[From the diaries by susanhu.] I didn’t see last night’s report on Paula Zahn Now, or this morning’s Good Morning America, but I did catch this evening’s report on Love in Action, a homosexuality extirpation program. I’m fucking pissed.
From what I gather from John’s report at Americablog (link above), this evening’s report was somewhat better than last night’s. At least this evening, the opposition of the APA and AMA to “reparative therapy” were brought into the report, and there were bits of an interview with a psychiatric opponent of this practice. However, there was still an overwhelming heterosexist bias within the story. For instance, while she was interviewing the program’s director, John Smid, Deborah Feyerick asked about the “dangers” people would face upon leaving the “safety” of the program. The teens who have been committed to these programs were referred to as “straightening out.” The overall tone of the segment was highly sympathetic to the homohaters at Love in Action.
Zahn’s interview with a “graduate” (I forgot to write down his name) of the program was even more disappointing. She did ask, near the end, whether such programs contribute to overall homophobia. When the Graduate said, “Oh, no. I think it’s just the opposite” she let it slide right by (as she did with his claim that “hundreds of thousands” of people had been helped in the same way he had…there is zero empirical evidence for this claim).
How does the extirpation of queers not contribute to societal homophobia?
While the “ex-gay” movement has become more sophisticated in its framing (“We’re only trying to help people live in accordance with their faith” and “We don’t get rid of desire, we just alter behavior”) their goal is the eradication of homosexuality. Their tight links with the anti-gay industry were completely absent from the report. Indeed, the report itself treated the whole issue as a “controversy.” The homohaters’ support for the annihilation of my community is, apparently, just one “side” in the debate. And make no mistake, they are out to eliminate us. John Smid has makes that quite clear in his final indoctrination to program inmates:
Yup, that certainly is love in action. Better dead than gay.
The heterosexist assumptions underlying not only the program, but also the report are clear. Feyerick’s use of “danger” and “safety” in describing leaving the program bring this to the fore. It’s not just that there may be “temptations” upon leaving the “isolation” of the program, but there are “dangers” around every corner. The old trope of predatory homosexuality can be very easily inferred to such rhetorical deployments.
Beyond that, however, treating this as merely a “controversy” doesn’t deal with any of these issues. Instead, it elevates this abusive segment of the anti-gay industry to a respectable position it is unworthy of. The overwhelming power of heteronormativity remains invisible. Questions surrounding a failure to abide by the strictures of compulsory heterosexuality are rendered unaskable. Heterosexuality remains natural. The means by which heterosexuals are trained and shaped? Well, we needn’t address those.
To illustrate this, I’ll turn to Eve Kosofsky Sedgewick:
Epistemology of the Closet, p. 42
How natural is heterosexuality when it requires so many institutional supports to make sure people are molded into straight adults? What would happen if we didn’t, from birth, mold children with heterosexual reproduction as the only valued option in life? What would we say of a parent who tried to raise their children gay? We can see the power of heteronormativity in arguments over gay parenting; somehow, the fact that gay parents are no more likely than straight ones to raise gay kids is a positive aspect of queer parenting. Somehow, trying to raise gay kids would make those parents suspect; the fact that they raise the same number of straight kids as heterosexual parents makes them acceptable. Molding heterosexuals is good; molding homosexuals, not so much. Even gay and gay-positive folks fall into these heteronormative traps.
But, here’s something to chew on, there would be no heterosexuals without us Queers. We’re needed to ensure other people’s “normality.” Queerness is absolutely necessary to the existence of straightness. Heterosexuality isn’t some natural category existing on its own; it’s a relational category (as are all social categories). Without us, you don’t exist. Our destruction is yours.
Crossposted at CultureKitchen.
Sorry that I can’t write anything more coherent than this b/c it’s late, but damn…
Why don’t they just leave people the fuck alone!?!?! Just a bunch of miserable fucking people, these idiots are.
None of this shit is love, it’s hate: Self-hate, scared of sex hate, scared of the “other” hate…just hate.
And I can’t stand that.
BTW, MAJeff:
But, here’s something to chew on, there would be no heterosexuals without us Queers. We’re needed to ensure other people’s “normality.” Queerness is absolutely necessary to the existence of straightness. Heterosexuality isn’t some natural category existing on its own; it’s a relational category (as are all social categories). Without us, you don’t exist. Our destruction is yours.
That’s brilliant.
‘Night. Smooches.
I’m gonna puke.
And it’s THIS fucking crowd that halted the sex-ed program that my progressive blue county school system (Montgomery County, Maryland) was about to start teaching in middle school and high school — the sex-ed program that focused on tolerance and taught that homosexuality was natural and benign. They sued to get their point of view into the curriculum… unfortunately, they won. Now they get to help “redesign” the curriculum… their religious-based drivel in a public school system.
