by Philip Curtis
ePluribus Media
Free Republic is the premier online gathering place for independent, grass-roots conservatism on the web. We’re working to roll back decades of governmental largesse, to root out political fraud and corruption, and to champion causes which further conservatism in America. And we always have fun doing it. Hoo-yah!
“Freepers,” members of the conservative Free Republic forum, are extremely well-positioned to become a powerful force organizing against the evolving peace movement. They respond to news events quickly and organize orchestrated and carefully controlled actions that ensure that their agreed-upon messages receive widespread media coverage. In other words, Freepers are well versed in the art of making news happen. The strategy was well documented and out in the open as organization members plotted counter-protests to Cindy Sheehan’s vigil outside of President Bush’s ranch
On Thursday, August 11, members of Free Republic’s Heart of Texas chapter began formulating plans for a Saturday support-the-troops rally — only two days away in Crawford. Four threads containing more than 2500 member comments offered insights into key issues involved in staging this event to counter Cindy Sheehan’s ongoing roadside vigil. The threads document member deliberations to define and characterize the event, internal management of dissent, firmly established perceptions of media bias and efforts to publicize the “freep.” The forum comments also allow for an in-depth examination of the nuances of a myriad of issues discussed by Freepers that discredit Sheehan and her supporters.
Planning the Freep
Rallying the Troops
Early on August 11, Free Republic member basil initiated a thread to develop member interest in a proposed Freeper-organized August 13 rally in Crawford. Waco’s KWTX 1230 News Radio had just announced the cancellation of a rally it had planned to sponsor that day. Freepers, outraged by the action of the Fox News affiliate, used the cancellation as a rallying cry to gather momentum for their own event. Organizer basil reported:
Just a few minutes ago, I spoke with a person at radio station KWTX AM. The person told me that their rally to support the troops has indeed been cancelled!
According to the person I spoke with, the management of the station cratered [sic] to people who were saying that they were attacking a “grieving mother.”
Here’s the phone number to the station: 254-776-3900. Ask for the station manager. We need lots of calls to that station. And now — more than ever, we need people in Crawford on Saturday.
…Now I’m really mad! All of you with lukewarm thoughts about this before — realize that the DUmmies[Democratic Underground] are responsible for this, and head over to Crawford on Saturday!
Freepers expressed their extreme displeasure with the conservative Clear Channel Communications-owned radio station. La Enchaladita stated:
Not only are KWTX cowards but they are liars. They’re not backing out on “attacking a grieving mother,” they’re backing out on supporting our troops.
Disagreement Among the Troops
Not all Freepers were convinced that staging a rally in Crawford would be the most appropriate response to counter the favorable media coverage being received by Sheehan. Many members believed that the proposed rally could have the undesirable effect of intensifying the media spotlight and that ignoring her might actually be the more prudent option.
Why head over to Crawford? To turn this little peaceful hippy sit-in into a full blown media circus?
She’s dippy and being used by the likes of Soros and the islamic [sic] “peace” front, but she sitting [sic] in a ditch and bothering nobody.
Leave her be. dead
Leave her be, and the story becomes an occassional [sic] mention on Olberman [sic].
Show up, and it becomes “War-loving bullies show up and call the mother of a dead soldier traitor,” and believe me, we will be hearing about this FOREVER. Darkwolf377
I have mixed feelings about this one too. How long will she remain a story if we leave her alone? To give the appearance of attacking her will keep her a story for a few more days. I think the media has just about milked her story for all it’s worth. I hate to see her have the last word, but it may be best to let her fade away and not give the media a “mean conservatives” story. WVNan
Members also voiced concern over the possible impact of a perceived liberal media bias on reports of their planned activity:
A grieving mother is always set up to “win” the PR battle — especially with a sentimentally-driven MSM. …Pitying her and ignoring her is probably the best tactic, unless the critic has lost a child her/himself in Iraq. podkane
Supporting the proposed rally, Pamlet stated her impression that there were insufficient counter-demonstrations during the Vietnam War:
BUT — you know I started thinking about it.. it was this sort of crap that in part caused so much of the distaste for our troops during VietNam… and I don’t think there was much counter-protesting… we let the “hippy dippies” have their way..
I want our troops (and our President) to know that THEY ARE SUPPORTED! Even while the likes of Ms. Sheehan is [sic] trying to imply differently.
Arriving at a Consensus
BillF summarized his views on how Freepers should approach the event:
I agree with TXBubba that the rally should proceed, but with NO MENTION of Cindy Sheehan, or at least as little mention of her as possible. The FReeper organizers should make it clear that the rally should be pro-troops, pro-liberation of Iraq & Afghanistan, and, incidentally, pro-Bush.
