(For Alice, who asked)
Once upon a time, one hundred thousand years ago, or at least fifty, there was a village by the sea where the children and the old people did not speak, laugh, or make any expression. So the village was known as Silent By The Sea. The old people had been shocked and paralyzed into silence because they had been through a war. The children had been shocked and paralyzed into silence because they were told there was to be a war in five minutes. And the wait for the five minutes was never ending.
The children were obsessed with clocks and time-pieces. They sat on chairs under wall clocks in school, or stood below clocks on the buildings in the village square, looking up and counting the minutes and the seconds. They walked around with their wrist watches held to their ears listening to the seconds ticking, and waiting for the five minutes to be up.
The parents were busy building bomb shelters and organizing drills to be at the ready, whenever the five minutes would be up. And at night everyone watched television to see films of atomic explosions… Japan, Nevada, the Bikini Islands. Every evening there was a news show with a panel of scientists who explained that because there was enough weapons to destroy the world ten times over, and because the threat had been made that country X would destroy country Y and because the only way to prevent war was to keep producing and stockpiling weapons, the only way to create peace was to use the weapons. To measure the inevitability of the next atomic war the scientists had come up with the Doomsday Clock: a scientific measurement of the liklihood of the next Atomic War, and it was set at five minutes to midnight on a good day, and two minutes to midnight on a bad day.
There were a few storytellers who knew what the end would be like, as they had survived the testing, they had survived the dropping, they had survived the day of ashen disintegration. One man in the village had laid cables for the A Bomb testing in the Bikini Island Atolls. He was a great story-teller, and he would come in to the village every morning with a troop of dogs and young women and rose wine, and tell stories of how the cable was laid, and how the men on the Navy ship were issued sun-glasses to protect their eyes from the atomic explosion, and how when the blast went off, the huge ship was pushed on its side a mile from where it had started. But the old people knew what the man was not saying. That the most extraordinary effect of the A Bomb was….. That It Killed Sound. The old people carried this Silent secret in silence. The seagulls cried, the waves pounded, but the people said not a word.
Never was a village more in need of help than the village of Silent By The Sea. The people were suffering from clinical morbid depression. No one was inclined to work, unless it was to build bomb shelters. No one was inclined to learn, as there was no future to plan for, and studying the past was just too sad. No one was inclined to marry, as there was no point in making families. No one was inclined to travel, as it was safer to stay close to one’s own shelter.
The only ones who seemed to have any sense at all were the fishermen who went out in boats at dawn, and came back at sunset. Many of them lived on their boats, or in fishing shacks with little wood stoves. Fishermen were heard to laugh, to whistle, and to argue. Even their children seemed more like normal children who played games and got called in to dinner. But the fishermen and their families did not go in to the village, or go to the churches, or attend civil defense drills. They avoided, as much as possible, sending their children to the public schools. And there was not one TV antenna to be seen on the houses of any of the fishermen’s families.
Into this village one day came a travelling clown, a pantomime. He went to the village hall and put up a poster. “This afternoon at 2:00 there will be a performance by Marcel Marceau. Everyone is invited, and there will be no charge.” At 2:00 pm in the village hall, out onto the stage came Marcel Marceau. And played to an audience of 20 people. The man who laid the Bikini Island cable came with his dogs and three of girlfriends. An old man and an old woman who had survived the last war came, and sat politely, sharing a sandwich laid out between them on a handkerchief. The village mayor and the custodian of the hall came, as did the chief of police. The parish priest and the village librarian came, as did the fire chief and the air warden. Two local fishermen came, and brought with them their wives, two teenaged sons, a girl of twelve and a child of three. And a child of six came too — a fat girl with a black eyepatch, a dingy dress, and a doleful expression.
Marcel Marceau came on the stage of the community hall in Silent By The Sea and performed the stories of Bip, the clown. Bip wore a sailor suit and a floppy black brimmed hat with a flower. Bip wore dancers leotards and dancers slippers. Bip’s feet were very dusty.
Marcel Marceau performed Bip goes to the races, Bip goes to the Park, Bip goes to the cinema, and Bip goes out on a blind date.
Then, Marcel Marceau left the stage and came back as someone else. He was dressed all in black, and he did not have a flower in his hat. Marcel Marceau performed a piece called “The Maker of Masks” In it a mask maker fashions out of bronze masks of every expression known to human kind. Comedy, Tragedy, Wonder, Excitement, Boredom, Rage…. On and on the Maker of Masks fashions his masks, and tests his handiwork. But then, a terrible accident happens. He tries on the mask of violent rage, and the mask gets stuck. He cannot get it off by any means, and it is fused to him, and there is no one to help him remove it.
The villagers were numbstruck by this performance. One could hear their breathing come louder and heavier….. The little three year old began to whimper and the fisherman’s wife picked up the child, and turned its face away from the frightening performance. Finally… it happened. The Maker of Masks was able to remove the terrible mask from his face, and there appeared the beautiful radiant face of the one and only Marcel Marceau. The people laughed and wept and applauded. They shouted for more and more and more. Marcel Marceau left the stage and reappeared as Bip, the clown in the sailor suit and the flower in his floppy black hat.
The fat girl with the black eye patch stood up from her spot where she had been sitting cross-legged on the dusty floor. From behind her back she brought a flower that she had picked that day on the way to the performance. She walked up to the stage and gave the single wilting daisy to Marcel Marceau. And the worlds’ greatest pantomime artist looked deep into the girls eyes with love and compassion and a promise of a beautiful world without fear. He bowed a deep bow to the fat girl with the black eye patch, as though she were the most important dignitary in all the world. And the little girl curtsied, and smiled and backed away.
