Photos: Insurgency “supporters” enroute to Camp Casey.
War protesters sleeping with the enemy
August 21, 2005
Bob, you’re just jealous cuz the “enemies” we sleep with are better lookin’ than the old farts you’ve been sleepin’ with for decades. But “openly support the Iraqi insurgency”? That’s so over the top, it almost defies reply. Bob is probably chuckling to himself that he’s proven how crazy these people are in this next section:
“The Istanbul statement also rejected U.S. efforts to leave behind a democratic government in Iraq, asserting: ”Any law or institution created under the aegis of occupation is devoid of both legal and moral authority’.”
Treasonous! To question all that you’ve whored for all your career! And now, the shocker! A courageous FBI agent dares to question not only 9/11 but the war! Oh Bob, what was the point of this section? Doesn’t the last paragraph explain it all? And negate your whining?
“Minnesota Republican leaders could not stop smiling when they learned that former FBI whistleblower Coleen Rowley, running for Congress as a Democrat, was joining Sheehan’s demonstration.
“Republicans were delighted that Rowley would align with extreme anti-war demonstrators backing Sheehan. Rowley became a national hero when she revealed that her warnings about Sept. 11 terrorists were disregarded within the FBI. Since announcing her candidacy against second-term Republican Rep. John Kline, she has become an intense war critic.
“Rowley was accompanied to Texas by Democratic state Sen. Becky Lourey, whose son was killed in Iraq.”
“[W]hose son was killed in Iraq.” That fact stopped your snark, didn’t it, Bob.
BooTribbers: Guess who those two men in the photographs are … guess …
Above right: SuperSoling
Below left: Adastra
Adastra’s camera!
Great photo that Adastra took of the Code Pink booth:
I spoke, briefly, to the fellow “manning” the table. He was a bit bemused. Wasn’t sure how he came to be there – just doing a favor, sitting in for the regular staffers while they attended to other things. Kind of the spirit of Camp Casey – help out when you can.
Novak is such a douchebag (hat tip to Jon Stewart), even though that is an insult to douchbags everywhere.
Let’s hope all of the Tribune’s readers say “Bullshit” and walk out on their subscriptions.
Why doesn’t this rat bastard just slither over to Faux where he’d fit right in? That piece of shit article is so over the top stupid I can only hope readers will write/call and tell the Sun-Times to shove it.
And I can tell from the pictures on this diary that this is really an unholy bunch -real scary looking terrusts types to be sure…unlike the beeeooteefulll Novack, right?
Is this Janet Strange’s dog Bear? Adastra sent it to me with the other photos from the Crawford trip.
My dogs
Kerouac and Bo. (Gotta keep the pets straight.)
what (n/t) means. I changed my mind and decided to post a pic and then forgot to change the subject line. (Even though I did change it to add that extra “n” to brinnainne 😉
Which is Kerouac and which is Bo?
Kerouac is the little one, the little yapper on the left. She’s named Kerouac because she was found, abandoned, ‘on the road’. This is the luckiest dog on the planet. The story goes beyond that simple rescue but we haven’t the space to go into it here.
Kerouac is the miniature dachshund. My daughter found her abandoned “on the (side of the) road.” Bo is the lab-like mutt. Also one of my daughter’s rescue jobs. Kerouac has a brain that matches her size (i.e. not much of one) but she’s so damn cute. You want to have complete strangers smile and wave at you? Just go for a walk with a wiener dog. Bo is a Prince among dogs. Sweet, well-behaved, and smart.
No, that’s Brinnainne’s dog Bear, and he seemed singularly unimpressed about the whole thing. But, hey, he’s a dog.
That’s a GREAT pic of him too!
He is the best kid dog that ever lived — we’ve have to deprogram the boys about other dogs, along the lines of:
Lesson One: Bear will let you take a bone right out of his mouth, DOGS won’t.
Lesson Two: Bear will let you ride him, DOGS won’t.
Overall lesson, there’s Bear and then there are dogs: learn the difference!
<LOL> Yes, it’s important to remember: all dogs are not DOGS, and not all people are PEOPLE.
Bear is also singularly unimpressed with all talk of dogs, as it is his considered opinion that he is not one, but neither is he a people (he was raised by a cat!).
Thanks for that pic, Rick!