It should be pro-Bush only in that President Bush is commander-in-chief such that supporting the troops means supporting their commander as the commander, but there should be no signs about supporting Bush’s Supreme Court nominee, Bolton at the UN, or other issues not directly relevant to his role as commander of our military.
Several members expressed hope that the rally’s omission of references to Sheehan would have the added benefit of greatly distressing her and her supporters:
Go wave the flag but do not mention Cindy’s will drive her to the brink. Trust me. Earthdweller
The more I think about it if we have a rally that doesn’t even mention Cindy that would gig the left even more! TxBubba
Controlling Dissent
The consequences of non-compliance with the group’s rules for the event were forcefully stated. Member lormand indicated his intentions if he were to join the Saturday mobilization:
Personally, if I make it out there, it will be to counter this Sheehan lady.
Event organizer basil quickly responded by threatening to involve law enforcement officials if the agreed-upon guidelines were not strictly obeyed:
Great — you do YOUR thing. It’s certainly a free country. However, you are NOT welcome to join our freep. We will have no signs, no references to anything other than the fact that we support our troops and our president, and their mission.
Anyone not abiding by the rules of this freep as stipulated here, will be asked to leave — by police escort, if necessary.
However, SerpentDove‘s suggestion to infiltrate Sheehan’s followers received little response from the event organizers:
No, I don’t mean saying something against her…I mean infilterating [sic] the lefty crowd and becoming “one” with them … handing out her own words in the guise of “helping her get the word out.”
It would be a blast. Oh well, just an idea.
Comments inconsistent with the views of most members were expediently eliminated from the forum thread. Within four minutes of one such post, user Matchett-PI responded to both the offending user and Admin Moderator with the message “Take a hike, troll.” His (or her?) post was illustrated with two large graphics calling attention to the perceived infraction. One image headlined “Aw Jeez, not this sh** again!” depicted a head-and-shoulders view of a man dressed in 1950s-era sport coat and tie and looking painfully distressed as he cradled his head in one hand. A second animated image featured the unflattering rear view of a man, “LIB TROLL” emblazoned on his back, standing on one foot and flapping his arms while clad only in a pink tutu and red bathing cap. An exploding bomb obliterated the dancing man.
The text of the original comment was deleted and replaced with, “Comment #1,008 Removed by Moderator.” The user who submitted the comment is no longer to be found in the member database.
Final Rally Announcement
The final invitation to the rally enumerated guidelines to ensure that all participants remained on-message and that none exhibited inappropriate behavior that would reflect negatively on the Freeper membership:
The Heart of Texas Chapter of Free Republic invites all patriots who support President Bush, our troops and their mission fighting the war on terrorists in Iraq, Afghanistan and elsewhere, to join us in Crawford, Texas this Saturday at noon for a patriotic, flag waving rally.
All who attend are encouraged to bring American, Texas and service flags, large and small, as well as signs bearing messages of support for our troops, their commander-in-chief and their mission in Iraq, Afghanistan and elsewhere.
The radio stations that were planning to hold a rally on Saturday have canceled due to outside pressure. Therefore there will be no free food or soda available like they were going to provide. So please bring your own snacks and plenty of water or other non-alcoholic beverages.
Please note: This rally is NOT about Cindy Sheehan. Do not bring any signs that mention her at all.
Being that Crawford is a bit hot these days, we encourage everyone attending to be on their best behavior and not do or say anything to embarrass our troops and their families. That means no cussin’ and no fightin’. Seriously. If you don’t think you can behave yourself, do everyone (including the Crawford police) a favor and stay home.
Waging the Publicity War
jennyjenny expressed her strong feelings that the Freepers’ planned rally should not be held with the intent of obtaining any public relations value:
Unlike what the left and Sheehan are doing, this rally to support the troops is not about PR value. It is about showing support for the troops.
Conversely, Narby perceived the rally as a key action in a war being waged by the left in alliance with terrorists where the media is the weapon of choice:
This is asymetric [sic] warfare at it’s [sic] most extreem [sic]. We fight using our military. And the terrorists fight using our media and irrational lefties. We lost a similar asymetric [sic] war in Vietnam. It’s as important for us to oppose this publicly as it is important for our military to risk their lives.
The term “support the troops” isn’t just some feel good thing. If we fail to do it, very publicly, then we will loose [sic] this war. It’s that simple.
Today we have at least one name, Soros. I don’t doubt for a minute that he’s the money launderer [sic] for international entities that are fighting us in the same manner as Vietnam.
This lady is a useful idiot for our real enemies. Where is her support comming [sic] from for this protest, and the support for the people and publicists around her?