Based on what Zach’s blog described of the program he was subjected to, this sure as hell doesn’t sound like love to me. It sounded like cult conditioning — and just as destructive, especially when the victims are so young, frightened, insecure, and emotionally vulnerable.
This is NOT love. It’s fear. And they’re trying to spread it.
There were some Biblethumpers in a chat room. Typical Bush supporters. Easily offended snatchulas. Day after the “selection” was one of my last days in that chat. “Hooray for Bush and that’s all I’m gonna say about that and subject closed” – So authoritarian of her huh? Was one of the ladies way of starting out the social thread. The same woman bitched for a year about how her husband was still paying child support for a bastard son he had before they married. She HATED those payments. She fucking celebrated when the last payment on his 18th bday. The church ladies went out and drank themselves up a good one. The son asked for help to attend college… NO.
But get this…
Now she is a “Proud USMC Mother” (that’s her fucking signature line) the “bastard” had to join the service because the christian (lowercase on purpose) wouldn’t allow her husband to help his son. How patriotic of her huh?
Same broad and her fellow chatmates think talking about the war is so “negative”. They want a happy positive time. “The election is over – we won, you lost”.
I mentioned that she voted against women’s rights, gay rights, disablity rights, health car and etc etc
She stood firm that she was a true supporter of “human rights” not gays, not women, not any special interest. THIS IS HOW THESE ASSHATS GET AROUND THE FACT.. that they are against women, gays, disabled. They wrap up all their hate and prejudice into one ball and call themselves “loving” and “supporters” of HUMANS. Unless you are a gay human, a women needing a ob-gyn exam, a disabled student requiring assistive technology… and if you don’t pray or celebrate Christmas.
I remember she remained silent the day I mentioned my brother had been beaten to a pulp by some fuckhole rednecks who were beating him because they said he looked gay to them. Obviously he isn’t a HUMAN in her g-d’s eyes.
I’m tired of their g-d. They kneel down at the foot of a statue that depicts torture, pain, bloodshed. They eat that shit up. They feel they can live here and hate, and fuck up the planet and kill and their Jesus will wipe it all away because that’s his job. They have no accountability, no reason to change. G-d will sacrifice for their sins.
Sacrifice all of us I guess.
for putting this on the front page…I was getting all worried that I didn’t see it on the recent diaries list this morning…now I know why 🙂
Well, if you’re stupid enough to throw your money at an indoctrination program that does nothing to “get rid of desire” but merely “alters behavior”, you are already a loser of the most vivid sort. The sad part is whom you are enriching and whom you are denigrating.
I am so damn tired of this crap! I can’t believe it is still around and even worse that a major network would give it so much publicity.
40 years ago they called it aversion therapy, and it looked quite a lot like the torture the US is currently using on “terra suspects” with the electrodes. “With mild ? shocks to the genitals”. . . and when that didn’t work (and it didn’t) then on to full electric shock treatments that scrambled the brains of their poor victims.
As Jeff mentioned, there is NO EVIDENCE or STATISTICAL DATA to support any of their claims and this sort of BS has been going on for 50 years now and they have no science to back this up what-so-ever! It boggles the mind. I am not aware of any other so called treatments that are allowed to continue to ruin unsuspecting lives after a minimum of 50 years with no data to support its efficacy.
So it looks like gays are just a bunch of LAB RATS that can be experimented on forever regardless of the outcome. I wish I could find, or had the time to do the research, some of the old articles from the late 50’s and 60’s about what this treatment did to these poor people. . .MY people. . .my brothers and sisters. . .it is heartbreaking. Sometimes the challenge to not wish there was truly a hell that resembles the hell they have put gays through is almost overwhelming.
These people wouldn’t know “their” God if they met him face to face. . .and even the Historical Jesus would shake the dirt from his sandals and walk away from them. If they actually believe in the Anti-Christ, they should take a look in the mirror and they would see him clearly looking back at them.
Times like these I really want off this planet. This sickness of humans, the sickness to their very souls is just beyond me. . .my heart cannot bear it any more.
I saw her show being advertised and purposely avoided it as I knew from my violent reaction just to the add that I’d be a screaming lunatic if I watched that ‘report’.
Bush and company like to throw around the word ‘evil’ and ‘terrorists’ a lot-to my way of thinking if anything can be called evil it’s the fact of these goddam camps to try and change someone from gay to hetero. These so called christian leaders are basically terrorizing parents with gay kids into sending them to these camps with their hate filled ideas and lies about gay people.
These camps are evil and sick and it’s to bad they can’t be shut down under laws of child cruelty for starters.