Now for all who have not met Bear in person — how long are this guys legs, do ya think?
For all of you who have not met bear, I’m going to give away the secret, because you might be wondering, WTF?
Bear’s legs are barely long enough to keep him off the floor. Bear doesn’t know this and don’t any of you tell him.
Ohhh … your boys … I’m still thrilled i got to talk to one of them.
Are you heading back to Camp Casey, Brinnaine?
We ARE going to have more live coverage … Air America has had some (like Barry Crimmins on Randi’s show) ….
P.S. if anyone can thnk of snarkier stuff than I did above, please share! And I’ll substitute your lines for mine … i’m kind of mellow or something today … having a hard time snappin’ the whip in my brain 🙂
This is the definition of mellow :o)
Rick (Adastra) quietly listening to some of his interesting music collection that he was sharing with me.
When he picked me up at the airport you would figure that since we didn’t know each other it might have taken a little while to kind of break the ice and have a real conversation. Not so. Almost immediatly thoughts, ideas, likes, dislikes and so on began flowing back and forth. I can’t say it enough….it’s so amazing to me still to have found all of you, but most importantly to find others who feel mostly the way I do about the mess we find ourselves in, and people who are willing to take action to try and effect change.
oops !! Forgot the most important part!
Rick (Adastra) quietly listening to some of his interesting music collection that he was sharing with me.
Ok, Captain Beefheart is an… acquired taste. 😛
But seriously, read my post about addiction. I was talking to Janet about this, in ‘real’ time and she nailed it. This is a ‘real’ community.
Well you guys, the handsomeness of your words/postings here is reflected on your faces in these pictures.
Woohooo- and a double Woohoo for everyone who got there-I love seeing pictures of online friends- how come they both look like my hub?Just shows our good taste,I guess!
This is my favorite photo from Crawford. Let us never forget what this is all about.
Yes indeed.But long distance moral support for all of you braving the infernal heat there–just thought I should throw a compliment your way.
BTW- most of my active protesting was in the dead of winter-and it had to be betta than TX august. 🙂
‘We have all been here before,we have all been here before.’
Thanks for the compliment! It is appreciated. Funny you should mention the heat. I live here, in Texas, and I thought I was prepared. I was laughing, up my sleeve, about them folks from up north. Heat? Pshaw.
I’m telling you and everyone – it’s like a nuclear furnace out there on fields of Crawford. I don’t know how the people who are there, day after day, do it. Shade is hard to come by and highly prized.
Oh dear,I lived in TX -so I have an idea.
When I left New York it was 94-95 degrees. Crawford was 98 or so degrees but man…those four or five degrees felt like twenty ’cause it was HOT, HOT, HOT, and dumbass yankee that I am, I go out there wearing a tank top. I look like I’ve been to the Willie Nelson Redneck Tanning Salon now. Lol!!
Adastra said something about it later ;o) I guess he figured he’d let me find out for myself. Thanks dude :o)
And here’s another highly subversive, dangerous left wing liberal, couple. They came from Dallas, on their Triumph motorcycle, to show support for Cindy. Only in Texas, eh?
But maybe they are just those damm ‘outside agitators’, or commie sympathizers,or even fellow travelers.
Great pictures, Susan. I didn’t guess they were BooTribbers. Looked at the pix and thought, Yes, progressives. Alive. Engaged in the world. Attractive. Intelligent. Good-lookin’ guys. People I’d want to talk to.
A sharp contrast to the fellow I saw a few weeks ago in a gas station convenience stores: short, short haircut, slicked down; rigid posture; plump too much junk food face; wearing a Bush/Cheney 04 navy blue polo shirt, tucked in.
So, outing an undercover CIA agent who worked on WMD issues and had contacts all over and then cutting and running when the questions get tough is a-o-k, but protesting a war? Sleeping with the enemy! OY.
Douchebag of Liberty, indeed.
All newspapers that run his column should be boycotted.
Is there a list of newspapers who carry Novak’s column?
Outing a CIA agent is not openly supporting our enemies??
Always remember: It’s okay if you’re a Republican.
Since Republicans represent America completely and since they are by definition the soul of patriotism, what’s good for them is good for America. Their ways may be mysterious, but we might as well admit that they’re infallible and be done with it.
I want to see…
[Best I can do…I ain’t no Bood! 🙂 ]