Freeping this lady is as important as sending soldiers to Fallujah. If we don’t overwelm [sic] these folks, then we lose, and those who’ve died will have done so for nothing.
The majority of comments on this issue were strongly in favor of media attention. Some Freepers even directed their prayers toward obtaining widespread media coverage.
Prayers up for a SUCCESSFUL and highly PUBLICIZED freep!! DrDeb
Heavenly Father, we return to thank You for the deep love of God and country You have given to our Freeper family … may this love be manifested today in Crawford for all the world to see. Hinder every attempt to shield the public from seeing or hearing about patriotic support of our troops and their mission. pegita
Confronting a “Biased” Media
Many members of Free Republic expressed their anger and frustration over a perceived liberal bias in the media:
I know it is frustrating to see the MSM coverage on her. But we all know that is what they do. Diva Betsy Ross
You know as well as I that the legacy media will avoid pictures of us like the plague. M Kehoe
Bias, thy name is AP. M Kehoe
The lies of the left are pure evil, and the slant of the leftist media against him [President Bush] so blatant that it makes me sick. ohioWfan
The next BIG QUESTION is – will the MSM have the intellectual honesty to report on the rally supporting the troops, our country and our president? Time will tell… tgslTakoma
The Phantom FReeper expressed distress over the distorted viewpoints of those who do not have the benefit of Free Republic as a news source:
My only fear is how much Americans who don’t know about FR and get their news from the MSM are actually believing her routine. Everyone here knows that she’s just a dime-a-dozen America-hating leftist. But, and I hate to sound too condescending here, I don’t know how much people who don’t have the benefit of resources like FR will learn the true story and be able to see through her charade.
Allosaurs_r_us strongly encouraged Freepers to be courageous and stand up against the perceived media bias:
We have to stop this practice of being “afraid” of the spin the media is gonna put on it. That is exactly what they are counting on. If we do not stand up and tell them we are sick and tired of their left wing bias they will never see the light. I see this as one of the biggest problems with he [sic] conservative movement in the country today. We are afraid to get into the gutter with our enemies. You must be willing to get just as nasty as your opponent. It is how wars are won, and nowadays, elections. We are only kidding ourselves if we believe otherwise.
afraidfortherepublic prayed for success in the efforts: “Let’s pray that the MSM will finally wake up.”
The Official Press Release
As 2nd amendment Mama stated, “The following press release was sent out to the TV stations in Austin, Houston, Dallas and Waco:”
WHERE: Intersection of East 4th and Chisholm Trail, Crawford, TX(Austin) The Heart of Texas Chapter of, an independent grassroots organization, will be holding a demonstration in Crawford, Texas this Saturday, August 13, at noon to show support for America’s men and women serving in the Armed Forces, their mission fighting the war on terrorism and their commander-in-chief, President Bush.
The rally is being held to make up for the one that was cancelled by local radio stations due to outside pressure.
The Heart of Texas Chapter of is comprised of [sic] patriotic Americans, many of whom are veterans or have family members that are serving, or have served in the military.
All who support President Bush, our troops and their mission fighting terrorism in Iraq, Afghanistan and elsewhere are invited to attend.
Supporters are being asked to bring American flags and signs bearing messages of support for our troops, their mission and President Bush.
Following Up With the Media
Freepers sought to confirm that all necessary steps had been completed to ensure adequate coverage for their support-for-the-troops freep. MaineVoter 2002 asked, “Have any local Talk Radio stations been informed?”
kristinn responded, “Yes. Press releases went out to many of them.”
concerned about politics informed fellow members:
I e-mailed news programs to ask them what’s with all the new pro-American stuff going on in Crawford. What’s with all the pro-American flags, and the [sic] all the people moving in. I asked them to report on it so we know the president is alright [sic].
agincourt1415 counseled, “Make sure you guys contact the local FOX NEWS Affiliate for coverage.”
Jeff Head sought to ensure widespread media coverage of a report on Sheehan’s public relations team:
You ought to post that as a seperate [sic] thread. Document it well and it may get some play…all the way to Fox news, Hannity, O’Reilly, Drudge…who knows where?
Throughout the afternoon of the event, members provided each other with frequent updates on television, radio and online news coverage of the rally. Updates included johnny7‘s exclamation:
A FreeRepublic sign got on FOXNews around 2:30PM on the east coast! Hoo-rah…. !!!
