If you are like me you’ve already given money to the Red Cross, or donated blood.  You expressed your sorrow and outrage, your anguish and grief, your anger and shock at what we have all witnessed.

But that isn’t enough, is it?  I feel no relief simply by sending in my money or ranting into the ether of the internet, and I bet you don’t either.  I’m done with shouting at the TV or standing there watching in horror at the lives that are slipping away before our very eyes.

What we need to do is take action.  We need to stand together in one place and shout until we are heard by everyone that the time for this criminally incompetent gang that has stolen our country needs to end.

September 24th is coming, friends.  

More after the break . . .

Saturday, September 24

Massive March, Rally & Festival

Washington, D.C.

10:00AM All-Day Peace & Justice Festival Begins, Washington Monument Grounds

11:30AM Rally at Ellipse

12:30PM March steps off

3:00PM “Operation Ceasefire” Concert & Rally featuring Cindy Sheehan

I remember the protest marches from the Civil Rights Movement.  I remember a day in 1963 when a Man spoke of his dream before a sea of humanity.  A sea of humanity that helped change the course of history in this Nation we all love.

We need to that same sort of moment, that same sea of American faces for Cindy Sheehan.  She is the spiritual leader of all of us who oppose this monstrosity of a President.  I intend to be there for her and for the people in Iraq, in New Orleans, in Mississippi and all throughout this country who have been abandoned, spit upon, cursed, demeaned, tortured and killed.  

I intend to be there because I am tired of being told that only Republican values matter anymore.

That people struggling to survive a catastrophe need to show personal and civic responsibility even as our Republican leadership fail (again) to live up to that very standard.  

That we need to torture people and detain them without any pretense of human dignity more than we need to live up to our own standards of justice and morality.  

That we need tax cuts for the wealthiest among us more than universal health insurance.

That we need protection for polluters more than for those who breathe dirty air.

That we need to limit bankruptcy protection for individuals while allowing major corporations to default on their pension obligations.

That we need to lie to go to war against a non-existent threat, rather than spend the money needed to protect our homeland against natural and/or man-made disasters.

I hope you will join me in Washington DC, or attend one of the other protests scheduled for September 24, 2005 across the country.

I pray that we can turn this into the date that future historians will say began the end to our Long National Nighmare.

On September 24th I know where I’ll be.  I hope to see you there, smiling, singing, praying and cheering for the rebirth of our Nation’s soul.

God Bless you all.