact that he’s sitting in Paul’s seat is a constant slap in the face. The man is scum…why the fuck won’t anyone report on his bloody womanizing?
You’re kidding, right?
Women would actually sleep with him?
What I have to say about this one man, is not allowed in this forum. HOpe you get my drift…..;o( but my list goes onward and it still is not permissible to print my words of disgust.