Support From Security Forces
In marked contrast to concerns expressed regarding the allegiances of the media, Freepers expressed their strong confidence in obtaining law enforcement and military support at the upcoming rally. Members reported they had been exempted from undergoing police searches:
…the last FReep I was at, the leftist demonstrators had to be searched by police before entering their demonstration site. We just walked right up to our area and started setting up. The Phantom FReeper
As it turned out, only the Anti’s [sic] ended up being frisked for weapons. 🙂 We are the good guys, and the police know it. El Gato
Humidston also claimed they had the support of the Secret Service:
A [sic] SS agent came out, walked to the very tip of the curb, facing us, with his back to the rich folks rolling in…. When he positioned himself so that no one but us could see his face, he broke out in a HUGE GRIN!!
The confidence in law enforcement was verified on the day of the rally. james_f_hall reported:
The Secret Service paid us a visit, a few of us had a good chat with the fellow. I know he probably isn’t allowed to play favorites but he seemed to treat us favorably.
daybreakcoming also related the privileged treatment he (she?) experienced at the Saturday rally:
When we went out Prairie Chapel Road — my girls were so excited — kept talking about breathing President Bush’s air. lol We came to a place where there were cars on either side and a bit of bottleneck. They had blocked off the road going further but when the very very nice LE asked me which side I was on and I told him — he directed us onto a man’s property who had given permission for the “good guys” to park there. Lovely. Wish I could thank him. But then we would have had to walk a good ways but two Marines driving by gave us a lift right up to the “triangle.”
In contrast, Huber related an incident where Sheehan supporters were unable to obtain assistance from local law enforcement officers:
TaxRelief reports that Medea Benjamin, the terrorist supporter from Code Pink (who funneled $600k to the Falleujah [sic] terrorists) tried to have the police intimidate the FReepers. Sadly, Benjamin was unsuccessful.
Discrediting Cindy Sheehan
Getting the Word Out
On Friday afternoon, with plans well underway for the Saturday rally, kristinn began a new thread at Free Republic: “FOUND! PHOTOS OF CINDY SHEEHAN MEETING PRESIDENT BUSH.” The thread focused on evidence that two photos of Sheehan’s June 2004 meeting with President Bush had been removed at an unidentified time from an online tribute to Casey Sheehan entitled “Casey’s Peace Page.”
Freepers were quite anxious to rapidly get the story of the missing photos out to the media. In the second comment in the thread, TheBigB exclaimed, “Sweeeet! Can we get this to Drudge?”
Several members quickly offered their suggestions for news sources that might provide favorable coverage of the discovery:
Forget Drudge….the pics need to be forwarded to “The Belly of the Beast”, and then onto FOX, and maybe then onto Drudge as an afterthought. Let the media sweat their coverage a bit, and make some tough decisions. ErnBatavia
Just sent the thread to Sean Hannity’s radio producer. mware
Please forward the photos to Opinion Journal (The Wall Stree [sic] Journal): this will get it disseminated. (“If you have a tip, write us at, and please include the URL.)” ExitPurgamentum
Freeper Concerns with Sheehan
Free Republic members expressed strong concerns over Sheehan’s character and motivations and the impact of her Crawford vigil on troops fighting in America’s “War on Terror.”
A Questionable Grief
Several Freepers were extremely skeptical of the sincerity of Sheehan’s grief for her son. Bahbah questioned the duration of Sheehan’s period of mourning: “…we don’t expect the bereaved to make a career out of it.”
Tax-chick implied that Sheehan’s grief was being used to support hatred, saying, “My impression is that the hate was there first, and the grief is just an add-on.”
del4hope was convinced that Sheehan’s expression of her grief was merely an act: “Saw her crying ad the other day. I saw through the fake tears. Bad acting.”
Zacs Mom found Casey Sheehan’s mother’s grief to be reminiscent of the false grief of a woman convicted of double infanticide:
I swear, every time I see an image of that woman with her crocodile tears I can’t help but think of Susan Smith, the South Carolina woman who killed her two boys by driving her auto into a lake while the children slept in their car seats ~
To me, sheehan’s on camera water works are every bit as deceitful as Susan Smith’s were when she “pleaded” for the “person who carjacked her car” to please return her sons to her!!
longtermmemory had his own unique interpretation of Sheehan’s display of grief: “No sympathy for her or her “loss,” she is pissing on her son’s grave and telling us it is her tears.”
Dishonoring the Troops
RushCrush perceived Sheehan as being opposed to the military:
Isn’t it amazing that we have gotten to this point in our society, that we are no [sic] holding “Pro-Troops” rallys [sic] vs the “Anti-Troops” Sheehan crowd? Simply amazing what it’s come to.
