Black is white. Peace is evil. Those who steal from you are just. If you steal from them you are evil. Up is down. Torture is freedom. To save you must kill.
… you are with us or against us
It is crystal clear that this is George Bush’s America.
The president, standing against a backdrop of the imposing USS Ronald Reagan, the newest aircraft carrier in the Navy’s fleet, said terrorists would be denied their goal of making Iraq a base from which to recruit followers, train them and finance new attacks.
“We will defeat the terrorists,” Bush said. “We will build a free Iraq that will fight terrorists instead of giving them aid and sanctuary.”
Appearing at the Naval Air Station North Island to commemorate the anniversary of the Allies’ World War II victory over Japan, Bush compared his resolve now to President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s in the 1940s and said America’s mission in Iraq is to turn it into a democratic ally just as the U.S. did with Japan after its 1945 surrender.
Holy Merciful Buddha. Propaganda at its finest people. Wow. I am truly in awe. And about to lose control of my stomach…
One by one… into 1984 we go…
- Exhibit A
~ Well, at least he’s finally admitted it eh. Protection of the oil fields from the “terrorists”. Ummm… sure…. and Columbus “discovered” America… but, hey, thanks for finally proving us “anti-war types” right… appreciate it.
- Exhibit B
~ “standing against a backdrop…” of a mighty toy, the president sought to invoke the images of Might Makes Right & frankly some other reich… to continue his insane policies of destruction and death… nice one Karl… ya still got the touch… should play well… film at 11…
- Exhibit C
~ “We will defeat the terrorists,” Bush said. “We will build a free Iraq that will fight terrorists instead of giving them aid and sanctuary.”
Ah, the oldest trick in the perpetual warfare book… create a problem and then exploit that problem for your own gain… of COURSE we need to stay in Iraq… them darn terrarists are hidin’ out there and we can’t let them win, can we… classic Bush…
But this time he takes it up a notch… he invokes Saddam and 9/11 again. Saddam was NOT harbouring or giving comfort to terrorists like bin Laden (see further in the article). Iraq was a NO GO ZONE for Al Qaeda. For fucks sake, we’ve been over this already.
There you go. Propaganda seeping in again. Keeping that link/ fear front and center. ‘We were in Iraq to PROTECT America from Saddam bin Laden dontcha know’…
- Exhibit D
~ Invoking Roosevelt and WWII to justify his imperalistic adventure that has more parallels to other regimes bent on conquest ~ Rome, The British Empire, the Soviets, etc. than to the Allies fighting the Axis, jeebus freakin’ buddha… Have you no SHAME sir. Have you no shame. Really. No Shame. Screw you.
Whew. That took a lot out of me. But hey, enough of my rant, let’s hear what Howard Dean had to say…
Nicely put. Thank Isis for Howard Dean.
Unfortunately, now back to your regularly scheduled programming…
“If Zarqawi and bin Laden gain control of Iraq, they would create a new training ground for future terrorist attacks,” Bush said. “They’d seize oil fields to fund their ambitions. They could recruit more terrorists by claiming a historic victory over the United States and our coalition.” {told ya bin Laden came into the mix…}
Hoping to invoke the powerful feelings of national pride in World War II, Bush said the mission in Iraq must succeed in order to honor the sacrifice of that conflict’s soldiers.
“We will never let the new enemies of a new century destroy with cowardice what these Americans built with courage,”
- Exhibit E
~ what the hell does victory in Iraq or against Al Qaeda have to do with securing America’s freedom??? Isn’t your freedom already secured by those nice lil’ documents you call the Constitution and Declaration of Independence? What’s W. trying to imply here do you think?
- Exhibit F
~ Ummm… see above in regard to Saddam and bin Laden not being buds or anything… so if they weren’t there before Saddam was caught in a rabbit hole and now they are there (and that’s even admitting that Zarqawi & bin Laden are chatting on the phone)… who’s fault is that really? Enough of this beligerent denial young man. This mess is your fault. And you just keep making it worse for the men and women in uniform and just trying to be an Iraqi citizen by spouting this total bullshit.
- Exhibit G
~ Here we go… never ending circle… must honour dead soldiers by killing more soldiers… It’s all just ego and a pissing contest between Bush and the planet… I’m not leaving until I say so… you can’t make me… nanananananananana…. And PEOPLE ARE DYING.
…and finally, the coup d’grace…
- Exhibit H
~ “new enemies of a new century”
Brilliant. The new Hundred Year War. The War that Never Ends. Who do you think wrote that gem of a slick catch phrase?
Orwell lives.
Boy are we in trouble.
Keep it up people. They’re coming on strong. Don’t give an inch. And don’t let these talking points sink in… seriously… we can’t.
{quite nicely written piece was the source for this by AP ~ might want to give Jennifer Loven a shout out for reporting the facts and adding in sorely needed context as well ~ read the article!}
I still can’t believe my eyes.
If it weren’t so evil I’d be impressed.
Well, New Orleans is sinking, the president is golfing and people are still dying… seems about right for this upside down reality we are living in.
Ah well, at least not everyone is buying it anymore… gives one hope.
the sad thing is, if you listed all the fuck ups this group has made, you would have to use the alphabet at least…..mmmmmm, maybe 200 times ; )
and the worst part is, there not fuck up policies, they have a plan, and we’re not in it…..
great diary, thanks spidey ; )
bingo ~ “we’re not in it”
yup. and unfortunately too many American’s don’t see it… the beauty of propaganda of course.
I saw that today too – that Bin Laden would then be in control of the oil and he’d gouge us… OMFG!!
Also, don’t forget
Non-violent Peace activist = Terra-ists that should be spied on.