“Brilliant” Roberts. “Moderate” Roberts. “Fair” Roberts.
How about this Roberts. You know, the racist, anti-abortion advocate Roberts who moved to take down barriers between church and state and said that the the Supreme Court should not be able to get in the way of the radical right.
Just what did Roberts do?
Hey, that sure sounds like a fair and balanced judge that America can get behind, huh? A man who advocated that the Supreme court should surrender it’s power to the other branches. A man who isn’t opposed to just Roe v. Wade, but from this description wants to overturn Marbury v. Madison.
As the documents come out, a very different picture of “fair” Roberts is emerging.
When Republican bills were floated in Reagan days that would have taken power away from the Supreme Court on the most crucial social issues, even Reagan’s attorney general disagreed. But Roberts was all for stripping the court of its power and ushering in the theocracy.
Roberts drew a bracket around the paragraph, underlined the words “especially in the press,” and wrote in the margin: “Real courage would be to read the Constitution as it should be read and not kowtow the Tribes, Lewises and Brinks!”
Ah yes, this is exactly the kind of man we want to have a lifetime appointment to the court. Opinions like these make Scalia look moderate. In fact, these opinions go beyond left or right — Roberts is a radical advocate of destroying the third branch of the government. Putting him on the supreme court makes about as much sense as making a termite on the board of a lumber company.
I didn’t think anyone outside a federalist comic book would actually hold such ideas. When you’re more radical than Reagan’s attorney general…
I’ve cross-posted this one over at kos. To me, this is the issue that turns Roberts from a poor, but perhaps livable choice to an absolute farce.
Actually, Bush is notorious for exactly that: appointing termites to the boards of lumber companies… foxes to guard the henhouse… and industry advocates to head federal agencies designed to regulate them.
Roberts is a horrible choice on a number of counts. But diaries like this help the rest of us to frame our talking points for hammering these points home to our Senators — thanks for posting!
This is turning into our worst nightmare. I just posted my diary on Roberts, saw yours, and checked it out thinking that I would delete mine if it was a repeat. Taken together, they are compelling evidence that Roberts should be opposed with the ferocity that Bork was opposed with all those years ago. Roberts isn’t Bork lite, he’s just as bad.
If Roberts had come out as completely anti-abortion, strictly opposed to Roe v. Wade, I suspect he still would have made it to the bench.
But “the Supreme Court should have no voice in abortion policy.” Wow. I mean… wow. I think Roberts may have found the only position that 95% of the public will oppose.
After seeing these papers, I’m sickened. I was ready to live with a so-so appointee, and I suspected his nomination would go forward with only token opposition. Now. Geez, this thing is going to be a disaster for everyone.
and they get what they want again, how do I join the Reich to save my family or is it already too late?
Frontpage of the online Miami Herald is the headline Roberts had larger 2000 recount role.
Here’s the lead. . .
That “man” is Ted Cruz, current solicitor general for the great state of Texas and domestic policy advisor to GWB, one of the captains who put together the teams of litigation “lions” and “800-pound gorillas” who swarmed all over Dade County voting HQ and the various courts (Florida Supreme and SCOTUS) to preserve the election from being “stolen” by Democrats.
He remembers JR very well while people like Florida Governor, Jeb Bush (et alia) suffer selective amnesia and have “moved on ” with their lives, unable to recollect much about JR’s role in that cabal of lawyers. [Aside: “cabal” is the insider term used by the clique of former Rehnquist clerks, of which Roberts is one, in referring to themselves. Talk about an indication!]
Cruz’s memory is so good that the article states:
Also Ted Olson can strain himself and dredge this out of his memory banks. He said:
But Big Ben Ginsberg, he’s not so sure:
As for me, I say keep shaking the tree and more folks will be stimulated to recall their fond memories of halcyon days spent plotting and cooking in the company of JR’s refined legal mind.
I believe I called it. Roberts was quite obviously, from the start, a far-right stealth appointee. Why do you think Reid jumped on the “just approve him already, he’s fine” train?
frankly I have wondered this myself on many things. I have to admit that I an way forlorned as the quality of our democratic senators and congressmen and women. What in the hell are they doing, playing games with our lives here???? I simply can not imagine the truth in what you ahve just said. It totally blows me away!!!!!
You know what amazes me folks is that if you all can dig these things up on Roberts then what are our Senators doing about it? They MUST have every aide working on this or have they just folded.? I am so confused right now. Are theyworking madly behind the scenes?