One idea I have for boosting traffic on Saturdays, is to have a tin-foil memory hole diary.  Basically, it would be a story that dropped off the radar some years ago, but that should have been a scandal.

Someone, or some group of people, would volunteer to research the issue during the week.  If possible, it could include interviews, or calling reporters who wrote about the issue when it happened.  But that level of commitment would not be necessary.

The diary could be submitted to Susan and me on Friday for any editorial review, and then it would be front-paged on Saturday.
My first idea for a Saturday Tin-Foil Memory Hole Diary is related to a scam… no wait… a huge scam, involving stealing C-130 aircraft from the Forestry Service and using them for all sorts of nefarious purposes.  It all originated with a program called the: Historic Aircraft Exchange Program.

The ringleader of this scam was named Roy Reagan.  

I will supply some links and leads.

Let me know if anyone wants to take it on.  And if someone has Lexis, please supply some mainstream articles on the scandal.