Many Freepers expressed a strong belief that Sheehan dishonored both soldiers and the members of their families:
What a dishonor and shame she brings on her loyal American son’s sacrifice and last full measure of devotion…and by extension on EVERYONE who has ever died for this nation and those who are dieing [sic] now. Jeff Head
She mocks the mothers that have lost a soldier. DJ MacWoW
I guess the moonbats only love dead soldiers, and only love the families of soldiers that show hatred for that way of life. The Phantom FReeper
Aiding and Abetting the Enemy
In addition to dishonoring America’s military, Sheehan was also viewed as a supporter of the enemy:
Cindy is actually helping those who killed her son kill more American men. What a pathetic mother. No wonder her son went to Iraq to get away from her. concerned about politics
Sheehan and the rest of the HATE AMERICA crowd are doing the work of the TERRORISTS!! here in America, on OUR OWN SOIL! GRRRRR
… most Americans will view it as a [sic] absolute desecration for a mother’s grief to be played, and used, to walk on a brave American’s grave and then give aide and comfort to the very enemies who killed him. Jeff Head
This woman actually supports giving aid to the insurgents who are killing brave soldiers like her son. OKIEDOC
Not to mention that she is now “in bed” with the iraqi insurgents. del4hope
Killing American Soldiers
Echoing concerns once voiced about leaders of the Vietnam peace movement, Freepers believed Sheehan’s action would directly result in the death of more American troops:
Saddam Cindy doesn’t give one shiite [sic] about the soldiers in Iraq. In fact, it appears that her goal may be to get more soldiers killed, so more mothers will feel the same pain. Wild Irish Rogue
She’s helping to kill our soldiers. She doesn’t give a damn about the war dead, let alone her son. She’s using his dead body as a political prop!! concerned about politics
She’ll get even more American men killed!
Now she’s really pissed me off. Hanoi Cindy is no better than the terrorists. concerned about politicsBut she is an anti-American leftist first and foremost, and what she is doing will bring harm to our troops, and for that she deserves condemnation. ohioWfan
Now her own actions will be getting even more American sons killed. Jeff Head
Some Freepers saw Sheehan’s activities as a treasonous act deserving of punishment:
What this woman has on display is not grief. It’s stark raving sedition. John Valentine
I have wondered what is stopping officials from indicting all these traitors (Sheehan, Moore, Kerry, Fonda and CLINTON) with treason. It is a scary thought to think why not. It has nothing to do with their freedoms, as they all hinder ours. del4hope
Mentally Imbalanced
Many Free Republic members viewed Ms. Sheehan’s actions and statements as evidence of underlying mental problems:
[sic] judge her too harshly — she is unhinged. HitmanNY
Sheehan is a sick woman who has major psychological problems. OKIEDOC
She’s nuttier than a fruitcake but far more dangerous. Rightfootforward
She is manic-depressive and psychotic. She needs meds. RushCrush
No, it didn’t become hate, it became psychosis. IMO, the President probably would have talked to here [sic], but the secret service made the wise decision not to let her near him! World’sGoneInsane
Stalking the Commander in Chief
Sheehan is also perceived by some Freepers as obsessively stalking President Bush:
In her hatred, she has an almost maniacal obsession with the President. It makes her mental and emotional health quite questionable. The Phantom FReeper
I think we can add “stalker” as well, especially if she does follow him back to Washington. jennyjenny
She talks about the President in the same way that serial killers think about their “prey.” The Phantom FReeper
A Danger to the President
Several Freepers strongly suggested that Sheehan posed a serious physical threat to President Bush:
I have even said that the SS people need to be on their guard because there is no telling what she will do and those surrounding her. They hate this country and President Bush. MamaB
I agree. I saw that woman frothing at the mouth about what she planned to tell the President, and my blood ran cold. I don’t want her anywhere near my President. I think she’s dangerous. afraidfortherepublic
Wow. She needs to be kept away from the president. She’s violent. concernedaboutpolitics
I’d say that she might seek to do him harm.
…I agree with those who say she’s dangerous ohioWfanIF she met with him, she would not agree to any type of search of her person. DAAAANNNNNGGGEEERRROOOUS. del4hope
Guilt by Association: Organizations
Some Freepers indicated that Sheehan had taken an active role in affiliating herself with unsavory organizations:
She has associated herself with anti-semites and communists. Pajamajan
…she cavorted with groups who support the terrorists that killed her son. The Phantom FRreeper
Others suggested that the organizations sought out Sheehan and are using her:
Much like any other predatory animal, the womyn [sic] of Code Pink, Leftists of MFSO and their misleadingly named offshoot Gold Star Families for Peace, and various other America-hating groups saw in Cindy Sheehan an “easy mark.” She was already a liberal koolaid drinker, and it probably didn’t take too much “love bomb” effort to turn a grieving liberal mother into their poster child. tgslTakoma
Jeff Head suggested that Sheehan and the organizations may be using each other:
She is using her position, and the far left is using her position, as a greiving [sic] mother, to cram a message of hatred and lies and misinformation down American’s throat.
If people find out she is attached to MoveOn, Michael Moore, Code Pink, etc…and that she is openly stating that our nation is not worth dieing [sic] for and thus sullying her own brave son’s sacrificew [sic] … they will see through the sham.
OldFriend implied a relationship between Sheehan and elected representatives and others who have been critical of the current administration’s policies: “Sheehan is a willing surrogate for Conyers, Waters, Moore, Wilson and assorted other America haters.”
yoe proposed a new affiliation for Sheehan to pursue: “Maybe Cindy can go to work for Ms. Heinz Kerry Heinz and the Tides Foundation……”
Several Freepers found the support from the award-winning documentary filmmaker Michael Moore to be especially troublesome:
She has gotten herself involved with the likes of Michael Moore. I shouldn’t need to say any more. Allosaurs_r_us
Yes, she’s been Michael Moore’d. He’s not one to miss an opportunity with somebody who has her puppet potential. McLynnan)
What’s even more hilarious is that bitch hangs with MM, whos [sic] “minutemen” killed her son. roses of sharon
Michael Moore’s’ [sic] people have a way of using good people and turning them into anti-Americans. Cindy has become an embarrassment to most women, especially the Military wife now and past. She has become the enemy her son went to fight. yoe
Code Pink co-founder and Sheehan supporter Medea Benjamin is frequently referenced in the threads. shezza viewed Benjamin’s involvement in coordinating the delivery of humanitarian aid to Fallujah refugees as evidence of Code Pink’s support of the enemy:
One of her main promoter/benefactors is Code Pink, who gave $600,000 to help the insurgents in Iraq. It wouldn’t be too much of a stretch to speculate of [sic] some of that money could have been used to attack Casey and his fellow soldiers — and is most certainly responsible for some of the casualties our troops have suffered.
Statements made by Sheehan in a hometown newspaper account of her June 2004 meeting with the president have fueled accusations of inconsistency and dissembling. ohioWfan predicted the probable consequences of another meeting with the president: “… [S]he is a pathological liar, who would lie about any meeting he had with her.”
Bahbah‘s impressions from watching television coverage of the president’s motorcade convinced her that Sheehan was continuing an established pattern of lies:
This morning I heard the Professional Griever say that the President’s motocade [sic] had passed them yesterday going “really fast” (implying the President was somehow cowardly, I guess) and asking what was he afraid of since we are “peace people.” I just watched film of the motorcade passing Camp Cindy and they were not driving “really fast.” This woman cannot tell the truth about anything.
Seeking Financial Gain
concerned about politics suggested that Sheehan’s activities may be motivated by financial gain:
That picture of Cindy Bin Ladin says “Who profits?”
She does. She’s raking in allot [sic] of cash for her favorite left wing groups. She even has hired PR handlers. Her sons [sic] body is making her rich and famous, and she’s using it to the max.
freema questioned the propriety of Sheehan’s alleged use of her son’s life insurance payments: “… [S]omeone earlier asked if Casey’s (life insurance) was funding this and I think it should be reiterated….”
Many Freepers expressed the opinion that Sheehan was driven by her ego and her personal need for media attention:
Casey’s funeral was held at St. Mary’s Catholic Church on Hemlock Street here in Vacaville. It was a HUGE funeral. I think this is when Cindy discovered she loved the media attention. Red Chevy
Cindy Bin Ladin is looking for a book deal or a part in Moore’s next fiction movie. 15 minutes of fame can make people do hateful, deadly things. concerned about politics
How long do you think Cindy would stay if the press went home?
Have a feeling her cause would suddenly not seem so important to her. alturaAnd then everyone will know that, instead of loving her son by honoring his life and sacrifice, she only wishes to use her son to glorify herself and further her leftist ideals. The Phantom FReeper
All this nonsense she’s involved in now is just for her ego. IrishGOP
This Cindy person is trying to make this war all about HER. concerned about politics
WHY does Gen. Sheehan feel SHE’S so special? Other mothers & dad’s [sic] are hurting too…. Brad’s Gramma
She is having a great time out there. It is like a party for her. Diva Betsy Ross
A Questionable Catholic
Several Freepers sought to question Sheehan’s adherence to essential precepts of the Catholic faith:
Another misguided Catholic, I’m sad to say. afraidfortherepublic
Catholic(s)-in-name-only, that work for you? Rightfootforward
Sheehan is from the branch (if you can call it a branch) of Catholicism that includes the above list of ner-do-well’s [sic]. These are people who profess a belief system in order to appeal to their “spiritual brothers.” The new Pope should “throw the bums out.” reg45
Lack of Family Support
An email from Sheehan’s sister-in-law that had been published by Matt Drudge was referenced by El Gran Salseron:
Members of her family have NOT supported her at all. They wrote an email saying she is dead wrong and only using her son’s death for political purposes while they mourn with respect.
Discrediting Sheehan’s Supporters
The commie-vampires suck the lifes [sic] blood out of everything good, they shrink from the flag and the cross, and love death and victimhood. roses of sharon
Freepers portrayed Sheehan’s supporters as marginal individuals outside of mainstream society.
Economically Challenged
Free Republic members described those who have joined Sheehan at Camp Casey as either unemployed or underemployed and living in the basements of their parents’ homes:
As for the leftists that have joined her down there, I doubt they every [sic] have any sick days or vacation days to take off from work. They are likely “professional protestors,” meaning they are unemployed. The Phantom FRreeper
… and they type this stuff from their Mom’s [sic] basement! tiredoflaundry
I wish no DU’er harm…… I wish they would leave the basement & get a job! tiredoflaundry
Most were where they have always been — in a ditch on the side of the road of life. Mind-numbed Robot
freeperkiki questioned the personal-hygiene habits of Camp Casey residents:
“After passing the “Peace House,” I couldn’t help but notice how these folks had very nasty and foul appearances let alone the attitudes.”
freema suggested that Sheehan’s supporters may be deceiving their employers:
… these folks have been down there all week? Are they taking vacation or sick days?
DJ MacWoW pointed out his (or her) belief that Sheehan’s supporters lack courage:
They are a hoot. Wonder if that one posted from under their [sic] bed.
Recycled Vietnam-Era Protestors
TaxRelief offered this description of Sheehan supporters observed on Saturday:
As with many of the aging hippies in “the parade,” this woman refused to make eye contact.
Many held up their ridiculous, Vietnam-era peace signs, which looked absolutely silly when formed by old, arthritic fingers.
Invented Supporters
pollyannaish postulated that Sheehan’s supporters may have been manufactured:
For a group that talks about the how important the voices of “real people are” liberals sure spend a lot of time hanging out with Communications experts. And the msm either falls for it, or worse, takes the easy road and just pretends that these are “real people.”
Supporter Profiles
PokeyJoe and Mississippi Man offered more complex profiles of Sheehan’s supporters:
DUers don’t have opinions. They read the progressive socialist DNC talking points, memorize them, and then repeat them to each other over and over again until they all believe it true. DUers are delusional paranoid socialist whack jobs without jobs, without brains, and without a future. PokeyJoe
What a sad lot. Whatever the left does, the hypocrisy always shines through. They’re all love and peace, yet anytime a few of them gather together, the result is a seething amalgam of fury, frustration, vulgarity, and hatred, fueled by willful ignorance.
They’re to be pitied and prayed for. It’s hard. I have a tough time with it myself, but it’s what we’re supposed to do and I need to work on it. MississippiMan
Follow-Up Actions
Freepers suggested a number of possible means of interrupting Sheehan’s protest. ArmyBratproud proposed examining legal avenues for evicting the residents of Camp Casey:
Major issue there. That land is either right of way…or that man’s private property. Either way…..there is an issue of law violation by the hippies.
Jackson57 recommended litigation in response to Sheehan’s use of the names of deceased soldiers in the roadside memorial:
Hey, we’re trying to mount another form of protest as well. We’re wanting to stop them from using the names of our military who have died in Iraq for their protests. We need someone to take pictures of the crosses in Crawford so we can identify whose names are being used there. My cousin was killed in Iraq on Jan 4 and I’m sure his parents would be very upset if the [sic] knew his name was being used in that way. We’ve had a very kind offer by another FR member to assist in this, legally. However, we need the names. If anyone is going to be in Crawford and could get shoots [sic] with the names, we’ll attempt to contact as many of the families represented to determine their feelings about having their loved one’s name used to protest the very thing they gave their lives for. If we’re successful, we can frustrate their efforts everytime [sic] they try to use the names. Cindy Sheehan complains about President Bush using the name of her son, yet she uses the names of other soldiers for her twisted agenda. It has to be stopped!!! Thanks in advance.
BushisTheMan suggested employing tactics used by the military against America’s enemies:
I think Mr. Mattlage out [sic]to rent some loud speakers and play children’s tunes all night — blaring out to the crowds so they get no sleep and are too exhausted to protest during the day.
Echoing the president’s statements regarding the terrorists’ hatred of things enjoyed by “freedom-loving people,” Isara proposed establishing a rival encampment:
Does anybody know whose property Camp Cindy is in?
