Boy bush claimed to be the great uniter, sadly he omitted that he would unite the World against America.
China-Russia war games under way !!!!
“Russian and Chinese armed forces have begun their first joint exercises, involving some 10,000 personnel.
Marines will storm beaches, to be joined by paratroopers in a mock invasion of an imaginary country.”
Do note that bush has NO concern for Americans, just his handlers, and their pocketbooks….
Why do American not see the destruction that is happening to our country ???
A)Too concerned with their pampered asses to realize what danger their pampered asses are in.
B)To damn brain-washed by the public schools, and our corporation run media, as well as corporate run government; to see.
C)Too busy bickering about party affiliation or bush-clinton, to see what really is happening.
D)Too distracted by sports, missing pretty white girls, or similar BULLSHIT, to see what really is going on.
D)They sense the truth, but prefer to not admit what is happening to our country.
Got the idea, contributions would be appreciated, EtJ
Seems reasonable: “Analysts say the two sides are signalling they are prepared to counter US dominance in international affairs.”
They must be jealous ?!?!?!?
Bush and his Cabinet.
BUT, I would like to point out that China does have good food, and Russia does have good vodka.
I’m just sayin’.
Agreed: “It’s time for us as a people to start making some changes.”
Salute, and GO BLUE !!! EtJ EMU alumni…. Era of Bo dominating OSU…..
Ah, rock n roll!!
I live less than 3 miles from the EMU campus, and I yearn for the pre-Tressell days at OSU. That guy is, unfortunately, a pretty good coach.
Saw Seger before he made it big at Chances Are/Second Chance in Ann Arbor… Still listen to the Michigan bands of the 60s, and 70s… Fond memories of A square, Ypsitucky, Portage Lake, Rock N Roll, Brewskis, Football, Keggers, and the Beautiful coeds of Ann Arbor and EMU, which looked even better after a kegger. Cheers, EtJ
For the simpler days, before I discovered politics, and the evil ways of the bush crime family…
Frankly I do not knwo how to comment due to the frighteness of my bones on your diary. Read about it today. This administration is so ignorant and dumb of thing. If they had a brain between them they would take it out and play with it. I could go on and on but will nto make one damn iota difference untill the direction of our country changes into hands that do have a brain and for ppl that do care.
I understand your fear, also was trying to get some discussion going. WHY do people not see this, there is NO reason why bush has not been impeached. He should be tried for treason as well as war crimes. So, WHY ???
If the awaken understand why Americans are asleep, maybe we can wake up enough in time… Beats NO plan at all….