Last night on c-span I watched some of a presentation by Jeff Golden about his book “As If We Were Grownups: A Collection of Suicidal Political Speeches That Aren’t.” Has anyone read that book? I don’t know anything about Golden – sounds like he does a radio show, has been elected to local office and is pretty progressive in his politics.
I was really intrigued by what he said and would love to hear what other people think. As I understand what the book is about, he is saying that its time that politicians talk to us like we’re grownups and can understand the hard choices we face. While I REALLY agree with this – I also know that its pretty idealistic.
Golden also said something in response to a question that really has me thinking today. He said that if we want politicians to treat us like grownups – then we have to act like grownups. And this means that we need to support people we agree with 90% of the time – even when they vote against our wishes that 10%. In other words, we can’t be single issue voters and have to be willing to look at the big picture. It reminded me when, as a Minnesotan who thought that Paul Wellstone was my ideal of a politician, I had to wrestle with the fact that he voted FOR the Defense of Marriage Act. There is no way I would have abandoned by support of him over that – but it was difficult. But how far do we go with that?
Any thoughts out there about whether or not those running for office can dare to treat us like grownups? And how do we act more like grownups to encourage that?
…how do we act more like grownups
By staying informed on the issues that matter to us. NOT reacting like Pavlov’s dogs every time a new headline screams.
Part of being a grownup is taking responsiblity for our choices, living a life of honesty and integrity, doing the job you are paid to do, being principled, doing for the good of the whole(ones consituents)not JUST what will further ones political ambitions.
Let me propose this then. When the Democrats start acting like grownups, then maybe their constiuents will too. Leaders need to lead and set the example. Look at what are examples are these days. Corruption, lying, manipulating, cheating…fine examples huh?
I love this idea. And what’s wrong with idealism? If we’re not it only serves to confirm the bush/rove concept of an ignorant populace that can be fooled by lies and putting on a show. george’s contempt for the educated and intelligent will be his downfall. Why should we let our politicians who truly represent us be brought down by ridicule – are we still in jr. high school? If you think that doesn’t affect you – think about the reaction to Dennis Kucinich last election. For some reason we chose a leader based on what we thought other people would think.
We don’t all grow up at the same speed, but once we get there we should be able to outwit the ones who don’t. I think this is all part of the evolution of the human race.