This week, we at Unbossed hit the road running with a look at privatizing the highways and we’re drivin’ that puppy till the wheels fall off.  Or this weekend, whichever comes first.  Blog-pooling along with us are Colorado locals em rosa, Soapblox Colorado, and Stupid Slab.

The Left Coaster has proudly spawned a new blog, Low and Left.  So far they’ve had everything from Killer Drones to Karl! The Musical.  Funny, raunchy, and informative, it’s a must if you enjoy laughing while horrified.  Read How’d That Happen?! and you’ll see what I mean.

Also on TLC, eriposte pretty much covers everything you want to know about Rovegate and has an exclusive interview with Joe Wilson.  Sadly, paradox has tendered his resignation, but it’s for a good cause — he’ll be blogging for Rep. Louise Slaughter.

And I’m just wild about Cindy.  Cindy Sheehan herself is posting diaries on Daily Kos from her campsite outside of Bush’s Crawford Ranch.  Booman Tribune’s Susan Hu is providing good coverage while BooTribbers Military Tracy, Brinnainne, and friends make the trek themselves, posting stories and photos along the way.  You’ll laugh, you’ll cry, your heart will be warmed.

Also inspiring awe and wonder is guerilla artist, Banksy, who travelled to the West Bank and painted the “fence.”  Wooster Collective has the photos and they really do speak louder than words.

So how was your blog week?  Roll out your links!

(cross-posted from Unbossed)