Senator Dianne Feinstein, while appearing as a guest on CNN’s Wolf Blitzer’s Late Edition show with Senator Pat Roberts this morning to discuss terrorism, threw out the red herring that unless Muslim leaders issue fatwas declaring that terrorism is against Islamic beliefs, extremist actions cannot be defeated. She also mentioned a parallel between Christians excommunicating members and the effect such a fatwa would have on the Muslim community.
To that I say: get a clue, Senator Feinstein.
Show me one Christian church that, as a response to terrorist activities committed by someone who professes to do so in the name of their Christian God, has been excommunicated. And then, show me how such an action has stopped someone else from using the name of God to justify the next terrorist attack.
If Senator Fenstein truly believes that ultimately the WoT must be fought via Muslim clerics issuing fatwas, thus abrigating the responsibility of governments to use every practical tool they have in order to fight this faux war, then not only do I wonder what she’s actually learned about how terrorism is spawned – I also wonder what the entire Senate Intelligence committee is wasting its time on. She doesn’t believe what terrorism experts have been saying for decades – that the roots are complex and that issues like poverty and dissatisfaction with the status quo must be addressed.
Pat Roberts, Chairman of the Senate Intelligence committee, sitting alongside Feinstein and agreeing with her statements, said that he was not aware of any fatwas issued by Muslims against terrorism. Perhaps he missed this one issued by Spanish Muslims and all of these condemnations issued immediately following 9/11. There are more. Considering then that fatwas have been issued, one would then logically assume that, according to Feinstein and Roberts beliefs that fatwas can stop terrorism, these actions would have had an impact. We all know they haven’t, because the rest of us know that winning this WoT has nothing to do with issuing fatwas. That’s simply a distraction, and frankly an insult to our intelligence, thrown out into the public as an excuse for 1) admitting that a war on terrorism can never be won and 2) inexcusable mismanagement of intelligence efforts and 3) the refusal to properly fund anti-terrorism activities in the United States and elsewhere.
As an aside, Blitzer asked Feinstein and Roberts about the Rove situation without making a very crucial link to the terrorism issue which was prominently discussed in the hearings about the leak this past Friday. Former CIA analysts and case officers made the case that the effect of this prolonged investigation into Plamegate has had far reaching consequences on intelligence gathering efforts around the world. This is a very important point. If informants are concerned that their identities may be leaked by this administration, they are definitely less likely to trust their handlers or to even participate in infiltration of terrorist organizations. Their lives are in their hands on a daily basis and they sure don’t needed the added threat that some politically driven lackey in DC is going to cause a leak that could result in their ultimate execution.
While many have pointed out that the lack of human intelligence on the ground has severely limited US efforts to infiltrate Al Quaeda and other terrorist groups, they refuse to make the link to how the leaking of Valerie Plame’s name and the refusal of this administration to take swift action to deal with this situation has made this limitation one thousand times more difficult. Make no mistake. There is a connection and its effects have been devestating.
So, I say to you Senator Feinstein, get back to your committee and face the real facts here. You can sit around and wait for fatwas until the cows come home, while ignoring that many have already been issued and have had absolutely no effect on the WoT or you can start taking all of this much more seriously and look at what you and this administration can do in practical terms. Stop blaming Muslim clerics for the WoT. The simplicity of that type of belief is so incredibly ignorant and fantastical that it defies logic. It’s the same type of thinking that would say you can stop the killing of abortion doctors and the bombings of black churches by the KKK by having Christians denounce such crimes. This is not about the larger religion involved. This is about extremists who use religious beliefs as an excuse for their actions. Having mainstream Muslims or Christians denounce such abominations does nothing.
If that’s the best tactic you have in your playbook for fighting the WoT, you are just admitting that you are so completely powerless that you might as well fly that white flag right now.
I will post a link to the transcript once it’s up on CNN’s site.
