Photos: Insurgency “supporters” enroute to Camp Casey.

War protesters sleeping with the enemy

August 21, 2005


“At Cindy Sheehan’s side since Aug. 6 when she began her anti-war protest outside President Bush’s Texas ranch have been three groups that openly support the Iraqi insurgency against U.S. troops: Code Pink-Women For Peace, United for Peace & Justice, and Veterans For Peace. …”

Bob, you’re just jealous cuz the “enemies” we sleep with are better lookin’ than the old farts you’ve been sleepin’ with for decades. But “openly support the Iraqi insurgency”? That’s so over the top, it almost defies reply. Bob is probably chuckling to himself that he’s proven how crazy these people are in this next section:

“Those organizations were represented at a mock ”war crimes” trial in Istanbul that on June 27 produced a joint declaration backing the insurgency. Based on the United Nations Charter, it said ”the popular national resistance to the occupation is legitimate and justified. It deserves the support of people everywhere who care for justice and freedom.’

“The Istanbul statement also rejected U.S. efforts to leave behind a democratic government in Iraq, asserting: ”Any law or institution created under the aegis of occupation is devoid of both legal and moral authority’.”

Treasonous! To question all that you’ve whored for all your career! And now, the shocker! A courageous FBI agent dares to question not only 9/11 but the war! Oh Bob, what was the point of this section? Doesn’t the last paragraph explain it all? And negate your whining?

Cindy’s friend Coleen

“Minnesota Republican leaders could not stop smiling when they learned that former FBI whistleblower Coleen Rowley, running for Congress as a Democrat, was joining Sheehan’s demonstration.

“Republicans were delighted that Rowley would align with extreme anti-war demonstrators backing Sheehan. Rowley became a national hero when she revealed that her warnings about Sept. 11 terrorists were disregarded within the FBI. Since announcing her candidacy against second-term Republican Rep. John Kline, she has become an intense war critic.

“Rowley was accompanied to Texas by Democratic state Sen. Becky Lourey, whose son was killed in Iraq.”

“[W]hose son was killed in Iraq.” That fact stopped your snark, didn’t it, Bob.

BooTribbers: Guess who those two men in the photographs are … guess …
Above right: SuperSoling

Below left: Adastra

Adastra’s camera!