At the next day’s performance all the children of the village came, and they all sat on the floor, because all the chairs were taken by all the people of the village, and they came for the next day’s performance as well. No one watched the television reports about the Doomsday Clock, and no one attended the Civil Defense drills. The parents stopped working on the bomb shelters and stockpiling food. The people started talking to each other about a possible future that did not include nuclear extinction. And they started meeting to talk and work out ways that they could build a future where weapons of war were not the currency of maintaining peace. There was the sound of laughter, debate, discussion and argument in the streets. There was whistling and singing, and children misbehaving.
The village of Silent By The Sea had woken from its nuclear nightmare. And they renamed their village Marceau By The Sea, in hopes that their favorite pantomime artist might one day return, but they waited for thirty years and still he did not come back. He was saving the world one village at a time. By the time he was 80 years old, he was only giving 200 performances a year…. Still they continued to hope that even if he could not return, that one day in his travels around the world he might see their village on a map, and see how they had named their village for him, and know how much they loved him and remembered him.
Here is a picture of Marceau By The Sea
(Afterword: What became of the fat girl with the doleful expression, and the black eye patch? Well, she grew up into a beautiful young woman, and became a writer. I met her and fell in love with her and am still in love with her, and you would be too, if you met her. And believe it or not, her name is Alice.)
I love it – merci beaucoup!
Do you have a book published? If so, where can I find it? No matter – I’m gonna make one starting with this perfect story, and send it off to everybody I know.
I have read and reread this story since I wrote it about 4 or 5 hours ago. And I gave it first to a nine year old girl to read, and she said it was good. Then I gave it to a sixteen year old boy and he said it was good. Finally I gave it to a 55 year old professor of economics and a published author of books and newspaper articles and he said it was good. So far there is no one who has read it who does not say it is good. Probability is very high that it is good.
But I see it as a Fellini film. And Fellini is no more. And I will not be happy until I send it to Marcel Marceau, and he says it is good. He is 83 now, so I’m in a bit of a hurry. Now Alice, you must think about another story to write…..
Or the Greek Wedding? Either of those might really go to town with this. I loved it. It is a great parable for those of us who have lived minutes to midnight on the doomsday clock.
did you come in like me around the time of Eisenhower? do you remember under-the-desk drills?
Of course I mixed up my wars a bit, because the people of my village were petrified by Nazi Germany and not Nagasaki…. but the man with the dogs and the girlfriends… he is an easy character to cast…..
I could get excited about it if I thought something would happen…. basically to make Marcel very happy would be a great thing. He knows me, and it would be a great thing to be able to say thank you.
But the people who were active in the world of that time… there was one…. Zero Mostel…. he was also a painter…. there were so many…. Peter Ustinov who recently died was the Chairman of the World Federalist Organization… they are the main body promoting the International Criminal Court, outside of the ICC and the MICC itself…. so many interesting people. like Alice, and you and me too.
So we will make something of it, if something good can come out of it. M. Marceau is now down to less than 200 performances a year…. Now he is touring Germany….. I sent him a copy this evening so I hope he likes it….
But am sure that Fellini remains with us in spirit – he will undoubtedly inspire someone to create that film. I’ve been thinking of a story about a 12ish-year-old girl, not a witch or a wizard. Just a beautiful human, happiest in the woods – loves animals. She does something heroic that becomes known far and wide, people begin to change in the way they see their fellow creatures. Wish I had your writing skills, but am happy just to be a muse.
What a great story. And you’re a great storyteller.
Sometimes, and in some places, things can be said (even without saying anything) through art or performance. And can only be heard through those as well. I imagine because some inner defensive wall is let down during ‘entertainment’ and people are then able to see things they couldn’t, or wouldn’t see before.
No wonder so many places try to suppress it. It’s long been my contention that the world will ultimately be saved through art, music, and math.
Thanks for writing this, hope Marcel likes it (and let’s you know about it).
First of all, it belongs to Alice. If not for Alice I would not have written it. And second, to my editor, 9 year old Iseult. And third of all to Grandma Jo, and fourth of all to you. And fifth of all to you, because I went to Human Beams because of you.
It’s long been my contention that the world will ultimately be saved through art, music, and math.
This is a very profound belief… and I find that modern “reality based” people do not understand this. But I contend along with you that the world will ultimately be saved this way… and Bertrand Russell was no slouch as a mathemetician and philosopher and he thought so too.
M. Marceau is a very profound man. I had a good day. Thanks for your part in it, Nanette!
I sent your story about Marceau yesterday to my brother who’s sick … thank you so much for these wonderful, heart-lifting stories.
After your brother has read this story, send me his message of what story he wants and I will write the next one for him.
The only stories I have written that are heart-lifting are two or three ….. the rest are stories about how much I hate injustice and children getting killed and innocent men getting shot, and democrats treated like garbage when they try to hold a hearing in the House of Representatives, and that sort of thing…. but my friend has advised me to write the true story and he said that an article lasts a week or two but that stories can last for hundreds of years ….. and this story is true…. and I have more stories that are true… which are the only ones to tell.
my editor is a nine year old girl named Iseult. from there i send it to her 16 year old brother, from there to her 23 year old brother, from there to her 55 year old father (who is an economist who publishes books and writes for newspapers) and from there to her 50 year old mother. if the whole family gives it a go, it’s probably pretty good.
and you, SusanHu are my ideal, and that’s no word of a lie…. so we’ll all have to carry on doing what we do… and I will try to remember to send you some good strong Major cigarettes…. and i wait to hear from you a message from your brother….