Feinstein, one of my reps unfortunately, is an idiot and a republican in dem clothing. I have written to her several times and get the pat automated response with excuses for the way she votes. I finally said I had no respect for this woman and that would never receive my support from this time forward.
I don’t know a lot about her record, but I do know that she’s been a question when it came to whether or not she would support various Bush nominees as she appears to be quite conservative and centrist.
I was just shocked with how simplistic her “solution” to the WoT was expressed today. Surely, she’s a smarter person than that…
Obviously she is not. She is also married to the head of some big right corporation. I don’t trust her at all.
I completely agree and have said the same thing myself. Feinstein used to be a true democratic power in the senate, but she has sold out to big business and the corrupt elite. She will never again have my vote or my dollar. Unfortunately, she is completely entrenched and I do not see the Dem Party offering a more suitable candidate anytime in the near future.
Same here… I never really paid that much attention to Difi before the past few years.. I guess always just assuming she was a fairly reliable Democratic vote.
Then, of course, I started to actually look at the votes… she’ll appear on TV and bemoan some horrific legislation and the terrible effects it will have on the populace and so on… then she’ll go and vote for it!
She’ll not get my vote again.. I think she is always considered “California’s most popular politician” from habit.
Senator Boxer is the true Democratic Senator from California. DiFi long ago sold out to corporate interests, and even if she holds seniority in terms of years served — it was Senator Boxer who
“…won by over 20%, garnering the most votes in the history of California and the third highest vote total in the country in 2004 (behind only presidential candidates George W. Bush and John Kerry).”
Thanks for the post, catnip — though not surprising, it looks like it’s time to write her another letter and call her office (I have yet to get other than the standard form letter others have said they receive).
voting for the Green candidate (if there is one) in next year’s Senatorial elections.
Better yet, maybe someone can talk her into running against Arnie for governor; she’d do less damage in California than he has, and we can get a real Democrat in the Senate to help out Barbara…
That’s one of those misconceptions folks get who never dealt with her up close. She became mayor of San Francisco only because a genuine liberal, George Moscone, was killed by a wingnut ex-cop. Diane had lost the primary to Moscone. She then governed from the center right — some nods to cultural issues but basically all goodies to the developers.
When termed out as mayor, she moved to LA and shot for wider pastures, now firmly labeled in people’s minds as a liberal because she came from San Francisco. <smile>
She is a nanny state centrist, solidly pro-choice, but otherwise strictly Rockefeller Republican.
And the most popular pol in the state of California (now that we’ve depressed Arnold) because everyone projects their own views on her.
Islamic Web’s myths:
Search time: 30 seconds. Guess she doesn’t have that kind of time.
to the term “Muslim terrorist” (or Islamic terrorists) period. I think it gives people… governments, religious people, general population, haters, and so on an easy way out, and a simple way of avoiding looking at the real issues, whatever those issues seem to be.
That way, no one has to actually address the horror that is the Palestinian areas, or the crimes committed in Chechnya, or the fledgling attempts of this or that people to have self determination and so on. Just hide it all under the umbrella of “Muslim terrorism” and bomb someone.
For all their talk, including the shameless sack-o-senator Roberts and the dreadful dia-nnen-stein, “Muslim” or “Islamic” terrorists makes religion central to the “bad” terrorism, as opposed to the “good” terrorism we supported in Central America, Afghanistan, etc. and are still supporting in Iraq.
Keep in mind for all their lip-flapping about the next “Muslim” terrorist strike here, the FBI has identified “eco-terrorism” as the number one threat in this country.
Show me one Christian church that, as a response to terrorist activities committed by someone who professes to do so in the name of their Christian God, has been excommunicated. And then, show me how such an action has stopped someone else from using the name of God to justify the next terrorist attack.
