“Waiting to board the jam-packed red-eye from the Mormon-Republican nexus of Salt Lake City to JFK Saturday night, I watched Howard Dean quietly try and talk himself into a seat. The drones from Delta weren’t having it, despite the Dem Party chairman’s pleas that “something was mixed up at the office.”
He traveled alone, carried a giant bag slung over his frumpy suit. All the baby-eating Republicans on hand watched him hatefully, waiting for him to go diva on Delta’s ass, but he disappointed them and said “thank you” kindly when he he couldn’t get aboard. Ho Chi Dean has tiny feet, and waddled away quickly, presumably bound for a hotel and a tall scotch.
– From Gawker via my daughter Darcy.
Great story…but Dean is a tea-tottler… any self proclaimed Deaniac would know that 😉
act and a fighter for fairness and decency!
Ho Chi Dean? A left-handed compliment at best. And “waddling away” on “tiny feet” is lurid and objectionable.
I’m not sure what the point of posting this was. If it was to point out that Howard Dean behaves like a gentleman, we already knew that. I followed the link to the Gawker and found that it read like a teenage girl’s diary (as in, omg, I saw the cutest boy!).
Gawker is tawdry but, sometimes, … my daughter gets a laugh out of it 🙂
I thought Dean was a non-drinker … what I love is that he didn’t go “diva” on them! 🙂
I guess I’m not getting why it’s a big surprise he didn’t get “diva” on them either. Just goes to show whoever sent that in to Gawker has a misconception as to who Howard Dean really is.
Re-read this sentence:
All the baby-eating Republicans on hand watched him hatefully, waiting for him to go diva on Delta’s ass, but he disappointed them and said “thank you” kindly …
It was the “baby-eating Republicans” who were waiting for him to go diva.
He didn’t … he was “kindly.” That’s the point.
I got that it was supposed to be an attempt to at humor, I do get some humor, honest.
Just to me Dean gets slammed more than he should when in reality he is a very nice man who would act kindly and wouldn’t drink.
I just didn’t react that sensitively to it … it cracked me up a bit, so I posted it as an afternoon VERY LIGHT item.
I have a fairly free sense of humor, which is why I enjoy “South Park.” Guess I’ll scrutinize the implications more.
That explains it susan, I plead guilty to not thinking South Park is funny.
Oh, yes, yes. That Gawker is pure trash. So is television. In fact, if I ever watch television (which I only do if I’m at a friends house and they have a television), I watch educational programming or CSPAN. CSPAN can also get a little too free-form and quippy during the call-in shows, so I always avoid those. I also think we should ban the sale of diaries that are pink or have Hello Kitty on them to stop those dangerous, dangerous little girls.
Does this mean that good Dems will no longer fly on Delta? Not too many operational airlines left in this country after all the good years of Reaganomics and deregulation and Bushonomics, are there?
Aw cmon people. Dean id a gentleman, he’s the real deal, he’s a human being , a decent person, and we’re damn lucky to have him as a leader..Amen 🙂
this is more PC humor:
I worked like a dog on Howard Dean’s campaign. I logged probably 50+ hours per week running both the county Meetups and the legislative district that spread over hundreds of miles. I stood with Dean on many stages.
So if I want to have a Friday afternoon giggle about a silly post about Howard Dean, just let me. It doesn’t cast any negative light on him… just being silly. Having a laugh …
Susan, you’re right. Absolutely. And I liked reading it too (well not so much the part about the tiny feet — but so what?)
One of the things I find so refreshing about Dean is his total lack of pretense to privilege. He takes public transportation. He flies coach. He doesn’t require an entourage to make himself look or feel important.
Having known my share of bosses who cling to the little privileges (being driven around, being the exception to the rule, never having to wait in line for anything or put up with inconvenience) of status as perogatives of position… Dean is a rare treasure.
I agree susanhu as we are going to be needing some humor in the coming days in order to stay sane and rational.
One of the reasons I’m here tonight rather than dKos is that in many recent diary/posts the sensitivities touched off ended up hijacking the diaries… not by trolls mind you but by “well known” posters… enough said, as no doubt most of you know more than I on all that.
But folks please consider that we’re burning each other’s time on some of these misunderstandings, so at least considering the possibility of humor in a post might alleviate some of this.
Humor, where I live, is a cultural survival mechanism – historically those without it either left the state or went bananas.
is not quite right. Utah is certainly a Mormon-Republican nexus. But Salt Lake City is a city, and it leans blue, as cities are wont to do. As reported after the election last November, by the Salt Lake Tribune, in a story, “Democrats make large strides in S.L. County”: