Below the fold, I will try to explain the significance of Representative Curt Weldon’s recent allegations. But first, a visual representation of the 19 hijackers, and their roles will be helpful. Weldon alleges that four of the hijackers were identified as members of al-Qaeda by a secretive military intelligence unit called ‘Able Danger’, in the summer of 2000. These four hijackers were dubbed the ‘Brooklyn Cell’. The members of this alleged cell actually come from two different cells: the Hamburg, Germany cell, and the San Diego Cell.
For each flight, I have listed the alleged pilot first.
Flight 11 Mohammed Atta- Egpytian (Brooklyn Cell, Hamburg Cell)
Flight 11 Waleed Alshehri- Saudi (muscle)
Flight 11 Wail Ashehri- Saudi (muscle)
Flight 11 Abdul Alomari- Saudi (operational)
Flight 11 Satam Al Suqami- Saudi (muscle)
WTC- South Tower 9:02
Flight 175 Marwan Alshehhi- United Arab Emirates (Brooklyn Cell, Hamburg Cell)
Flight 175 Fayez Banihammad- United Arab Emirates
Flight 175 Mohald al Shehri- Saudi (muscle)
Flight 175 Hamza al Ghamdi- Saudi (muscle)
Flight 175 Ahmed al Ghamdi- Saudi (muscle)
Pentagon- 9:37
Flight 77 Hani Hanjour- Saudi (San Diego Cell)
Flight 77 Khalid Almihdhar- Saudi (Brooklyn Cell, San Diego Cell)
Flight 77 Salem al Hazmi- Saudi (muscle)
Flight 77 Majed Moqed- Saudi (muscle)
Flight 77 Nawaf al Hamzi- Saudi (Brooklyn Cell, San Diego Cell)
Shanksville, Pa. 10:06 (variously reported)
Flight 93 Ziad Jarrah- Lebanese (Hamburg Cell)
Flight 93 Ahmed Alnami- Saudi (muscle)
Flight 93 Saeed Alghamdi- Saudi (muscle)
Flight 93 Ahmed Alhaznawi- Saudi (muscle)
The Hamburg cell was made up of three of the four pilots. All three of the pilots trained in Venice, Florida. They also trained in other places around Florida and Georgia. Ramzi bin al-Shibh was also a member of the Hamburg cell, but as a Yemeni he was repeatedly denied a visa to enter the United States. Al-Shibh was later captured in Pakistan.
The San Diego cell was made up three members. One was Hani Hanjour, the alleged pilot of Flight 77. The other two men were fugitives from justice on 9/11.
The Brooklyn Cell is alleged to have been made up of two members of the Hamburg Cell and two members of the San Diego cell. If true, this is incredibly significant. And I’ll explain why.
First, let’s look at how the U.S. Government first learned the identities of Khalid Almihdhar and Nawaf al Hamzi:
9/11 Commission
All three of these men would later die when Flight 77 hit the Pentagon. But first, they would travel to Malaysia and be filmed at a meeting with other known terrorists. It is now believed that the meeting in Kuala Lumpur was for the purpose of planning the bombing of the USS Cole.
Al Hamzi and Almihdhar left Kuala Lumpur on a flight to Bangkok. The CIA station in Bangkok was informed of their movements, but they were too late arriving at the airport and lost their trail.
A couple of months later the CIA learned that the two men had left Bangkok on Janurary 15th, 2000, and flown to Los Angeles. Soon thereafter, they moved to San Diego and settled in.
Why is this so significant? Weldon claims that a military intelligence unit identified these two gentlemen as potential terrorists in a part of a cell with Mohammed Atta and Marwan Alshehhi (the Brooklyn Cell). The unit allegedly made this identification within two months of Atta and Alshehhi’s arrival in this country (in late May/early June 2000).
Now, we have to keep in mind three different government agencies: the CIA, a unit of military intelligence, and the FBI. These groups do not automatically share information. The CIA didn’t tell the FBI about Al Hamzi and Almihdhar’s presence in this country until August 24th, 2001. The ‘Able Danger’ group forwarded their information about Al Hamzi and Almihdhar (as well as Atta and Alshehhi) to the Special Operations Command in Tampa, Florida, sometime before October, 2000. They recommended that the information be passed on to the FBI. Apparently, the Special Operations Command declined to do so.
If the Special Command had passed the information on to the FBI in September of 2000, the FBI would have discovered that Atta and Alshehhi were training at Huffman Aviation in July and August. They would have discovered that $69,985 was wired from the UAE into the their joint bank account on September 18th. They would have noticed them enrolling at Jones Aviation in Sarasota on the 24th. They might have taken an interest, when on December 24th, they stalled a Huffman airplane on Miami International runway and abandoned it.
But more importantly, the FBI would have quickly added Atta and Alshehhi to the TIPOFF list (if they hadn’t already) on August 24th, 2001, when the CIA finally told them that Alhamzi and Almidhar were in the country.
The administration and the FBI have been very insistent that we could not have stopped 9/11, even if we had caught Alhamzi and Almidhar, because we had no intelligence to link the San Diego cell to the Hamburg cell. The 9/11 Commission was less sure:
Many FBI witnesses have suggested that even if Mihdhar had been found, there was nothing the agents could have done except follow him onto the planes. We believe this is incorrect. Both Hazmi and Mihdhar could have been held for immigration violations or as material witnesses in the Cole bombing case. Investigation or interrogation of them, and investigation of their travel and financial activities, could have yielded evidence of connections to other participants in the 9/11 plot. The simple fact of their detention could have derailed the plan. In any case, the opportunity did not arise.
9/11 Commission
Despite the 9/11 Commission’s reservations, the idea that the attacks could not have been prevented was successfully implanted in the public mind.
Here is an excerpt from Time Magazine piece from August 4th, 2002:
First of all, you can use Lexis to see several leases the hijackers signed. Some examples, below:
Social Security Number: 000-00-XXXX
Consumer Name Last Updated: 11/16/1999
DAYTONA BEACH, FL 32119-8630
Address Created: 11/16/1999
Address Updated: 11/16/1999
On File Since: 11/16/1999
Date Vendor Record Last Updated: 11/16/1999
Also Known As:
Social Security Number: 595-43-XXXX
VIENNA, VA 22180-4834
Address Updated: 2/1/1999
Previous Addresses:
DAYTONA BEACH, FL 32114-1474
Address Updated: 1/1/1995
Telephone: 238-6082
On File Since: 7/1/1994
Flight 175
Address: 4890 POMPANO ROAD
VENICE, FL 34293-7843
Address Updated: 8/1/2000
On File Since: 8/1/2000
Address:3389 SHERIDAN ST # 256
HOLLYWOOD, FL 33021-3606
Pilot Number: A4211367 FAA
Certification Class: COMMERCIAL PILOT
Medical Class: THIRD CLASS
Medical Exam Date: 7/2000
Medical Expiration Date: 7/2003
Flight 175
Social Security Number: 427-81-XXXX
Consumer Name Last Updated: 11/3/2000
PENSACOLA, FL 32514-5463
Address Created: 8/30/2000
Address Updated: 8/30/2000
Previous Addresses: 209 S 29TH AVE APT 128
HATTIESBURG, MS 39401-7122
Address Created: 11/3/2000
Address Updated: 11/3/2000
Home of 14th Flying Training Base, Columbus Air Force Base.
Birthdate: 1975
On File Since: 11/3/2000
Date Vendor Record Last Updated: 11/3/2000
LAUD BY SEA, FL 33308-3616
Pilot Number: A4207695FAA
Region: SOUTHERN Certification
Medical Class: FIRST CLASS
Medical Exam Date: 7/2000
Medical Expiration Date: 1/2001
Flight 93
Name: ALGHAMDI, SAEED (MALE)Social Security Number: 000-00-XXXX
Consumer Name Last Updated: 3/6/1998
Address: 2730 FLIGHT SAFETY DR
VERO BEACH, FL 32960-7945
Address Created: 3/6/1998
Address Updated: 3/6/1998
Flight 93 Name: ALGHAMDI, SAEED (MALE)
Social Security Number: 000-00-XXXX
Consumer Name Last Updated: 10/28/1997
Address: 4710 PRIETO DR APT 707
PENSACOLA, FL 32506-6657
Address Created: 10/28/1997
Address Updated: 10/28/1997
Telephone: (561) 569-7365
On File Since: 3/6/1998
Date Vendor Record Last Updated: 3/6/1998
Flight 77
Pilot Number: A0015099FAA
Certification Class: MECHANIC
Update [2005-8-10 20:38:19 by BooMan]: I don’t have my source handy, but Fayez Banihammad from Flight 175 had a FAA Pilot Number: A0013056
Do yourself a favor, and don’t compare the dates of those leases with the 9/11 Commission’s timelines for the hijackers’ first entry into this country. It will turn you into a tin-foil hatter.
And don’t question the FAA certifications either, because they raise troubling questions about who the actual pilots were. Instead, let’s leave crazy stuff like that aside on focus on the government’s main story line.
The 9/11 Commission was operating on the premise that only three of the hijackers were known to be terrorists prior to 9/11. These three were Khalid Almihdhar, Nawaf Alhamzi, and Nawaf’s little brother, Salem al Hazmi. All three were identified as al-Qaeda operatives back in 1999. The commission noted that the plot might have been averted if they had been watchlisted. They might have been averted if two of them had been caught in August or early September. But they never contemplated that two of these hijackers had been linked to Mohammed Atta and Marwan Alshehhi by a military intelligence unit, a full year before the attacks.
If they had known that, they would have had to take an entirely different angle. The information that members of our intelligence community had pegged Atta and Alshehhi as bad guys was withheld from the full commission, even though the Pentagon seems to be insisting that they supplied the information to the investagotory staff. The staff is denying they received the information.
If the 9/11 Commission members had known about the suspicion surrounding Atta and Alshehhi they would have investigated what is was that aroused that suspicion. And who knows where that line of investigation might have led.
In summary: if Weldon’s information is correct is raises serious concerns. Was the fact that Atta was under suspicion covered up and, if so, why?
And, what different conclusions and recommendations would the Commission have come up with if they had been privy to this information?
Finally, for you tin-foilers, spoiling for some way to make sense of those FAA licenses (above), don’t forget this Newsweek article from 9/15/01:
By George Wehrfritz, Catharine Skipp and John Barry
Sept. 15 — U.S. military sources have given the FBI information that suggests five of the alleged hijackers of the planes that were used in Tuesday’s terror attacks received training at secure U.S. military installations in the 1990s.
THREE OF THE alleged hijackers listed their address on drivers licenses and car registrations as the Naval Air Station in Pensacola, Fla.—known as the “Cradle of U.S. Navy Aviation,” according to a high-ranking U.S. Navy source.
Another of the alleged hijackers may have been trained in strategy and tactics at the Air War College in Montgomery, Ala., said another high-ranking Pentagon official. The fifth man may have received language instruction at Lackland Air Force Base in San Antonio, Tex. Both were former Saudi Air Force pilots who had come to the United States, according to the Pentagon source.
But there are slight discrepancies between the military training records and the official FBI list of suspected hijackers—either in the spellings of their names or with their birthdates. One military source said it is possible that the hijackers may have stolen the identities of the foreign nationals who studied at the U.S. installations.
The five men were on a list of 19 people identified as hijackers by the FBI on Friday. The three foreign nationals training in Pensacola appear to be Saeed Alghamdi and Ahmad Alnami, who were among the four men who allegedly commandeered United Airlines Flight 93. That flight crashed into rural Pennsylvania. The third man who may have trained in Pensacola, Ahmed Alghamdi, allegedly helped highjack United Airlines Flight 75, which hit the south tower of the World Trade Center.
Read the whole article
If you can make this Newsweek jive with the 9/11 Commission’s report, you are a better person than me.
I watched Weldon on c-span this morning and what I got from his ranting was that he wanted to pin 9/11 on the clinton administration. I think he is a dog for the white house, if you ask me.
but I don’t think he realizes what a can of worms his allegations open up.
As I interpeted his statements from this am, he said that lawers in the clinton adm. was making it impossible for communication between the different intel. agencies. If that was so why did they ahve the PDB saying that binLaudan was bound and determined to strike America???!!!
It is my opinion that thre is some new evidence and that it will show that the bush admin. did not listen to the clinton admin….that we know, but that it will incrimate some in this adminstration to the top of theri noses.
Some one called in on the republican line and said that Sandy Burger was trying to take that info out of the lib of congress or where ever it was he was at that he took that stuff. Weldon seemed to not dispute the caller so that makes him agreeing with the caller.
This man is a mouth piece for the white house and that is all. HOwever, there just might be some things that the commission did not know. I think Zelkic or what ever his name was that formated the witnesses knew all along what was happening. He was friends with condi rice…..remember that man????
I am sorry, this all may be true, but the bushies are up to their eyeballs in feces nowadays and they have to make some big news to take off the pressure.
I think it is a ruse to keep the feces from still hiting the fan, so to speak.
sorry for the typos..I am so tired….I just had to post on this topic before I showered and went to bed.
Brenda. Just remember, spellcheck is your friend. I should use it more myself.
Weldon is a loser and half insane. You seem to have picked up on that from watching him this morning. He’s a full-on loon.
Brenda, you don’t miss anything, do you.
Glad you’re goofin’ off again and blogging!
:o)…Susan, I am so tired! YOu will never know how hard it has been for me at work as of late….This has been three straight weeks of this and I am wearing down fast.
I try to catch up at night when I get home. But I have been called in so often that I loose some of my thoughts.
I can not watch much news at work for my ptients are not in the mood for that. It is depressing as hell for anyone, let alone someone who is sick.
I flip the channels and try to catch some stock market news but that is all. I am loosing so much on my 401K….:o(
This crowd in the WH now is so crooked. I simply do not know why America has let them get by with the things they have. I can not wait for the Democrats to get the handle on this and get back inot power!!!!!
I want 06 to be the year.
BTW, did you all see Hackett on to day on hardball? I got in on part of his interview. He is a great man an dI am sure he will go places if he chooses to be a politican. He doesnt pull any punches. This is why I like him. He says it like it is!!!!!!!!!!!!
So sorry to hear you’re worn to the nub. Must be the season, huh?
On Weldon and Clinton Admin., be prepared for what may come. Threads are being pulled and some of the things that unravel are going to be ugly indeed. My personal hunch is that Weldon is getting some sucker punches in while he can. He’s right. Go back and look at the first World Trade Center bombing. Same deal, smaller scale.
Kinda like a couple of jail house snitches. “I only robbed ’em, he killed ’em!” Don’t put you sanity and your soul in either political camp. Politics is one thing, one beast, and it will eat its young. The good you can do is keeping the beast in its cage.
Isn’t that amazing how Newsweek comes up with “wow” stories right before or after major events…. like they did four weeks before the war in Iraq was launched.
btw, BooMan, have you seen/read this book?
Perfect Soldiers by Terry McDermott, Los Angeles Times
— about Atta and the others
I saw him on C-SPAN2 a couple months ago — — and then I saw an article that said his book is fiction.
I haven’t read it, but I have not heard very good things about it. Jere Longman of the NYT also wrote a book about the hijackers, which was weird because Longman is a sports columnist (and no relation to me).
Thanks for displaying the kind of guts that too many others only wish they had.
I’m not sure if you’re familiar with Daniel Hopsicker (though you probably are since you seem to know your shit) but he’s been working on this story for nearly 4 years and he’s broken major things particularly about the airlines where the hijackers trained and their very shall-we-say secular backgrounds including wine, women and drugs.
Mad Cow Productions is Hopsicker’s Website…and he backs his stuff up with facts…and has often dismissed and proven wrong many of the wackier conspiracy theories that have sprung up the last few years.
It is astonishing that Hopsicker is the only journalist that has consistently worked on this story. How many years did the Times spend writing about Whitewater? And then lets talk anthrax…other than Judith Miller…why isn’t anyone still researching that at the new york times?
Lastly…out of everything I’ve learned in the last four years…this is the main story that I’m astonished has never been reported in America’s mainstream press: link
Lol, I just barely got done commenting about the same “hijackers stil alive” link on the dKos version of this diary. There are even more interesting inconsistencies with that story than I realized before.
if I am the only human being that bothered to Nexus all 19 hijackers.
The commission obviously didn’t bother to.
Here’s one human that hasn’t Nexused them raises hand. Hell, this diary is probably ten steps ahead of 99.1% of the 9/11 reporting out there in terms of attempting to dig around and find new and novel connections. If there’s one thing the 9/11 Commission and the MSM’s fawning over it has taught me it’s that the notion of “the truth will come out because you can’t hide blatant errors from the full US Press Corp who have an economic incentive to break big stories” assumption I had for so many years just doesn’t seem to hold up. Instead it’s been one long lesson in the kind of institutionalized herd-mentality that’s probably been shoping the news far longer than any of us realize. It’s just more blatant now.
I know a lot of people tried to make something of this, but it’s a well-known phenomena, which I think even has a specific name. Karen Armstrong talks about it in The Battle For God, and it occurs among extreme fundamentalists in different religions. I’ve also read about it in other contexts, though I can’t cite specific texts now.
The “logic” varies somewhat in different instances, and sometimes exists in two or more different forms. One is that all men are irredeemably sinners, and so it is blasphemous to pretend to be holy. Another is that they have “gone beyond” the point of needing to follow all the strictures that apply to others. A third–similar, but not identical–is that they have dedicated their lives to God, and are soon to be martyrs, so there is either (a) a special dispensation for them or (b) a need to drink in the sin of the world to feul their hatred. As you can see, this is all batshit crazy land. But, then, who ever said that fundamentalists were sane in the first place?
And lest you think I’m just making this up, think about David Koresh and his multiple wives. How Christian fundamentalist is that? But it comes from the Seventh Day Adventists–the Branch Davidians were an Adventist splinter group. Then there’s the whole British Israelite schtick, claiming that the Brits are the real Jews, and the Jews are not. Point being, you can interpolate just about any belief into a fundamentalist mindset, because it’s basically about the suspension of critical thinking and the belief in being chosen–those two aspects are even more fundamental than the professed beliefs in this that or the other.
what a fine book that is. I have it in one of my bathrooms and pick from it nearly every day.
I’ve been meaning to find a slow day and do a column on Shi’a Islam and the Iranian Revolution based on her treatment. But I always put it off.
Your points are spot on.
Also Hopsicker is a very disappointing journalist. He does fine work in some areas but he just won’t abide by minimal journalistic standards.
From Patrick Lang, a former military expert on the Middle East:
While it doesn’t line up with the more common Christian fundamentalism interpretations, the thing about fundamentalism (Christian and otherwise) is that it’s often easy to come up with a “literal” interpretation of a piece of scripture that conveniently allows (or even encourages) what you want to do. There are numerous examples in the Bible of men having multiple wives.
(I don’t think there are any vice versa examples, at least not in the generally-accepted versions of the Bible. Which, of course, says more about the social norms of those places and times than it does about God.)
If I remember right, the Christian obsession with monogamy came after Christ had gone off to take his seat in heaven. I think it was in all the BS that Paul set up. Any biblical scholars out there are welcome to correct me.
(Not that there’s anything wrong with monogamy. Some of my best friends and all that. But other ways work for some people, even in the face of societal conditioning and enforcement.)
is characterizing the revelations this way:
So now that the commission is disbanded, what are the next steps? The chances of Bush reinstating the commission is less likely than WMD being found in Iraq.
this diary is cross-posted at Daily Kos where DHinMI is being his usual dickhead self.
I just did some Diary Pimping on your behalf in the DKos Open Thread.
DHinMI was still going strong 24 hours later, more insults… more 4 letter words. DHinMI has got to be doing some tweakin’. It’s the only explanation. The guy goes on benders where he posts non-stop for days. He’s been doing it for years. There only one thing that makes that happen. Meth. It’s the only thing that explains the combination of endless hours of endurance posting, the horrible temper, and the paranoia.
Ed Shultz discussed the story today on his show. You don’t get more dead center mainstream than Ed Shultz.
ADMIRAL HAROLD GEHMAN (Ret.): We found no credible intelligence that could have predicted the attack onboard the U.S.S. “Cole.” That does not mean, however, that we did not find there are some things that we can do better in the intelligence community to help us mitigate the risk to our transiting units, and we outlined them in our findings.
ADMIRAL HAROLD GEHMAN (Ret.): We, of course, were not charged to find a culpability or performance factors so we didn’t. We did not look into accountability and all those sort of things. We looked at policy and procedures. We used the “Cole” event as a catalyst for our examination, and found processes that we thought could be done better. Thought could be done better. But we did not attempt, and I would ask you not to read into any of our findings, a failure by anybody or any organization.
GENERAL WILLIAM CROUCH (Ret.): The terrorist threat is extremely dangerous. It is enduring. It’s not going away. They are persistent, they are tenacious; they’re a patient opponent. We have to deal with that.
KWAME HOLMAN: A separate Navy investigation aimed at assessing the actions of those on board the “Cole” has not been released. But according to the “Baltimore Sun” it says the “Cole’s” captain, Commander Kirk Lippold, “should not face disciplinary action, although an investigating officer faulted the captain and crew for not following prescribed procedures.” Meanwhile in Yemen, the FBI continues its efforts to track down those who may have been involved in the bombing. Yemeni officials said yesterday a suspect now in custody linked the terrorist Osama bin Laden to the attack.
So – the FBI is hot on the terror trail in Yemen, while Al Hamzi and Almihdhar are cooling their heels in San Diego, living in the home of a “tested” undercover “asset” who works closely with the FBI office in San Diego on terrorism cases? yeah baby…
Check this out:
Why Are We Back In Iraq? blog. … they love BooMan!
It’s great to see a big name blogger not afraid to tackle such a controversial topic.(emphasis mine)
Boo, you the man! 🙂
You are so freaken smart. I am almost embarassed to even write in the same space as you. Excellent work dear man. This is seriously scarey sh..t. I wonder what my great grandkids will be reading about in their history classes?
You and Susan have more stamina than any person has the right to…lol. Send some my ol’ ass way would ya?
The 9/11 Commission Report cannot ‘jive with’ anything because it is a huge contradiction.
The 9/11 Whitewash accepts Bush’s claim “Nobdy told me” even though they had evidence of a multitude of WH meetings where people ‘told’ GWB.
I also wonder about the acceptance in the ‘public mind’ that 9/11 could NOT have been prevented. How do you arrive at that?
by looking at the media accounts and how they were framed.
When it came out that these guys were living in San Diego in a FBI informant’s house, getting money from Ambassador Bandar’s wife, it was pretty, you know, embarrassing.
But, it was maintained that these guys were here without any knowledge of the FBI until late August.
Okay. That’s cool. But would it have made a difference if the FBI knew about them?
No. Not at all. First of all, what would they have arrested them for? (Hint: material witness in the Cole bombing investigation)
Second of all, there were no links from them to the guys in Florida. Right?
If people had a clear picture of the facts that are available, they would never, ever, ever, have reelected George Bush.
The American people are still convinced that 9/11 was not preventable because we didn’t penetrate the cells.
Good. And you have refreshed my memory that public officials from both parties were saying NO it could not have been prevented. Anything else would be, well almost treason, since it might imply that GWB was incompetent. [besides being a liar]
I think what you are doing is proving that it was preventable.
Your diaries on this are just hotdam outfuckenstanding boo.
I know just enough about all of this to know that I really know next to nothing about it. Which is another way of saying I know damn well whom not to believe (the Bush admistration), but I’m not yet sure whom I should believe….
All of which is a longwinded, rambling, late night intro to this post by the usually trustworthy Laura Rozen who seems fairly sceptical of Weldon’s claims (via Atrios, fwiw).
One way or another, I’m impressed by the connections you’re drawing here, Boo. Keep up the good work!
I was your first comment on the DKos site and asked if you would elaborate on some of your claims. I understand your reluctance to speculate too far considering the knee-jerk nature of DKos tin foil witch hunts that are currently in vogue. But I’m in your pond now, so I’d like to follow you down the rabbit hole (sorry for the mixed metaphor).
About the pilots. Your cryptic statement:
And don’t question the FAA certifications either, because they raise troubling questions about who the actual pilots were. Instead, let’s leave crazy stuff like that aside on focus on the government’s main story line.
Could you briefly unpack this?
It seems clear that the information that our government has released to the public about the indentity of these men is either mistaken or constructed. I deduce this from the fact that you can’t fly a plane into a building and then turn up alive in Monaco. [If I’m wrong about this, we should all immediately convert to Islam].
Now, if these men really aren’t the ones on the planes, how does this impact your Lexus-Nexus lease searches and the Newsweek article?
For simplicity let’s say there are 4 possibilities:
1) The 9/11 Commission is right about both the identities of the hijackers and about when they first arrived in this country.
2)The 9/11 Commission is right about the identities of the hijackers but wrong about when (some or all of them) first arrived in this country.
Based on the both the Newsweek article and my Lexus-Nexus searches, and other published information, I’m willing to state affirmatively, that scenario 1 cannot be correct.
But, beyond that, I cannot go. Well, actually, I can go a little further. I think we are pretty sure, perhaps positive, about the identities of the operational leaders, but less so about most of the muscle hijackers.
There’s slavery in the Bible, too, which was used heavily to justify it from about 1830 on. Literalism is just full of stuff like that.