Don’t you remember when an ecumenical group of all the Christian Churches in the US declared it a mortal sin to bomb abortion clinics and Operation Rescue disbanded and all the “pro-life” terror stopped? Oh, and when all the Christian Churches, including the Vatican, said that God would punish the KKK for burning crosses and lynching black men and the KKK dissolved under the pressure, never to terrorize another black family? Oh… right… that never happened. Never mind.
It must be nice to live in la la land – unlike the rest of us who live in reality.
Feinstein’s been drinking the “zombie juice” for a very long time now, so her cognitive abilities are severely compromised. And Pat Roberts, of course, is either ignorant or a liar or both, as are so many of his republican brethren who serve as apologists for the depradations of the Bush regime.
But there’s something even more elemental at work here, an overarching theme that has seized the cerebral cortexes of these hacks and rendered them unable to confront reality.
Basically, it’s this. The Bush regime has to deny the basic laws of cause and effect in order to defend their actions. In Iraq, they simply cannot allow the idea to take root in the public mind that their own actions there are contributing factors in any way to the increased violence and to the increased terrorist threat around the world.
This is why, in the aftermath of the London bombings, they go on and on about how the terrorists “hate our freedom” and how they want to “destroy our way of life”, as thought there’s a cultural or religious origin to the violence.
The last thing the Bushistas want to allow to take hold in the public mind is that there’s any correlation, any causal relationship, between our invasion of Iraq and the violence now directed at us. What they want us to believe is sort of the equivalent of saying that the fact that someone poked a big stick into the middle of a beehive had nothing to do with those bees flying out and stinging people, or that just because someone’s a bully has no relation to the fact that he’s not liked by his peers.
And this fractured, reverse logic, this rationale steeped in denial, wil prevent them from ever finding a way to deal effectively with the so-called terrorist threat because they refuse to acknowledge it’s most fundamental nature. Those who are attacking us aren’t motivated by hatred of our wanton western lifestyles. They don’t care whether we’re Christians or not, whether our women bare too much skin or not, or any of that stupid religio/cultural stuff. No! the people running the opposition against us are motivated by the desire to force us to get out of their lands. It’s revenge for our depradations they seek now. We have deliberately done much to create new hatred against us for the atrocities committed in this invasion, but the original motivations of those who drive the terrorisim bus was simply to compel us to leave their lands. Bin Laden even said as much right from the start.
But for the Bush/Cheney gang, they can never acknowledge that any action on their part contributed to this situation. So they keep spouting the nonsense, the gibberish, about hatred towards freedom and democracy.
But no one gets away with denying the universality of the law of cause of effect for long. It always asserts itself, and the more people deny it, the more dramatic it’s reappearance.
Supervisors. If Dan White hadn’t killed Mayor Moscone and Supervisor Milk. This tragic event made her career. I think it happened either in 1979 or 1980.
The White Night Riot was 1979; Moscone and Milk were murdered by Dan White in November of 1978.
Maybe we could look at these events again, and look at Feinstein’s husband’s military contracts, too.
….she needs to get replaced.
The only solution left is to oust her.
Well, I guess we now know that Sen. Feinstein watches the “Daily Show”. Jon Stewart asked his guest last Thursday night about having fatwas (however you spell it) issued against terrorist activities. Guess Dianne thought that sounded good.
I have as much regard for her as I do for Joe Lieberman…..which is zero to none.
P.S. She’s on Hardball this afternoon.
It’s not just Dianne who needs to get a clue – there’s increasing clamor all over for Muslims to get a grip on their fellows. Sadly, with what little (very little) that I know about the Muslim religion it seems they do not have a monolithic central authority that can make everyone “toe the line”. Unlike Western Christianity where the UCC endorses gay marriage and everyone else gets on board, and where the Pope objects to birth control and everyone throws out their pills, diaphragms and what not.
i am sick to death of her, but would rather not abet a wingnut senator in the process. god, if only cindy sheehan or gavin newsom or someone willing to run as a liberal would step into the ring, we might get a shot at retiring her before she does any more damage.
california deserves better than this.