There is something that is becoming increasingly clear to me. The Bush administration has made a number of decisions that fall into a hazy legal universe. Whether or not anyone is indicted and prosecuted for these decisions will be determined not by an independent assessment of the law, but by other factors entirely.
For example, a newly leaked FBI memo shows how tenuous the legality of Bush’s rendition program is:
This is just the latest revelation that many legal minds think Bush has exceeded his authority in authorizing torture, extraordinary renditions, and indefinite detentions.
In another ominous sign, Jimmy Carter just declared:
This resonates with the assessment of Tony Blair’s cabinet, spelled out in the Downing Street Leaks. Is it legal to launch a preemptive war based on a pack of lies? I think that depends on who the Attorney General is, who controls Congress, and who sits on the Supreme Court. It’s an impeachable offense if enough people say it’s an impeachable offense. For our civilian unelected leadership, participation in a conspiracy to deceive Congress could easily be an indictable offense. But it would only be indictable if there is someone inclined to investigate.
The uncomfortable reality is that Bush has authorized policies of dubious legality through executive orders. Those executive orders can be interpreted as clear violations of our signed treaties, which are the highest law of the land. But the executive orders can also be brushed under the rug and excused as necessary actions for a country under threat.
The reason this is so troubling is that the determination of whether George Bush is a resolute wartime President, or a potential war criminal and violator of basic human rights, depends almost entirely on who wields power. Bush and his cronies cannot legally afford to lose power. If they do, they could find themselves thoroughly discredited and possibly imprisoned.
Given control of the Justice Department, it would be a simple matter for me to indict Rumsfeld for the crimes of Abu Ghraib. And the Bushies understand this. For me, this makes it critically important that we get paper trails for our ballot boxes. We are no longer facing an opponent with a differing political philosophy, we are facing an opponent that has been engaged in a criminal conspiracy. Their only failproof defense is to maintain control of the courts, the oversight committees, and the Justice Department. And that does not bode well for clean and fair elections.
I so agree with you on this Booman. And it leads to one of the things that scares me the most. I just cannot imagine that Cheney and Rove are just waiting to see who emerges as the next Repub presidential candidate. They have a plan – you can bet your paycheck (if you get one) on it. And yet, we don’t see anyone being “groomed.” So, here are the things I see as possibilities:
Tin foil anyone? I know it sounds crazy – but I know they will never cede power now that they have it. And I think this will come down to even more than election reform. If rigging the election were what they had in mind (again?) I think we would be seeing a more viable candidate emerging.
Oh, I dunno. I think they have. Its just that they’re smart enough to know the presidential election is so far out it’s pointless to crown someone successor already.
Better to hold out the position as a carrot to get the Republicans to toe the line.
Myself, I’m convinced they’re planning for all eventuallities.
If everything goes well, they can hand over the ceremonial throne to another empty suit — like Frist.
If the rightwing idealogues continue to gain power, Santorum will do.
But I’m more concerned they see the backlash against Bush as building, all the way up to the 2008 election. They are seeing the Democrat’s opportunity to retake the presidency as too great a threat. They’re concerned about the growing disaffection of moderates and independents. That’s why they’re keeping McCain snug in their back pocket.
McCain certainly isn’t their first choice. Whatever dirt and pressure they used to get him to campaign with Bush in 2004 and to defend his obviously corrupt administration now will only go so far in tying the hands of this (former) maverick.
But that’s my prediction for 2008 — McCain. And I expect the Republican Congress to suddenly remember they are a co-equal branch of govt and start asserting themselves if that comes to pass. The agenda won’t change, regardless of the president.
So, no matter what, the Republicans stay in power, and crush America.
I sure wish the Dems would quit lionizing McCain and get wise to the way he’s playing them to steal the moderate and independent votes. What better praise than that from your opponent? The gang of 14 and that stupid filibuster deal maybe just be the best present our guys forced Rove and co to accept. It burnished McCain’s “independent” bona-fides while literally giving Dems absolutely nothing in return.
We’ll be better off by far if we start to capitalize on the corruption of the Bush administration, and make McCain go on the record as often as possible defending Bush. Bush is McCain’s anchor…
The Religious Right would never go along with McCain. And even if he were to get nominated, they would stay home in droves.
I’ve been thinking about this for months. When I first brought it up I was pretty much raspberried off the stage by people who told me I was a crazy conspiracy theorist. That was a shock, so I retreated to my corner to think about it for a while. I’m generally the first to agree that conspiracies are too complex for the average Republican brain. But then I think of all the money they have, and how much more they steal from us every day, and by god, they have enough to pay for just about anything they want.
So it is with great relief that I am suddenly seeing this idea put forth by some of the lions of the left blogosphere: Digby and Billmon have also recently expressed the same sort of suspicion.
Now, I just wish I knew what the hell to do about it.
is that with any authoritarian-style regime, the very concept of “legal” has virtually no meaning.
And when conditions on the ground reflect this blithe contempt for the law, it is always a sign that democracy itself is under assault.
Even the Nixon regime, with all it’s criminality, pales by comparison to the Bush regime’s massive attack on the very foundations of the nation.
the problem would exist even if the Bushies weren’t in power. Any administration that authorized the Pentagon and the CIA and the FBI to commit (what would ordinarily be considered) crimes because of perceived extraordinary circumstances, would be put at risk of prosecution once their term in office expired.
In order to avoid such criminal liability they require the goodwill and forgiveness of the opposing party, the American people, and the courts.
The Bush administration’s problem is that they cannot rely on that goodwill in light of subsequent revelations, post 9-11.
Therefore, they are trapped. And a cornered animal is most dangerous.
The reverse is also true. That being that they can conspire to commit criminal acts because they know they will never relinquish power. And… they have a plan.
I know, I know… I just need a place sometimes to say what scares me.
And… they have a plan.
I’m thinking maybe you watch Battlestar Gallactica? The Bushes are like the cylons. . .they have evolved until they look human. And. . .they have a plan.
Bush was the boy who blew up frogs. We here at the pond may want to remember that.
I’ve been thinking lately that the place where I’d better get active RIGHT NOW is on voting/ballot issues.
You’re right. But this Bush regime blatantly violates the law with an impunity several orders of magnitude more energetic than that of other criminals like Reagan and Nixon. The law did, after all, manage to prosecute and jail members of those administrations while they were still in office.
But the Bush gang has a much firmer control over the justice dept., congress and the media than did either Nixon or Reagan, and I think it’s this, combined with the arrogance of their own pathology, that leads them to dismiss the concept of “legality” in their calculations altogether.
I will have a whole other perspective on these dynamics if or when anyone from this administration is prosecuted for violating the law. Even if we’d been able to stop them from advancing “Bolton the Destroyer” I’d have a slightly more hopeful outlook. But until then I’ll remain skeptical. Who, after all, in our current political environment, is going to seriously attempt to hold these criminals in contempt? I submit that the Administration has already accumulated way to much power with which to intimidate challengers. Hell, I wouldn’t even be too surprised if they floated the idea of martial law as a mechanism for staying in power beyond 2008. Not that they’d get away with it, but certainly their contempt for democracy and the rule of law would allow for such thinking.
How would we keep them from getting away with it?
I’m serious – I’d like to know. They have the power, the money, the weapons, the military, the government and the judiciary. We can throw words at them, but you can see all the effect that has (i.e. none).
So what else is there? Somehow I doubt the Canadians will send their army down to rescue us!
Public pressure would be the only way to stop such usurpation. We’d have to revolt, in essence. We’d possibly need to engage in massive acts of civil disobedience, and we’d need most of the media to support our basic democracy.
I happen to think that if Cheney & Co were to attempt such extreme fascist measures that they would receive only marginal support from the rightwing congressional crazies, no support at all from the military brass, and no real support from law enforcement. Even if they got FoxNews and their other propaganda organs on their side, they wouldn’t have any real chance of making it happen. If they had the military on their side then that would be a different story, but considering how they’ve been screwing the miitary on all fronts, I doubt too many real Generals would want to see these cowardly, bloodthirsty lunatics overthrow our own government.
Many of us suspected Nixon might try something like what I’m describing way back when, but he got derailed first with decreased congressional funding for his efforts to keep expanding the Vietnam debacle, and then finally by Watergate. Sadly for us, our current crop of political cowards in congress are not likely to start reducing the amount of money the Bush gang gets to squander on the Iraq mess.
I don’t really think they’ll try such stunts. they’re crazy, every last one of them, but I’m not sure they’re that crazy. But, I’m sure they’ve developed provisional plans for such things; that such alternatives figure in with their basic calculus as to how to maximize their own power. Also, Cheney & the neocons have plenty of other ways to make sure the violence in the Mid East continues, even without having to run the White house and the Pentagon to do so.
Every day the feeling gets stronger that Patrick Fitzgerald is the most important man in the government right now.
[The Godfather]