Whose property is across the street from them?
Should FReepers with RV’s [sic] and plenty of free time set up a camp across the street in style with all kinds of stuff we, Americans, enjoy, but they hate, such as, outdoor BBQ? With plenty of US flags and children, of course. Let’s call it “Camp Freedom.”
“You Don’t Speak for me, Cindy!” Caravan
Freepers appear to have departed from their initial “don’t mention Cindy” stance as they have strongly encouraged fellow members to lend their support and join Move America Forward’s caravan as it journeys from San Francisco to Crawford. The six-day itinerary is organized around frequent media appearances scheduled along the route. Freeper basil indicated that he obtained the permit for Move America Forward’s final stop at an August 27 Crawford rally.
A television ad soliciting caravan participants summarizes the group’s objectives. Marine mother Deborah Johns claims to know the views of a large population as she asserts, “Cindy Sheehan certainly doesn’t speak for me or military families or our men and women serving in Iraq and Afghanistan.”
Conservative radio host and Move America Forward co-chairman Melanie Morgan states, “Let’s show the terrorists we won’t let people like Cindy Sheehan undermine our nation’s resolve to win the war on terror.”
Keeping up the Fight
As of August 23, three of the eight subject headings on the Free Republic forum home page relate to Cindy Sheehan. Free Republic members appear to view Sheehan’s protest as an extremely significant issue that requires their ongoing monitoring. Their participation in the Move America Forward caravan demonstrates their active commitment to providing a highly visible counterpoint to those who question the president’s Iraqi war policy. August 27 will likely offer a striking “made for TV” clash of ideas in the president’s hometown. Free Republic members’ strong commitment to countering Sheehan’s protest suggests that they will seek to play a lead role in opposing a growing antiwar movement.
Please let us know if any contributors have been left off the list.
Cross posted at ePluribus Media’s Community site at ePluribus Media Community; come join us.
Ah, life in the village. Must enforce groupthink at all costs. Think only Freeper thoughts! Think only Freeper thoughts!
That they do see the irony! Wow. Well, now I need a shower.
Dem bones, dem bones, dem dry bones…
This is a very comprehensive post. It is also sickening. These FReepers want to subject all human experience, feeling and reasoning to an extremist and violent political stance!
Ayn Rand would be turning over in her grave!
It’s interesting that those most in support of violent “solutions” assume that their opponents all naturally have a similar response. Cindy Sheehan’s support for peaceful alternatives is evidently either seen as delusion or posturing. (Along the same lines as President Bush describing the US as a “peace-loving people”, I suppose.)
Yes, they truly can’t seem to fathom someone actually not wanting to hurt others. They think it is an act, since for them it would be.
That’s exactly right. No one is more afraid of violence than the violent.
what is amazing to me is that they see the MSM as liberal at all. Reading this quite frankly scares me folks. They seem to be making this into a war right here in America. I have to pity these poor lost souls that have bought into the talking points kool aid drinking BS the administration is feeding them. Isn’t it supporting the troops by keeping them out of harm’s way?
I saw the anger and the hate and the “Bitch in the Ditch” signs. They were shouting things like “It’s all about the election. Get over it hippies”. We were instructed in a morning meeting to not engage or talk back or shout anything. To please just stand there peacefully with your signs. It is amazing the two different perspectives of what it is really like.
Speaking of the liberal press…I just have CNN on and muted, It has been Katrina 24/7 but all of a sudden they showed the nut in our WH in SD with the Navy in the background. So this is our liberal press…HUH????? just can’t figure it out, here on my own…could I have some help with this…<<<snark, of course>>>
I just want to say one thing here..I find this group of ppl disturbed, overwhelmingly, disturbed. Where do they find a group of ppl like this? What snake hole did they crawl out of???
It’s interesting how inextricably linked supporting the war and supporting the troops are in the minds of Freepers. It’s outside the pale of possibility — or so they think — that the president, even if you assume he is honest (snicker), made a mistake in starting the war.
I wonder if they really do believe Bush is the vicegerent of God on earth. Everyone else is, at a minimum, fallible.
I’d rather eat a bowl of broken glass then sort through that stuff again. Thanks Epluribus Writers for doing the dirty work!
I’ve seen these types justify torture chambers, dog leashes on humans, the detainee abuse… they would have been the ones defending Hitler.
And more and more they are showing themselves to the public for what they are.
Bush NOT meeting with Cindy changed many minds
Seeing the hate toward MFSO, IVFP GSF has also changed hearts and minds.
mental health care?
AH HA HA HA HA! Luke, I am your mother.