This is a quick diary to update everyone about Drudge’s latest smear tactic on Cindy Sheehan today. As most are probably aware, he posted a letter on his site, that was supposedly written by an aunt and godmother to Casey, begging Cindy to stop what she was doing.

William Rivers Pitt (of was live blogging from the sit-in today. He asked Cindy about the letter, and posted the following on his page, One Mother’s Stand:

Thursday 11 August 2005
8:05 PM

I spoke to Cindy about the “so-called” family who attacked her today. This godmother, according to Cindy, did not know Casey at all. They saw each other maybe once a year. As for the other family members, they have always been at political loggerheads, so their response is no big shock.

Cindy treated it with a shrug. Her husband will send out a more detailed response soon. In the meantime, Cindy says the letter is to be treated as little more than bad, dumb noise.

The vigil goes on.

Here are a few other links (for posterity’s sake).

Via Crooks and Liars via Atrios: Does Cherie Quartarolo speak for Casey Sheehan? And via that link: Cindy Sheehan II, where the author posts an email confirming the identity of the aunt, Cherie Quartarolo.

Another day, another smear addressed. We’ll see what tomorrow brings.