Please find the text of the open message I sent to Russ Feingold on his Senate site’s message page.

I strongly believe that every American is as important as everybody else. Last night, ‘leftcoast’ and I co-hosted a ‘Vigil for Cindy’ in little Napa,CA and with 24 hours notice over 100 people showed up. ‘Leftcoast’ led, and I helped out, for that success in our small California ‘Wine Country’ town. We had local newspaper and radio coverage for the event.

We can all do something every chance we get to bring down the Rethugs.

So, after reading about Russ Feingold’s big step up in setting a timetable for Iraq Withdrawal… I took it upon myself to express my appreciation and encourage Russ Feingold to keep up the good work!!!

I hope that Russ Feingold (or his staff) start posting here at Dailykos and other left blogosphere sites.

Regardez, ce vous plait! (I think my inner frenchman has this right.)

Dear Russ,

This message is going out in an open message posted on several of the more important internet weblogs or ‘blogs’ such as the ‘’ blogsite.

I was thrilled to hear that you had called for a timetable for extracting ourselves from the Iraq Quagmire. To me you have just assumed the mantle of Bobby Kennedy.

Thank God, somebody has finally stepped up to face down the rightwing nutjobs on Iraq!

At an appropriate time, please declare war on any ‘ethics truce’ between Democrats and Republicans. Come out foursqare, loud and proud for clean government. Rip the Whitehouse for hanging on to a traitor like Karl Rove.


  1. “File papers” for a 2008 Presidential run.
  2. Put me on your list of potential donors. I will be wanting to start internet fundraising asap.
  3. Send me information on your schedule when you come to California. I’d like to gather some supporters and come to events to cheer you on. Come to visit us EARLY and OFTEN!
  4. Start campaigning with Congressional Black Caucus members like: John Conyors, Maxine Waters,  Barbara Lee and others.
  5. Reach out to the campaigns of Democrats against big Republican targets like Joe Pombo of California, and that arch-thug Tom DeLay. The netroots almost knocked that crook DeLay off last time.  
  6. Get tight with Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa of L.A. and Congresswoman Barbara Sanchez when you come to California.
  7. Set up a true netroots organization early with blogs, fundraising ‘bats’ and a two-way messaging system. Please contact the Swing State Project and ask for Tim Tagaris. Discuss and learn from the Paul Hackett campaign for OH-2.
  8. Read and ask your staff to read this report:
  9. View and ask your staff to view this video:
  10. Let the netroots help you become president, but you must start early. NOW, is about right. We could have done a lot more for Wes Clark but he got in too late for 2004 and his campaign dumped his netroots ‘Draft Clark’ people in favor of some DC consultant types. Hang on to your netroots people for dear life and give us a seat at the table.

Learn from the mistakes of others. Win for us!

If I may be so bold…

This is a Dream Ticket:
Russ Feingold/Wes Clark 2008 )

And a slogan:
Dream Again, America!

Thank You!

Lefty Limblog
[This is my blogname]